My Evil Genius Wife

I'm disappointed in you

I'm disappointed in you

Lin Ran's face flushed with anger as she thought about Xu Nuan's arrogant expression and shouted, "Sometimes, I wish she had died in that accident. Then none of this would have happened, and I wouldn't have to hear all this from-"    


However, before she could finish her sentence, a tight slap rendered her speechless, and she fell to the ground. Her disheveled hair covered her face, and her cheeks turned red from the sudden impact.    

Tears welled up in her eyes, and shock reflected in her gaze. She looked up at Gu Zhang, staring at him blankly. "You... Did you just hit me?"    

"Gu Zhang, I am your wife, damn it! How can you forget everything I've done for our family and hit me just to take her side? Huh?"    

She couldn't believe it. He had never raised his voice at her before, let alone slapped her in front of everyone.    

Even though theirs was an arranged marriage, he had always treated her with respect, and they had a harmonious relationship. While he managed the company, she took care of the household and made decisions for the family. He had never objected to her choices.    

But this time, she was dumbfounded. He not only scolded her for something so trivial, but he also hit her. He actually hit her.    

Just like Lin Ran, Xingren and Grandfather Gu were also taken aback. Grandfather Gu had witnessed his son standing by his wife's side, even when she made wrong decisions. However, this time, instead of being swayed by her, he stood against her and delivered a hard slap as punishment.    

An uncomfortable silence settled in the living room, with everyone's gaze fixed on Lin Ran, who remained slumped on the ground.    

Gu Zhang clenched his teeth, feeling remorse for hitting her earlier, but he couldn't tolerate her cursing their daughter and wishing for her death. "Lin Ran, that's enough! I've given you multiple chances to redeem yourself and change your stubborn character. Yet, you remain the same." He glared at her coldly, pointing at her with a threatening gaze.    

"What? What will you do if I don't change? Will you hit me again? Huh?" Lin Ran stood up, facing him head-on.    

She scoffed and shouted, "No matter what you do, I will never accept that girl as my daughter. She ruined my happy family and made me a laughingstock in front of the world. She has no respect for the mother who gave birth to her and treats me like a stranger."    

"Then why should I treat her like my daughter?"    

Gu Zhang sighed wearily, fed up with her stubborn behavior. "If that's the case, then there's nothing else for us to discuss. I will make the necessary preparations, and you can leave for the Lin Household tomorrow morning," he said indifferently.    

Upon hearing this, Lin Ran stood there in a daze for a few seconds, as if her soul had left her body. When she realized what he had just said, she couldn't believe her ears. "What? Are you telling me to go back to my parents?"    

"Gu Zhang, how dare you? Are you breaking our relationship for that witch?" she shouted in disbelief.    

Gu Zhang knew how much she despised her family and hadn't returned to her parents' house for decades. He was well aware of this, yet he asked her to go back to her parents.    

Her family was conservative and always favored sons over daughters. She was practically invisible in her own home. When she married Gu Zhang, it was solely due to a business-arranged marriage.    

However, at the Gu Family, she found freedom and desired to provide her children with the warmth and love of a true family. That's why when she gave birth to a daughter, she was determined to mold her into a perfect child, someone whom no one could look down upon.    

She came close to achieving her life goal by raising Xingren as an exceptional young woman, possessing both beauty and intelligence. However, at that time, Xu Nuan entered her life, shattering all her aspirations and efforts.    

Seeing Xu Nuan's low mentality and middle-class attitude, Lin Ran couldn't bear to introduce her as her one and only daughter to the world. Hence, she insisted on presenting her as the adopted daughter of the Gu Family, rather than acknowledging her as their blood-related, biological child.    

She had believed that everything would return to normal, and she could live a happy and peaceful life. However, because of Xu Nuan, all her life goals seemed to crumble one by one. Her once-happy family was nowhere to be seen.    

Not only was she despised by her own family, but now her husband wanted to send her back to the Lin Family as well.    


Gu Zhang disregarded Lin Ran's bewildered expression and spoke coldly, "I'm giving you some time to reflect on your actions and understand the wrong you've done. If you fail to grasp that, then we may have to reconsider our relationship."    

Xingren noticed the seriousness of the situation and attempted to intervene calmly. "Dad..."    

"Xingren, stay out of this. This is between your mother and me," Gu Zhang interrupted her, preventing her from interfering.    

"You... Are you really going to be like this? It was just a minor issue, and yet you want me to leave this household?" Lin Ran shouted after regaining her composure.    

"I'm not going anywhere. This is my home too. I won't leave. No one can send me away, never."    

"Enough!" This time, it was Grandfather Gu who spoke up. "Lin Ran, I've been listening to your nonsense silently because I didn't want to meddle in a marital dispute. However, you've crossed the line now."    

"Not only have you caused trouble for Xu Nuan, but you also wished-" He couldn't bring himself to utter the words Lin Ran had said. He held his head in distress and continued, "Gu Zhang is right. You should go back to your parents. You can only return here after you realize your mistakes and apologize to Xu Nuan."    

"Go and spend some time with your family. Perhaps you'll realize the value of a family. I don't want any further discussion on this matter. Everyone, retire to your rooms. Now!" The elderly man spoke coldly before turning away to return to his room.    

"Father! You want me to apologize to that... bitch?" Lin Ran was appalled by his words. How could she apologize to that shameless girl?    

"Are you now siding with your son? He just hit me and told me to go back to my parents. How is that my fault?" Lin Ran followed the old man, seeking an explanation.    

Grandfather Gu sighed and faced her, saying, "Lin Ran, what you said today was far worse than that. Consider yourself fortunate that it was Gu Zhang who hit you. Otherwise, I can't imagine what I would have done after hearing those words. You cursed my granddaughter to die in front of me. I won't tolerate anyone doing that."    

With those words, the old man left the living room and ascended the stairs to his room without looking back.    

"Ah! Gu Zhang, you can't do this. I won't go anywhere!" Seeing everyone leaving her alone, Lin Ran shouted loudly, slumping to the ground and adamantly refusing to leave.    

This time, Gu Zhang didn't react to her at all and also left the living room.    

Witnessing everyone's departure, Lin Ran approached Xingren, gripping her hand desperately. "Xingren, Xingren, listen to Mommy! You should talk to your father. He will listen to you."    

"Mom, I'm sorry. But this time, you went too far. I did those things in the past because Xu Nuan was a stranger who took my place, but to you... she's your daughter. How could you say that?" Xingren looked at Lin Ran with disappointment and added, "I'm disappointed in you."    

After saying this, she also retreated to her room, leaving Lin Ran alone in the living room to cry and curse her bad luck for all that had transpired.    

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