My Evil Genius Wife

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Two days later, Xu Nuan was finally discharged from the hospital. Though the doctors had given her the green light to leave earlier, Han Zihao insisted she stays one more day for observation to ensure everything was fine with both her and the baby.      

Xu Nuan had no choice but to endure another day in the hospital to ease his anxiety. She understood his concerns; his seriousness towards her health and now their daughter's well-being was evident in his every action.      

Knowing how deeply he cared, she didn't have the heart to say no, so she stayed in the hospital for yet another day.      

The extra day in the hospital may have been unnecessary in the eyes of the medical staff, but for Han Zihao, it was another assurance that his beloved wife and newborn daughter were in the best of health.      

His devotion to their well-being was a testament to his love and commitment, and Xu Nuan found comfort in knowing she had a partner who would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and happiness.     


Before leaving the hospital, Han Zihao made sure to bundle Xu Nuan and their newborn baby in warm layers of clothing to protect them from the cold. Though spring was approaching, the weather remained quite chilly, especially for a baby and a new mother who needed extra care.     

He fussed over them, adjusting their blankets and ensuring that they were comfortable, his actions filled with a tenderness that came from a place of deep love and concern. Every small detail mattered to him, every moment was precious, and he didn't want to take any risks with their well-being.     

After leaving the hospital, Han Zihao didn't head for their condominium in the bustling city center but instead drove towards a familiar route that made Xu Nuan's heart beat faster. The villa he had prepared, nestled on a hilltop surrounded by nature, was where they were heading.      

This place was the one he had promised to Xu Nuan, envisioning it as a perfect setting for their new family. What could be a more special place for a newborn baby than a greenery-surrounded villa, away from the noise and pollution of the city?     

Xu Nuan knew the place well, having been there with him before. It was the special spot he had chosen for them to live together and she couldn't wait to go there.      

The drive took them two and a half hours due to heavy traffic, and Han Zihao was considerate enough to take short breaks, allowing Xu Nuan to rest in between. The journey itself was filled with anticipation and excitement, not just for the new parents, but also for the new beginning that awaited them.     

When Han Zihao drove the car through the villa gates, Xu Nuan's eyes widened in surprise. In front of the villa's front door, there was a large-font banner hanging, colorful and vibrant, saying, "Welcome Home Xu Nuan and our little princess."     

"Wow, what's all this?" Xu Nuan exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.     

Han Zihao smiled, squeezing her hand. "A little surprise from the family. They wanted to welcome you both properly."     

The whole yard was decorated with balloons, and the trees were wrapped with colorful translucent curtains, adorned with small twinkling lights on their leaves. The family from both sides and their friends had gathered, waiting in the yard, their faces glowing with excitement.     

As Han Zihao pulled up the car and they stepped out of the car together with their little princess wrapped snugly in Xu Nuan's arms, everyone erupted into cheers, bursting party poppers, and showering the new parents and the little princess with love and joy.     

"Welcome home, Xu Nuan! Welcome home, little princess!" Grandmother Han called out, her voice brimming with happiness.     

Xu Nuan couldn't help but tear up, overwhelmed by the warm welcome. "Thank you, thank you so much," she whispered, looking at Han Zihao, her eyes shining with gratitude.     

"We've been waiting for you all day!" Han Zihao's mother, Cheng Zixian exclaimed, embracing Xu Nuan.     

"And look at our little princess! She's perfect!" Grandfather Han added, peering into the bundle.     

Xu Nuan laughed through her tears, feeling a sense of belonging she hadn't felt before. "Thank you, everyone. This means so much to us."     

Jia Fei saw Xu Nuan getting emotional and, eager to change her mood, teased her. "Don't feel emotional. We weren't waiting for you, but the baby." She said, hijacking the baby from Xu Nuan's arms and taking her over to show Yuhan.     

Han Liang, who had been standing nearby, marched over and took the baby from Jia Fei. "Excuse me? Who are you? I am her uncle; I should be the one holding her first. Don't touch her with your dirty hands."     

Jia Fei scoffed and retorted, "Who am I? I am her Aunt, Pretty Aunt. Did you forget I was the one who took Xu Nuan to the hospital? I deserve to hold her first. Give her back to me."     

Their voices rose in a playful argument, each person claiming their right to hold the precious new family member.     

While they were squabbling, Grandmother Han glided over and gracefully took the baby from Han Liang's arms. "No one deserves to hold the baby more than her great-grandmother. So step away, this baby is mine."     

Everyone erupted in laughter at her authoritative declaration.     

Seeing everyone fighting good-naturedly for a chance to hold the baby, Xu Nuan couldn't help but chuckle. But more than that, she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness at seeing everyone gathered around, showering the baby with love and blessings.     

As she looked on, her eyes filled with tears, sure that her child would experience the love of a family in a way that she hadn't been able to experience while growing up.     

Noticing Xu Nuan's tears, Han Zihao wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. "You don't need to feel stressed about the baby," he reassured her, his eyes soft and understanding.      

"They say it takes a village to raise a child, and fortunately, we have almost a small village to raise our little princess." He gestured to the family, their voices filling the air with warmth and love, as they continued to celebrate the newest addition to their lives.     

"Zi, I am so happy. Everything feels like a dream to me," Xu Nuan leaned into him, feeling safe and content.     

He squeezed her hand and smiled. "My Queen, it's no dream. This is our reality now. A beautiful reality that we've built together."      

"It's just the beginning. Our little princess will grow up surrounded by love and joy." He looked back at the family, their laughter ringing through the air. "And she'll always know what it means to be part of a family that cares."     

Xu Nuan raised her head to look up at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and smiled, "You're right. She will grow up while being loved by everyone and will become a pretty woman, just like me." She winked at him, teasingly praising herself.     

Han Zihao let out a throaty chuckle, his eyes filled with affection as he pinched her nose lovingly, "Definitely. She will become the prettiest, just like her mother."     

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