The CEO Who Hates Me

Like Is As Good As Love

Like Is As Good As Love

"Are you not getting late for your blind dinner date? You better prepare to go now." Arya reminded Ryu with a poker face.     

"Hmm right… Let me ask Chen to bring you home." Ryu said while looking at Arya's face closely.     

"No, why would I go home? I will also come with you! Have you forgotten the contract? It's in the contract that we should always stay together? Why? Worried that I would be a third wheel for you? Huh! Don't worry I have booked my own table. I'm not such thick skinned person to become a third wheel between you and your blind date!" Arya said sarcastically.     

"I have to obey the rules of the contract so I will also come there and will sit on my own table without disturbing you a bit." Arya added.     

"Besides, I will bring along a friend. So you focus on your date and I will focus on eating delicious food using your money." Arya said before smiling sweetly.     

"Now you go first and I will follow you shortly at the hotel." Arya added with a smirk.     

Ryu on the other hand was dumbstruck by the way Arya reacted. He had not even imagined such behavior from Arya. 'She showed no hints of jealousy'? Really?'     

'What the hell is wrong with her? Why is she smiling sweetly like it doesn't bother her at all if I go on that blind date?' Ryu thought silently.     

He felt uneasy like Arya has something up on her sleeve.     

'Why is she so calm? Isn't she supposed to stop me from going?' Ryu thought to himself with confused expression on his face. He wanted to ask Arya if she was not really concerned but looking at her amused expressions he dropped the idea.     

"What are you waiting for? Go now! It's not good for a guy to be late on a date. Besides, you agreed to your mom so better not to disappoint her you know." Arya blurted still smiling and enjoying the frustration creeping on Ryu's face.     

Ryu was contemplating whether he should go and leave Arya behind or not. But on seeing such careless attitude of hers he decided to go first.     

"Alright, I'll go first. Chen will drive you there instead," Ryu murmured before leaving.     

Arya just nodded and gestured Ryu to go.     

Yes, she had decided not to stop the blind date remembering the words of Ryu's mom that Chen told when they were at the resort. However, she will make sure this shall be the last blind date they could set-up for her man.     


The venue of the date was set in the restaurant of the best hotel in the city. All the arrangements were done by his mom.     

Chen had already given him the profile of his date-to-be; there were not many details in it except that the girl was a heiress of the wealthiest and most powerful family in the circle and the only daughter of the Field Marshall of their country.     

Ryu was thinking about Arya while waiting for his blind date to come there.     

All of a sudden Ryu's attention was drawn towards a pretty girl who was really eye-catching in the way she entered.     

As Ryu noticed her coming towards himself he came to realization 'is she the blind date for today?'     

He almost choked while drinking when he saw her coming towards him, like she was with bodyguards at her back. 'Bodyguards on a date? Really?'     

Ryu analyzed that the girl is really something. She was pretty with long curly hairs. Her way of walking showed how strong-headed she would be; gentle at the same time and most importantly she had beautiful features.     

At first glance, the first thing that would come to mind is that she's a princess, a willful mischievous one.     

She quickly spotted Ryu and grinned while walking towards him.     

"Hello Mr. Ken, I'm Keira Chan." She extended her hand to Ryu.     

"No need," she spoke when she noticed that Ryu was about to stood up and she assumed that he will pull the chair for her.     

She simply looked at her bodyguard who quickly moved to pull out the chair for her instead.     

"Let these boys, do their job." She whispered with a grin.     

"Guys, please go out now. I'm already inside right? Ahh…. Don't worry I can't escape from here duh!" Ryu heard Keira hissed to her bodyguards and they immediately walked to wait outside the restaurant.     

"So Mr. Ken, we are both here out of our will. I believe you have someone already in your life right. I have done my homework about you before I came to meet you here… in case you are wondering how I knew about it." She smiled while scanning the menu.     

"I'm here because I was blackmailed for my black cards but anyway I also have a General who I will soon marry no matter what happens so why don't we make a deal and team up together against the domineering parents of ours?" Keira added and raised an eyebrow when she noticed Ryu's sudden gloomy face so she followed his gaze.     

"Well, well, well, I see the jealous girlfriend is here to take her revenge. Ha haha she is really pretty and that man beside her is also handsome!" Keira blurted out laughing.     

"I think Mr. Ken will need my help to coax his girlfriend today don't you think and trust me I'm good at it." Keira continued to talk with excitement.     

"She said she will be with a friend," Ryu murmured angrily.     

Keira laughed once more. "Stop making such a face there and turn your head towards me. Of course he's just a friend, a male friend to make you anxious and jealous duh? You are living with her and if you still go on a date like this she must really feel frustrated? If I was her, I would even kiss a friend in front of your face just to make you mad!" she commented and continued looking at the menu instead.     

"Damn, I thought she will be jealous about me going to a date and will try to stop me from going for this meeting. I did not expect she'll bring that bastard to show me off!" Ryu cursed to himself unconsciously not noticing it was loud enough to be heard by Keira.     

"Are you insecure? Why try to make her jealous when you are already an item?" she asked nonchalantly.     

Ryu found himself replying to every Keira's questions unconsciously. She was a comfortable person to talk to.     

He told her how he is longing to hear the word LOVE from Arya's mouth and all she has for him is LIKE. He did feel stupid in opening up to this extent in front of her but… he was in such a sullen mood that he needed to say things to someone.     

"Gosh, just how complicated you can be? Don't you know that to girls the word like is as good as love already?" Keira declared laughing.     

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