The CEO Who Hates Me

A Bad Situation (K&C)

A Bad Situation (K&C)

Karl saw Diana's group entering one of the rooms of the resort so he followed them stealthily and hid himself outside the room in a corner such that he could hear voices from the room but they would not be able to see him.     

He just prayed that Diana will be loud enough for him to hear, as she usually was, to be able to get any hint on her plans and know all that she was scheming against Cecile. He was really sure that it was Diana and he usually went with what his gut feeling has been telling him.     

"It's almost show time! I'm gonna make sure that bitch will be the star of the night!" Diana said loudly as she laughed hard like a maniac.     

"Are you sure that drug will work? I mean is that even safe? I'm just worried… What if something tragic like an overdose happens? I heard that drugs like those can make you really high and could be dangerous at some point." remarked one of the girls in the room.     

"Stop your nonsense and it's definitely safe. That won't kill her and I have already confirmed it. Do I look stupid to you? Besides it will be mixed up in her drink so at most it's already diluted duh…" Diana said with her high pitch tone and an arched eyebrow.     

The girl just scratched her head as she thought about how that drug can be considered diluted. Its compound was still in the drink and Cecile by now must have drunk it also.     

"Hey Karl! What are you doing there? Peeking on something interesting?" one of the basketball players that he knew saw him from afar and shouted so Karl immediately ran towards him and pulled the guy away.     

Diana hissed and opened the door because of the noise she heard but upon looking out there was no one outside. Well she was too confident because she was sure that no one in the party will care enough about Cecile except Aldrin whom she made sure will be busy with his friends somehow.     

So she got back to the girls and yelled, "Okay now disperse and make sure everything goes well. I want that bitch down within tonight."     

'So they're going to put something in the drinks.' Karl thought as he hurriedly left the guy who called him to look for Cecile and Sarah. He had heard of that drug that could make someone as horny as hell that whoever would consume it, would drag anyone to release that burning desire of the body or else the burning pain would be too much to bear so basically you wouldn't have any control on your actions.     

After drinking that drug, you'll pass out in one minute and as soon as you wake up the drug will take over your body.     

'Shit! So that's what she meant in the letter! Framing Cecile as a horny slut!' he wanted to go to Diana and make her pay for her evil plans but he should go find Cecile first.     

He must hurry… He was almost panting as he ran to the last room where he heard girls laughing. He barged in and found his sister Sarah and Cecile with other girls.     

"Drink it up, drink it up!" the girls were shouting at Cecile who held a cup in her hand. Cecile was about to drink from the cup when Karl quickly grabbed it.     

The eyes of all the girls fixed on him.     

"Hey why are you here? Can't you see this is the girls room and all girls party?" one of the girl jeered.     

He looked at Sarah and tried to signal her through his eyes.     

"Hey, get out of here and give that cup back to Cecile. We are playing a game and it's Cecile's turn to drink." One of the girls said in an irritated voice.     

Karl intentionally let the cup slip out from his hand and spill on the carpeted floor of the room.     

"Oh I'm so sorry," he said apologetically as he turned to Sarah and tried to communicate with her but the latter couldn't understand him.     

One of the girls approached Cecile and said, "Here darling, I poured you another one."     

"Stop!" Karl shouted.     

Then he continued, "Who knows what's in that cup… You could have put a drug in that or something dangerous…"     

The girl laughed and replied, "Geez, what's wrong with this Ken? Are you out of your mind? We are all just drinking in here so please stop with your nonsense. See this?"     

The girl showed him the cup and quickly drank it straight at his face.     

"So now, do you think it's drugged? Do I look like being drugged to you?' the girl yelled scornfully.     

Karl did not say a word. 'Am I wrong? But I clearly heard Diana say about the drug in her drinks.' He thought silently.     

"Karl, what's wrong? We are having a party right now and just playing a game. It's my turn to drink; all of us are participating in this game. So what are you saying?" Cecile murmured.     

One of the girls shouted happily, "Okay now, stop it… We are wasting time and let's continue. Mr. Ken should leave from here and let the girls enjoy this all girl party alone or would you, Mr. Ken like to entertain all of us girls with yourself tonight? We wouldn't mind having you here for us to enjoy with whole night, handsome… you know."     

Then he saw the girl who spoke, poured another drink in the cup. He noticed that there were seven bottles opened. He's just not sure if those were already empty bottles.     

The girl was about to give the cup to Cecile but paused when Karl abruptly stopped her by grabbing her arm.     

"The hell is wrong with you? Do you want me to drink this cup also to make sure it's not drugged?" said the girl smiling with a poker face. That girl was one of the members of Diana's cheering squad so he looked intently at her but the latter met his gaze with same intensity as her eyebrow arched.     

"Geez Karl, do you want to play a white knight? Drink on behalf of Cecile?" another girl on his back commented.     

Then laughter was heard as another one spoke, "Jena just give that damn cup to Karl and let him play the knight for once!"     

Most of girls agreed in annoyance. Sarah at that moment was almost feeling a little bit dizzy with what she drank. So she slapped her face. Well, she knew her tolerance was not that good with alcohol but the girls were having fun and so she was so she drank several cups already without her knowing.     

The girl named Jena then offered the cup to Karl while the other girls shouted, "Drink, drink, drink!"     

Karl felt that he was trapped so he accepted the cup and drank it all. The girls inside the room cheered and teased Cecile with Karl.     

Cecile blushed and said quietly, "Please Karl don't put me in a bad situation. I don't want Aldrin to misunderstand anything."     

She knew how the news spread like plague and she did not want to get involved with Karl Ken like that.     

One of the girls commented and said, "Yeah, it's time for you to leave. You're killing the fun besides you're the only guy in here can't you see? Guys should be off-limits in here…"     

Karl looked once more at Cecile and saw her begging eyes to leave. With down shoulders, Karl turned around to leave the room but he signaled Sarah to be more careful and observant before he walked towards the door. The latter just winked at him and gestured him to leave.     

Karl left the room but then outside it was suddenly dark and a man approached him.     

"Who the hel.." he said but he suddenly saw pitch black dark as he felt his body almost fell but someone had caught him then everything went blank and he passed out.     

Meanwhile, inside the room, the girls were having fun as they continued their game. Sarah already passed out while Cecile had another turn for the drink.     

"Oh here's for you… You have to take this since that knight of yours came to the rescue. Just to be fair with other girls inside… You have to drink this one," Jena said as she smiled sweetly to Cecile.     

Cecile smiled back and took the cup from her to drink it. As soon as she finished it, Jena grinned widely and looked at the other girls around meaningfully.     

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