The CEO Who Hates Me

A Great Story

A Great Story

At House of Zeus     

Because of the tiring treadmill challenge, Zeus decided to postpone the night party for the CEOs last night which everyone had agreed.     

"What are you doing? Why are you sharing our food with him?" Bernard exclaimed when he saw Shawn put some vegetable dish in a bowl and then gave it to Denver.     

Dean grinned and said, "Don't be a killjoy flower boy. Can't you see our Bro is consistent? That's the persistent spirit of a man who is trying to get the approval of his in-laws."     

"Have you ever been in love flower boy?" Ryu interrupted as he got more meat and vegetables Dean cooked for them.     

Bernard almost choked on Ryu's question that made Shawn laugh.     

He gave vegetables to Denver since his group was only eating meat the whole time, literally fried or boiled meats only. Gaby did not picked any vegetables for the stocking.     

Zeus: "It's your second warning Shawn. I will only give you 3 warnings and if you still break any of my rules… Punishment will come your way…"     

Bernard shook his head because Shawn seemed to not care at all.     

Dean noticed Bernard's expression so he said with a wicked smile, "You know flower boy that's the power of love. You're willing to sacrifice yourself and give all you've got for the person you love…"     

"Stop! For real??? Oh please Dean, you're creeping me out!" Bernard cried out and he saw Dean laughed at him.     

Dean was intentionally bullying him.     

"So flower boy tell us, have you been in love?" Dean asked, still grinning.     

"Of course I have! I only love one woman since childhood and she was snatched before I even start approaching her!" Bernard hissed.     

"Oh really? Such a snail… Hmm, why don't you tell us more about it and let's see what I can do to help you." Dean said teasingly but suddenly paused for a while.     

"Oh but before you tell us, I have a love story… a real love story I want to share. Then tell me if this will become a hit if we try to make a movie based on it." Dean suddenly blurted out of nowhere.     

Xian who heard the conversation interrupted and said, "Let me hear it too and I'll tell you my opinion, if it can be a big movie hit or not."     

The rest of the CEOs started to show their interest too.     

Zeus: "All the housemates are informed that your next challenge will be an interesting one and all the rules and guidelines related to that challenge are kept in the store room. One of you please go and get it. Along with the rules you also have three sets of notebooks and pens, one for each team, that are to be used for only writing for the challenge. The task looks simple but I am sure it wouldn't be as simple when you start on it."     

Zeus: "It would be an interesting task as it will show your creativity and I hope you all enjoy this task especially the person who talks too much inside my house."     

All housemates turned their heads to Dean and the latter raised an eyebrow.     

"What? I love to exercise my freedom of speech. You should all thank me since Zeus said it's a very interesting task." Dean responded defensively that made Bernard chuckle.     

"So defensive and so guilty…" Bernard muttered mockingly.     

Luke entered the living area with the rules book and notebooks and pens that he got from the store room.     

Zeus: "So the task is each team will write a good story it could be based on real life or it could be just a fiction and tell that story in front of all the teammates. We will have an audience poll to decide which story would be best fit for a movie. It doesn't matter whatever genre you pick but give it a title. Whichever story won will be given a chance to be produced into a movie under Cooper Entertainment with the approval of Mr. Bernard Cooper of course and the winning group will win great reward. The winning team will be given a day off."     

"Day off?" Murmured by the housemates.     

Zeus: "Yes, a day-off where you can ask anything you wish for as long as I'm able to grant it then I will."     

"Going out of your house!" Shawn, Ryu and Dean answered in chorus.     

They heard Zeus' laughter…     

Other housemates agreed to grant the winner a day out from the House of Zeus.     

Zeus: "Alright then… A day off out of my house for the winning team. Each story should be of a duration of 15 to 20 minutes with no less or more than that. Because I will minus 30% from the total votes should the story is lesser or more than 15 to 20 minutes. The story will also be judged on the dialogues written and spoken, the plot, the originality as well as how well it is actually narrated."     

"Before we start remove all the visible clocks in the living area. Why? Because one of the team will tell the story while the other three housemates will count the time manually to become an alarm clock once your teammate reaches 15 to 20 minutes time allowance for the story and you have to stop him, else the vote deduction will take place."     

Dean's shoulders dropped and said, "What a stingy Zeus. But at least I will have the chance to tell a story, a great story none has ever told..."     

"Yeah, it's your moment and I'm pretty sure Ryu and Shawn will be a clock like me since amongst us you are going to be the storyteller." Bernard commented sarcastically.     

"I'll take your sarcastic words as a compliment instead flower boy. I'm in a good mood so listen well." Dean said then shifted his look to Ryu.     

"Big Bro, I will tell the story of Auntie Cecile which is not a secret to us," Dean said in a voice enough for Shawn to hear.     

"It's okay Dean. Mom won't mind. It's okay if we lose in this round, what matters is that you give justice to mom's real life story, not missing a single detail… She is a brave woman and her life must be an example for many young girls to overcome their worst times and live a life with full of hope." Ryu replied in full conviction.     

This was the moment they've been waiting for. He should not miss a single detail.     

This was their plan A and it was decided that Dean should tell the story because he was afraid to get emotional and ruin everything in case he be the one to narrate his mom's tragic story.     

Zeus: "Alright, you all proceed in the living room and get ready, in thirty minutes we will start."     

Untouchables team picked number 1 in the draw so they will have to do the 'Tell Me Your Story' challenge first.     

"Don't distract me while I do a summary on this story." Ryu said seriously as he began to outline and write the important details that Dean must not forget to narrate.     

After hours of writing...     

Zeus: "Housemates are you ready? Dean sit in the center couch and tell us the story your team has decided to share."     

Dean began with his introduction and said, "alright this story which I will narrate is based on the real life story of my Uncle and Auntie, my Big Bro's parents. Me and Big Bro Ryu decided to entitle it as -Waiting For You-"     

He let out a deep sigh, looked at Ryu then at Shawn where he paused and began to narrate everything…     

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