Trapped in Her Heart



Stewart International group.     

Sebastian's office.     

Impatiently tapping his fingers on the desk, Sebastian kept on glancing at her door, waiting for someone.      

"Dude there is—woohoo what is up with that early morning frown?" Without waiting for his reply, Noah added, "You look stressed, what happened?"     


Pausing for a while, he asked, "Were you stuck here all night? Oh my God Seb, don't tell me you were working all night and forgot to sleep?"      

Running his fingers through his hair, Sebastian sighed. Yes, he was awake for the whole night but he wasn't working, he was learning how to enjoy his life with Ellie. His clumsy assistant was teaching him and imparting her wise words of how to enjoy life.      

Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled. It sounded so weird in his head but the feeling was incredible. It was actually the first time he pulled an entire night without even thinking about work and that was so unusual of him.      

"Oh my God Seb, you are smiling early in the morning. Are you sure you aren't possessed or something?" Noah asked.     

Just then Patricia entered the office along with his extra black coffee.      

"Is Ellie here yet?" He asked.     

Placing the coffee on his desk, Patricia answered, "She is on leave boss."     

"Look at you Sebastian, you scolded that poor little one in front of everyone so bad that she had to take a break and now you are asking about her? You can't scold her more." Noah retorted.     

Glancing at his watch, he frowned. It was almost 9:30 and there was still no sign of her. Did she oversleep?      

Cursing himself for not checking her alarm before leaving her apartment, he started sulking.     



Asking the cab to stop right in front of the park, Ellie got down and jogged towards Markus who was sitting on the same bench.     

"Ah little woman, you are here."Patting the empty space beside him, Markus added, "Come have a seat."     

"I am already late for work, so maybe next time and my cab is waiting too. I was just passing by so I decided to see whether you are here or not."     

Looking at her, he smiled, "You look very happy, it seems like you are no longer angry with your boss."      

"Yeah, he apologised so I don't think so I have a reason to stay angry anymore."      

Raising his eyebrows, he asked, "So your boss apologised to you?"     

"Yup, I wasn't expecting he would but well—"     

"You have a really different boss."     

Sitting down beside him, she asked, "What do you mean by different?"     

"What? You think that all bosses apologise to their employees?" Without waiting for her reply, he added, "They don't even if it's clearly their fault. I mean he is the big boss and he pays you so why would he ever do that? I was a boss in the past and I never did that."      

"But one needs to apologize if it's his fault."     

"Apologising to the employees is like a big stab on a big boss's big fat ego and if he really kept his ego aside and took all the pressure to apologize to you then darling, you are special."      

Bursting into laughter, Ellie asked, "You kidding me? Special? That is not true."     

Shrugging his shoulder, Markus added, "Believe it or not but that is the truth."     

"Maybe it is true but my boss is different. Anyway, I gotta rush now otherwise I might get fired for real this time. Hmm when can I find you again?" Ellie asked.     

"Morning 6 to 11 and evening 5 to 8."      

"Wow! You spend almost your entire day here, but why?"      

"Hmm let's leave that story for some other day but the good thing is, you can find me here whenever you want to."      

"That is great, I gotta go now. See you later Markus, I hope you have a love day."      

"You too little woman."      


Stewart International Group     

"Good morning Pat."      

"El? I thought you were not coming."      

Ellie chuckled and nodded her head, "I wasn't planning too but a little birdie told me that there is a lot of pending work which needs my attention so here I am, ready to work my ass off."     

"Hmm, a birdie huh?" Leaning towards her, Patricia whispered, "Is that birdie's name Sebastian?"      

She chuckled and whispered back, "How did you know?"      

"You kidding me? Sebastian told you that? He asked you to come?"      

"What? Why are you so shocked? I thought already you knew."      

"Ahh obviously I didn't, that was just a wild, baseless and impossible guess." Pausing for a while, she added, "Is this why he was asking for you?"      

"He was? Ahh I am so late, I'll go now. See you at lunch Pat."      

"El wait, you can't go without telling me everything."      


Patricia sighed and helplessly shook her head.      


Sebastian's office.     

"Good morning, I am so sorry for being late. My alarm went off and then my straightener stopped working and—"     

"It's alright Ms Miller, you're not that late."      

Glancing at her watch, she sighed, "What? I already missed the first two meetings."     

"Hmm, I don't think so."      

"What? Ah boss did you forget about the meetings too?"      

Picking up his schedule, Sebastian asked, "How can I miss anything when all the meetings start after 10:30 am?"      

"No they—" stopping midway, Ellie widened her eyes in shock, "Wait what?"      

Walking towards her, he gave her another copy of the schedule. "We are following this starting today."     

Looking at the paper, she widened her eyes in shock. It was the new schedule that she had made for him.     


Cutting her off, Sebastian smiled, "A few changes wouldn't harm right?"      

When she saw his charming smile, her lips curled upwards. He looked more attractive when he smiled.     

When Ellie nodded her head, he added, "So we are gonna follow this starting today unless Ms Miller has a better schedule in her mind."     

"Of course I do, I can definitely make it more flexible."     


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