Trapped in Her Heart



A few days later, Friday.     


"You are joking right?" Ellie asked.     

Markus raised his brows and retorted, "What? Are you trying to say that I don't look like I can do it?"      

"So you really kidnapped Brenda from the aisle? Like seriously?"      

"Uh huh, how could I just sit back and watch that creepy looking man take her away. She was my girlfriend and we had even planned to get a dog together."      

"Didn't anyone stop you? I mean when you were taking her away from the aisle?" Ellie asked curiously. She had started dropping by the park everyday in the morning and would spend some time talking to Markus about random things before rushing to the office.     

"Ah her father and that would be husband of hers created a ruckus but I was very clever and I knew that they would definitely take her away so we quickly got married in the Same Day Marriage wedding chapel. After getting married, I straightaway took her away for our honeymoon and only returned back after a couple of months." Markus explained.     

She chuckled and helplessly shook her head, "Wow, you are fast and mischievous but you don't look like that I mean—"     

"Yes yes, I know I look innocent and that is why even Brenda was shocked when I suddenly dragged her out of the aisle."     

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she asked, " You miss her alot, don't you?     

He smiled and nodded his head, "Every passing second. You know after she left me, I was devastated. She was my wife and my best bud so when I lost both, I freak out. But then remember one thing that she used to say."     


"It's okay to not be okay but it's not okay to be that way." Pausing for a while, Markus added, "You see I wasn't okay when she left but I know she would never want me to be that way so I stopped being not okay."     

Placing her hand on his shoulder, Ellie smiled, "Brenda is a really lucky woman."     

Tapping the tip of her nose, he smiled, "And so is your boss."     

She widened her eyes in shock and retorted, "Oh my God where did that come from?"     

Shrugging his shoulders, he looked away. "I don't know what you are talking about little woman."     

"Why do you call me that?"     


"Little woman."     

"Well, aren't you a little woman?" Glancing at his watch, Markus raised his eyebrows, "Ahh and guess who is late for work?"     

"Oh my God." Grabbing bag, Ellie rushed out of the park yelling, "I'll see you tomorrow Markus, have a great day."     


Stewart International Group     

Sebastian's office     

"Ah so when are you leaving?"      


Noah nodded his head and asked, "Ellie is going with you?"     

Arranging the documents that he would be taking with him on the trip, Sebastian nodded his head, "Uh huh."     

"Oh really but Mel and El were talking about something for hours yesterday and they even planned a shopping spree this Saturday." When Sebastian widened his eyes in shock, Noah sighed, "Now please don't tell me that you actually forgot to tell Ellie about the business trip."     

Massaging his forehead, Sebastian frowned, "I think it slipped from my mind."     

"Well, I think your mind has become very slippery these days. Remember how you forgot to clean your desk the other day, how you stained your shirt with the ketchup and how you spilled coffee all over you?" Pausing for a while Noah added, "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?"     

Without paying much heed to what Noah had mentioned, he kept thinking about Ellie and why she hadn't arrived yet.     

After their second movie night together, watching movies when they were free became a regular thing. After finishing their respective works, Sebastian and Ellie would watch a movie everyday in his office.      

After the movie, they would either go to Ellie's place or to a restaurant of her choice for dinner. She also started bringing lunch for him everyday which they would eat together.     

He was also loving the new schedule that she had fixed for him. He had a break after lunch and an evening snack break too. He was completely free after 5 o'clock in the evening so he could do whatever he wanted like, watch a movie with Ellie, talk to Ellie, go on a walk with Ellie, think about Ellie and do everything with Ellie.      

The major part of his life and mind was now actually revolving around her without him realizing it.     

"Yo dude, are you even listening?" Noah asked.     

"Hmm, what were you saying?" Sebastian asked.     

"When are you gonna tell her about the trip? I think you should tell her quickly because she needs to pack as well." Without waiting for his reply, Noah added, "Ahh that reminds me of something. Do you remember my business trip to France last year?"      

When Sebastian nodded his head, he added, "I forgot to tell Mel about it and she had to fly with me so I told her a few hours before the flight and she got so mad that she almost kicked me out of the house. Damn, I suffered so much and had to literally beg her to forgive me."     

"But why?"     

"Apparently women need plenty of time to pack and do their own stuff before they leave home for a trip. She got even mad because though she is my assistant, she had zero knowledge about that France trip. So when I told her that such business trips are not included in the schedule because they are confidential and after saying sorry for at least a hundred times, she let me off with a warning."      

"Good morning Boss, good morning Noah," Ellie cheerfully greeted them.      

"Ah good morning El, you look quite happy today. Quick, share the secret." Noah sneakily said.     

Placing Sebastian's schedule on the table, she chuckled, "No secret, I am just happy."     

"Well I see and I think that you'll be more happy after hearing what Sebastian has to say."      

Looking at Sebastian, Ellie asked, "What is it boss?"     

Picking up a document from his desk, he quickly gave it to her. "Can you review this for me?"     

"Of course, that is my job boss." Taking the document from his hand, Ellie left.     

"Dude, what the fuck? Why didn't you tell her about the trip?" Noah asked.     

"You told me that she would get mad so—"     

Cutting him off, Noah frowned, "What? Why does Ellie get mad? Mel got mad because she is my girlfriend."     


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