Trapped in Her Heart

Danny Hudson

Danny Hudson

Ellie's room.     

Slowly pressing the ice pack on her elbow, Sebastian kept frowning from time to time making her laugh.     

When he saw her trying very hard to suppress her laughter, he frowned deeper, "What is so funny?"      

Pursing her lips, she vigorously shook her head. How could she tell him that his excessive cuteness was making her laugh. Only if she could squeeze and pull his cheeks.     

"I don't understand how you manage to fall all the time? Like how? Can't you walk properly? And who told you to rush after me like that?" He lashed out at her again.     

"Hey, you were the one who gave me the cold treatment all of sudden and scared me and—" pouting her cheeks, she complained, "You are lashing out again."     

Sebastian sighed and helplessly shook his head, "I don't know what to do with you."     

"Hmm watch a movie with me?"      

Slowly patted her elbow with a clean cloth, he nodded his head, "Okay, which movie do you wanna watch?"      

"Let me think, how about another Disney movie?"      

"Okay, which one?"      

"Let me think."     



Hudson house.     

"How dare you?" Mr Hudson shouted at his son Danny Hudson for misbehaving and ruining the meeting with Sebastian a month ago when he was away.      

Lowering his head, Danny gritted his teeth but chose to stay quiet. After Sebastian refused to continue the meeting with him because he said a few things about his assistant, he tried to contact him several times but he kept shutting him down.     

"I give you one task to complete without creating a mess for me to clean up later but you can't even do that, how useless are you?" Mr Hudson yelled. He was fed up with his eldest son's careless and spoiled behavior.     

When Danny did not say anything, he snapped again, "What? You are not gonna say anything now? Do you have any idea how important that meeting was? If not for my close contacts with Sebastian Stewart, our company would've been suffering because of your unruly behavior."      

"Dad, I am going to fix this just give a cha—"     

Cutting him off, Mr Hudson frowned. "What makes you think that Sebastian will do any kind of business with you after what you have done? Do you think you have a chance to even get a metre close to him? You are in such an awful state that he won't even give you an appointment. I don't know what I was thinking when I told you that I would hand over the company to you. You are good for nothing Danny."      

Pausing for a while, he added, "That's it, I am passing on the company to Seldon and you will take over the VP position only after you prove yourself."      

Balling his hands into a fist, Danny retorted, "What? How can you do that to me dad? I am your eldest son, how can you give away something that is mine to that bas—"     

Slamming his hand on the table, Mr Hudson shouted, "Shut up, don't you dare call him that and one more word, you'll lose access to all your cards."      

Mr Hudson had two sons, Danny Hudson who was his first born child from his first wife who was long dead and Seldon Hudson, from his second wife who was also his long time lover from college. After his first wife's death, Mr Hudson met his lover again and they decided to get back together again but only got married after Seldon was born.      

Where Danny was a thirty-years old spoiled brat with zero achievements and a magnet to all sorts of trouble, Seldon was calm, composed and very sharp minded. Unlike Danny, Seldon was responsible and took everything seriously and this is why Mr Hudson preferred handing over the company to his youngest son than Danny.     

Gritting his teeth, Danny dashed out of the mansion. He was very angry with his father who always favoured Seldon over him but he was more mad at Sebastian for making things so difficult and complicated for him.      

Swearing to get back to Sebastian for taking everything away from him, he took out his phone and called someone.     


San Francisco.     

Hotel Montana Heritage.     

Ellie's room.     

After watching two movies consequently, Sebastian left. They wanted to watch another one but decided not to because they had an early flight.      

After locking the door, Ellie crashed on the bed all ready to doze off when someone knocked at the door again.     

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Sebastian again.      

"Hmm boss, did you forget something?"      

He shook his head and said, "No, I just wanted to give you this—" passing her one of his clean white t-shirts, he added, "I always dry clean them so it's safe to wear. You were saying that you didn't have proper comfortable clothes to wear at night so you can wear this."      

Taking the t-shirt from him, she smiled, "Thank you so much."     

"It's alright, have good night."      

After he left, Ellie stood by the door admiring his plain white t-shirt. It had no print or any colors but it was still that most beautiful t-shirt in the whole world for her.     

After closing the door, she took a whiff of it and sighed. It had the pleasant Sebastian smell in it which made her feel giddy. She was more excited to wear his t-shirt than she was while wearing the dress he had bought for her.     

Taking off her dress, she quickly wore the t-shirt which ended right above her thighs and crashed on the bed.     


Next morning.     

After packing her bag, Ellie cross checked everything to make sure that she didn't leave anything. They had a flight to catch in a couple of hours and she wanted to be ready before Sebastian comes back. He left early saying that he had something important to do and asked her to get ready.      

Wondering where he might've gone, she grabbed her phone and called him but his phone was busy.     


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