Trapped in Her Heart



When Sebastian came out of the washroom after taking a nice hot bath, the dinner was ready.      

"Everything is ready, I'll freshen up."     

"Alright, I'll check a few mails and—"     

"You can start, I am sure that you are hungry." They hadn't eaten anything since afternoon and since it was almost nine, Ellie was sure that he was definitely hungry by now because she was famished too.     

"Of course not, we will eat together so why don't you hurry and come back quickly, " Rubbing his stomach, he added, "I am famished."      

"Alright, give me ten minutes."      

After Ellie left, Sebastian slumped on the couch and started checking his inbox. When he saw ten missed calls from Ava, he called her back.     

"Ahh there you go, I've been calling you since morning."      

"I was busy, what is it?" Yes, he was very busy tickling Ellie, having lunch with her, rescuing a dog with her, going grocery shopping and now he was about to have dinner with her. Sebastian's schedule was definitely more hectic these days than it already was.     

"When are you coming home? Can you please grab a bucket of fried chicken on the way? I am carving for them." Ava requested.     

Glancing at the watch, he thought for a while before throwing the world's lamest excuse at his sister. "We had to extend the trip so I am still in San Francisco but we have an early flight tomorrow so I'll be back soon."      

"Oh, I thought you were already here. Anyway, I'll order something. I'll see you tomorrow then, bye."      

After hanging up the call, he helplessly shook his head and chuckled, "You are so doomed Sebastian." Brushing all the thoughts away, he resumed checking his call logs.     

He frowned when he saw tons of messages from his mom which he had no intention of dealing with right now. He didn't want to spoil his mood nor was he in a mood to deal with his mother so he decided to let her be.     

When Ellie stepped out of the room and they had dinner together.     


After dinner, they decided to play a round of snake and ladders before calling it off for the night.     

"Are you sure you'll be okay on the couch?" Sebastian asked.     

"Of course I'll be fine and I am shorter than you so it will be more convenient for me to fit in."      

After discussing who will sleep where, Ellie insisted that he should sleep in her room because the other spare was super dirty and she would sleep on the couch but Sebastian was still not sure about that because he was worried that she would end up falling from the couch and hurting herself.     

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he asked, "You won't fall right?"      

"You can catch me if I fall," she chuckled.     

"I'll definitely catch you if you fall or rather fall with you," brushing his pinky against hers, he smiled.     

Ellie's heart leaped in her chest when his sweet words stabbed her chest. She had no idea if he was talking about falling from the couch or falling...     

Brushing away her silly thought, she chuckled at herself. Why would he talk about that? Assuring herself that maybe she was overthinking and assuming things, she tried to calm her silly heart down but she still failed to suppress the blush that crept all over her face.     

"So, why do you like dogs so much?" He asked.     

"Hmm, who doesn't like dogs? What is there not to like about them? They are sweet, squishy, adorable, fluffy, great listeners, cute and the list goes on." She beamed.     

Sebastian slowly nodded his head and resumed arranging the square pieces. Even he was cute, sweet, adorable, a great listener and, secretly pulling his cheeks, he nodded his head in satisfaction. He was squishy too so why did she like dogs and not him?      

After a couple of seconds, he widened his eyes in shock and frowned. Why the hell would he compare himself to a dog? He was obviously in every way better than a dog.     

"Ahh I wish I could keep Boji with me," she sighed and lowered her head in disappointment.     

"Why not? I mean if you want then we can drop by tomorrow and you can adopt him." He suggested.     

"No, I can't. You see taking care of a dog is like taking care of a baby. They need your constant attention, you need to make sure that you feed them on time and spend adequate time with them but I am always busy. By the time I am home, it's already super late and I can't leave that little soul alone for so many hours." Looking around, she added, "This place is very small too so it's not convenient you know."      

"Then why don't you take a bigger place?"      

"Not everyone is as rich as you boss. It was already so difficult for me to get an apartment in this area and now I don't wanna go around looking for a new place."      

Flicking her forehead, he chuckled, "It's not difficult, you are just lazy."      

Rubbing her forehead, she frowned before taking the dice from his hand. "I'll start."      


Sebastian's place.     

"What? Why are you so scared?" Ava frowned before dragging Calvin inside.     

"This feels like a lion's den babe, you are sure that he isn't home or won't come back right?" He had already asked the same question for God knows how many times but he still didn't feel very comfortable. He was about to spend an entire night in Sebastian place with his sister so it was definitely a very weird thing.     

"No he won't because he is still in San Francisco."     

"I don't know babe, why don't we go to my place and—"     

Placing her hand on her waist, she glared at him, "No seriously, the way you are acting makes me feel like you'll leave me as soon as Sebastian glares at you."     

"What? No," wrapping his arms around her waist, he vigorously shook his head, "It's not like that Ava and you know that but—you know why I am feeling like this right? I mean though we've known each other for a long time but Sebastian is one of my best friends and we can't deny the fact that you are his sister. I swear I don't feel weird dating you or being with me because I genuinely feel for you honey but I also feel guilty towards Seb and Noah."     


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