Trapped in Her Heart



"Oh my God, you are scared of dogs." Ellie chuckled before pushing the puppy towards him which almost freaked Sebastian off.     

Looking at the huge frown on his face, she stuck her tongue out and picked up the small box in which they had found the puppy.     

After driving for a couple of hours, they stopped somewhere to take a look at the scenery but who would've thought Ellie would end up finding a little abandoned puppy inside a box, near the road.     

After placing him on the back seat, she turned towards him and grinned, "Puppies don't bite but if he does, I'll save you before he hurts you with his cute little fangs."      

Grabbing a bottle of water, he opened it and gestured her to come towards him.     

Looking at her hands which according to her were very clean, she showed it to him. "Look, they are so clean so no need to wash."     

"Obviously you will say that it is clean, okay now come here and wash your hands."      

Reluctantly washing her hand, she jerked off the excess water and was about to wipe her hands on her own clothes when her mischievous instinct kicked in.      

Grinning from ear to ear, she slowly made her way towards Sebastian and pressed her wet hands on his shirt. "Ahh look boss, there is something on your shirt."      

When she started dabbing her wet hands all over his back, he frowned. "Did you just wipe your wet hands on my shirt?"      

Taking several steps back, she vigorously shook her head. "No I didn't."      

Tossing the bottle aside, he hissed, "You are so dead Ellie Miller."      

"Ahhhhhh,"Ellie screamed and ran towards the open field when Sebastian started chasing her.     

"You think you can run away from me forever? No you can't." He yelled before yanking at her.     

When he grabbed her waist and started tickling her, she started giggling and pleading him to stop. "Please….stop, I promise I won't…….it again."      

"Uh huh, you should have thought about the consequences before doing that," he exclaimed before tickling her harder.     

"Ahhhhhh please stop, I can't….breathe."      

Sebastian chuckled and slowly let her go but she ended up lying flat on the ground. Her face was flushed red after the intense tickling war and her clothes were disheveled. Her hair was all over her face but she didn't seem to be bothered about it.      

Taking a deep breath, she sighed, "Ahh it's so peaceful here." Pausing for a while, she added, "Can we stay here for a while?"     

Sitting down beside her, he smiled and nodded his head. He could stay there all night if that is what takes to bring that smile on her face.      

"You know boss, I crave for moments like this where you don't have to give a damn about anything and just do what you want to. No deadlines, no pending works, no meetings, no need to clean the house—Ahhh it feels so light and peaceful." Turning towards him, she asked, "Don't you think?"     

Lying down beside her, he nodded his head, "I guess." Turning towards her, he supported his head with his elbow, "Well, I am discovering new things everyday when I am with you and it feels great."      

Stretching his other hand towards her, he slowly removed the strand of hair from her face. "Who would've thought that my life could be so exciting?"      

When his fingertips brushed against her cheeks, she inwardly shivered. A light touch from him always made her stomach churn and her ears red.      

With their gaze locked together, he gently brushed his thumb on her left cheek but he quickly pulled his hand away before looking towards the other direction.     

After a few seconds of an awkward silence, Sebastian decided to change the topic and make things a lighter.      

"So I was wondering what you would like to have for lunch."      

"Hmm anything would do, why don't we stop by somewhere on the way and grab whatever we get?" She suggested.      

"Whatever you say Ms Miller."      



Outside Ellie's apartment.     

Placing her hand on her waist, Ellie glared at Sebastian who was trying to suppress his laughter, "What? What is so funny about that name?"     

He vigorously shook his head and chuckled, "No, it's not funny at all, Bojo is a cute name for a female dog."     

"Well in my defence, I thought she was a boy." She retorted.     

As soon as they arrived at the city, they took the dog to the vet for a thorough checkup and later to a shelter which was just a few blocks away from Ellie's apartment.      

When the people at the shelter asked them to give a name to the dog, Ellie beamed in excitement saying that she wanted him to be called 'Bojo' but later when they told her that it was a she dog, she quickly changed 'Bojo' to 'Boji' which made everything even more funnier.     

"Yes so when you were told that he is actually a she, you named the puppy Boji," he chuckled.     

"Ahh they are such cute names and look at you making fun of them. That is very rude and mean of you."      

Taking her bag out of the back seat, he smiled, "Yes, Bojo and Boji are very cute names."     

Ellie rolled her eyes and was about to take her bag from his hand when he added, "I'll help you take it."     

"Oh no it's alright, I can take that. You already drove for so long, you must be feeling exhausted. You should go home and rest."      

"It's alright, let me take it upstairs, I don't want you to fall and break your limbs because of this."      


"Please Ms Miller, allow me." He insisted.     


Inside the apartment.     

Placing the bag on the floor, Sebastian helped her open up the windows of the living room and her room before getting ready to leave the apartment.     

Ellie wanted him to stay may be for a cup of coffee, a glass of lemonade or may be a glass of water but she was too shy and thought it would be awkward to ask him to stay with her any longer. They had been together all the time during the weekends so wouldn't she sound unnecessarily clingy if she asked him to stay back for sometime?      


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