Trapped in Her Heart



Ellie widened her eyes in shock and grabbed Sebastian's arm in excitement. "Is that—"     

Cutting her off, he smiled and nodded his head, "It's Boji."      

Squealing and jumping in excitement, she quickly squatted down and embraced Boji who was already snuggling against her leg. "Oh God, I missed you so much."      

Boji who was as excited as Ellie was, started barking and licking her all over her face.      

Ellie chuckled and started kissing him too. "Did you miss me too? Oh yes you did."      

Looking at her smile and how happy she looked, Sebastian felt very satisfied and peace at heart but he also didn't like how Boji had managed to take away all her attention. He suddenly started feeling very left out and sour.      

Shrugging off the weird feeling, he placed his hand on her back. "Come let's sit down."      

Still embracing Boji, she made her way towards the couch along with Sebastian.     

Placing her down, Ellie curiously asked, "How did you find her? I thought she was alresdy adopted." Yesterday when she called the shelter ti inquire about Boji, they told her she was already adopted by a very kind family. She was a bit upset after hearing the news but she was also happy for Boji.     

"Yes she was already adopted but I managed to find the family and make a deal with them so I brought her back." Scratching the top of Boji's head, he smiled, "It wasn't easy to get her but I tried my best."      

"What kind of deal?" She asked.     

"Ahh nothing much, I bought a similar puppy, gifted it to that family and also requested them to give her back to us."      

What he did not tell her is that he travelled for four hours by road to get Boji because the family who adopted her lived in the countryside. It took him hours to convince them and explain how important Boji is for them. After finally convincing the family, he came back to city, bought another puppy and gifted it to the family. He then took her to the vet for a thorough checkup before bringing her to his apartment.     

"So you were busy looking for her all day?" When he nodded his head, she asked, "Why did you take so much trouble?"      

"Because you wanted to keep her close to you right? What? Don't tell me that you changed your mind."      

Pouncing into his embrace, she hooked her arms around his neck, she beamed, "Thank you so much Seb, I—" burying her head on his neck, she started crying. She was so happy and overwhelmed after finding out the real reason behind him missing all day. He took all the trouble to get Boji back only because she had briefly mentioned her in their conversation last night. This loving gesture of his made her feel very special and love. It warmed her heart and inclined her to fall for him even more.     

Pulling away, he widened his eyes in shock and panicked. "Hey, why are you crying?"      

Wiping her tears with the back of her hands, she shook her head, "I am very happy."      

Wiping her tears away, he chuckled, "Then laugh, why are you crying?" Tapping the tip of her nose, he smiled, "Silly."      

Just then Boji decided to snuggle in between his new parents lap.      

When Sebastian started petting her, Ellie asked, "I thought you were scared of them."      

"We mutually decided something during our short trip so we are okay, right Boji?" Scratching the top of her head, he added, "We need to go shopping for her tomorrow. Though I bought a few things but I really don't like them." He wanted to get the best of best things for Boji. She was the first puppy that he was going to pet together with Ellie. The thought of having a pup with her itself made him feel very giddy and he didn't want anything to go wrong.      

"Oh great, I also need to make some space in my apartment and set up everything for her."      

"Your apartment?" He frowned.     

"Uh-huh, isn't she going to stay there?" She asked.     

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, he asked, "Hmm remember how you said that your apartment is small and Boji will feel a bit left out?" When she nodded her head, he added, "I think you are right, your apartment is way to small for her. She needs a bigger space you know like here. I mean my place is big, it's very airy and the best place for her to grow up."      

"So you want her to stay here?"      

Awkwardly clearing his throat, he hesitantly said, "S—So I was thinking if Boji could stay here in this apartment and we both can see her whenever we want. I mean like I invade your place all the time, you should start invading mine too. You can come here after work and you can spend time with her, pet her and I'll make dinner for us. T—there are many rooms here you know so you can just take anyone you like and stay over too."      

Placing her hand on his shoulder, she smiled, "Are you proposing me to pet a puppy together?" When he nodded his head, she added, "Do you know who get and pet puppies and kittens together?"      

When he shook his head, she answered, "Couples."     

Patting his chest, Sebastian started coughing vigorously. His entire face turned red and his body turned stiff. His heart was jumping in a very weird kind of happiness and nervousness. The mix feeling in his heart woke up the butterflies in his stomach and they started break dancing again.     

Patting his back, Ellie pursed her lips to stop herself from laughing out loud. He looked so cute when he blushed and freaked out at the same time.     

"There there, how did you choke like that? Anyway though we aren't a couple, I'll still accept your proposal and adopt Boji with you." Picking her up in her arms, she rubbed her cheek on Boji's face. "We are gonna be Boji's new mom and dad."      


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