Trapped in Her Heart

I don't wanna know

I don't wanna know

Tightening his grip around her hand, Sebastian continued, "I'll do whatever you want me to without complaining about anything, I'll always listen to you and I'll never go on any dates."     

Ellie frowned and inquired, "So are you planning not to take me for an official date ever?"     

"What? No—I mean, you are an obvious exception. I was referring to other women or the dates that my mom might plan for me. I'll straightaway reject them all and never in my entire life see any other woman other than you." Though he was saying everything in a very rushed manner, he meant each and every word. Why would he ever see other women when he was lucky enough to be with the most amazing woman he had ever met?     

Her heart bloomed and started dancing in joy when he added 'ENTIRE LIFE' in the whole sentence. Her anger just faded away and her heart warmed up with love for the handsome man standing right in front of her again.     

Trying very hard to suppress her smile, she cleared her throat and faked frown again. "So you are taking me on a date too?" When he nodded his head, she inquired, "When?"     

Before he could say anything, she added, "Fine you don't have to answer now but make sure that you don't repeat this again, I don't want you going on dates with another woman. Maybe you are okay with me going on a date with other men but I am not."     

"Who said that I am okay with you going on dates with other men? You can't even go on dates with women." Without waiting for her reply, he frowned deeper and inquired, "Are you going on a date? Who is it? Who arranged it for you?"     

Placing her hand on his shoulder, Ellie answered, "No Sebastian, I am not going anywhere. I was just telling you that I am okay with you seeing any other woman but if you really wanna see one then I can't do anything."     

"I don't wanna and I promise that I'll never lie to you ever again."     

"Fine, It's alright."     

"So we are good right?" when she nodded her head, he sat down on the couch and made her sit on his lap. "Thank God, you have no idea how much I have missed you today.'     

Hooking her arms around his neck, she smiled, "I missed you too but I was too mad to tell you that and I am very sorry for shouting at you in the morning, I shouldn't have."     

Rubbing the side of her arms, he shook his head, "It's alright, you can shout at me as much as you want to but dont stop talking to me okay?"     

Running her fingers through his hair, she asked, "Did you have lunch today?"     

"Hmm Patricia brought over the lunch you had sent for me, what about you?"     

"Markus treated me lunch today and we even ended up having his favourite dessert later," she answered, which scared the shit out of Sebastian.     

"M—Markus? I don't remember us having a friend with that name." Not liking the name 'Markus' which Ellie had just mentioned, Sebastian was already having a really bad feeling about it. Wondering who Markus was with whom his woman ended up having lunch and dessert with, he frowned deeper.     

"He is my friend and you have no idea how sweet he is. You know he—"     

Cutting her off, he said, "I don't know and I don't think so that I wanna know."      

"Why not? He is very nice, you know what? You should meet him too. I'll see if I can arrange a meeting."      

Not wanting her to think about Markus, he said, "El, I am hungry."      

Glancing at the watch, she widened her eyes in shock. "It's already so late, of course you are hungry. I'll go and prepare something for you and—"     

"Why don't we go home?" He asked.     

"Home? You mean your place?" When Sebastian nodded his head, she inquired, "You don't wanna stay here?"      

"It's not that, I love this place too but—"     

Running her fingers through his collar, she thought for a while and asked, "So you think your place is my home too?"      

He nodded his head and asked, "Why? You don't? Isn't that place home-like for you? Do you want to make changes? Do you want to redesign the whole place?"      

Ellie shook her head and smiled, "No, that place is perfect. Alright, let's go home." Getting up, she added, "I'll bring the groceries out, we need to take them too otherwise they will go bad."      

"Why don't you pack a few things that you need and I'll get the groceries?"      

"Sounds perfect, give me second." When she entered the kitchen, Sebastian made a mental note to find out who Markus was before walking into the kitchen.     


Inside the car.     

When Ellie kept fiddling with the seat belt, Sebastian asked, "What happened?"      


"Something is bugging you, tell me what it is." After spending so many months with her, he understood her very well. He could tell when she was sad, worried or when something was bothering her.     

"I was just thinking what would've happened if I was still angry with you and you went camping with that date woman of yours." Without waiting for his reply, she asked, "Would you spend all your time with her during the whole camping duration?"      

Keeping quiet for a few seconds, he asked, "What makes you think I would go camping if you weren't accompanying me?"      


"I am just going for the camping because you want to, you do know that I am not interested in these things until and unless you are involved right?" He inquired.     

Placing her hand on her chest, she sighed, "Ahh really? You wouldn't have gone if I didn't?"      

"Of course not, I had already made up my mind not to if you were not coming." How could he just leave her behind and go camping with a bunch of people he didn't really care about?      


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