Trapped in Her Heart

She is lying

She is lying

Sebastian's place.     

As soon as Ellie stepped out of the elevator, she frowned when she heard loud chattering and chuckling sounds.     

Walking towards the couch, she frowned deeper and pursed her lips when she saw Melissa and Ava happily talking to Charlotte. They had already told her that Charlotte would show up once before Ava takes her to Calvin's place.     

Initially Ellie wanted to ignore her and stay at her place but she decided not to. She also wanted to see how the woman her man went on a date with looked like.     

"Ah look El is here," Melissa excitedly got up and rushed towards her. Grabbing Ellie's hand, she muttered, "Oh God you need to meet Charlotte she is so awesome and—" she stopped midway when Ellie glared at her.     

"Mel, do you want to look for a new best friend?" When Melissa shook her head, she added, "Good then stop with this excitement."      

"Okay, so you are Ellie," Charlotte asked before walking towards her. Without waiting for Ellie's reply, she crossed her arms in the front and chuckled, "No wonder he is so crazy about you."      

"Who are you talking about?" Ellie inquired.     

"Sebastian, oh so you have many admirers? Ah so this is why he was panicking and acting weird," Charlotte added.     

"You are talking about Sebastian? He panicked?" When she nodded her head, Ellie asked, "Why and when?"      

Storming her feet on the ground, Charlotte sighed, "Ahh I feel like yawning whenever I think about that day but damn, he is a very boring guy. I mean if you like him too, why?"      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Ellie curiously inquired, "Wait, how do you know me in the first place? Did Sebastian tell you about me?" The initial jealous-anger feeling that was brewing in her heart was completely overshadowed with curiosity and eagerness to know what had exactly happened. She wanted to know what Sebastian had told Charlotte about her.      

"Tell me about you? Honey, everything was about you. In fact, that guy was so worried that you don't like him so I had to tell him the whole bag theory and—" Stopping midway, she groaned in frustration. "I even got a pimple after that intense cafe talk you know, it was very stressful."      

Shrugging her shoulders, Ava chuckled, "Well, only my brother can manage to turn a date into a stressful day."      

Bursting into laughter, Charlotte said, "Date? You are calling that fifteen minutes meeting a date? I spend more time with my masseuse, so calling that short meeting a date is so unfair for real dates."      

When Ellie smiled, Melissa hooked her arms around her shoulders. "You like her don't you?"      

"So Ellie, how did he propose to you?"      

Scratching her forehead, Ellie answered, "He hasn't proposed yet but—"     

Cutting her off, Charlotte screamed, "What? Why not? I mean the way he just ran out of the cafe that day, I thought he would definitely tell you how insane he is about you."      

"He did not propose but he did come to Seattle to bring me back. He told me that he is missing me and I need to tag along with him back here," Ellie smiled. Learning that Sebastian was talking about her through the so-called date made her feel so special. The curiosity and eagerness in her heart was now replaced with love and adoration for the cute and handsome man she was so madly in love with.     

Placing her hand on her chest, Charlotte gasped, "Look at you all blushing, you really like him don't you?" Without waiting for her reply, she added, "What did you see in him that made you like him? I mean if you like him for that handsome face then I can understand but—"     

Cutting her off, Ellie frowned, "Wait a minute, are you trying to say that there is nothing to like about Sebastian?"      

"Well, let's just say he isn't my type and—"     

Cutting her off again, Ellie snapped, "What? Cute is not your type? Handsome, loving, caring, sweet, kind hearted is your type? Gentle, polite, decent is not your type? How can any normal woman not fall for a perfect man like him?"      

"Ah so you want me to fall for him too?" Charlotte inquired.     

Ellie cleared her throat and said, "That is not what I meant, I am just trying to tell you that Sebastian is not boring, he is fun loving and yes, I love him."      

Ava gasped and squealed in excitement, "Ahhh this is so exciting, I thought you just like him but—" giving Ellie an overexcited hug, she added, "You are going to be my sister-in-law."      

"Ahh I am there too," Melissa squeezed herself in.     

Charlotte sighed and said, "I don't know what exactly this is about but I wanna join too."     


Thirty minutes later.     

When Sebastian arrived home, he widened his eyes in shock when he saw Ellie and Charlotte having a very serious conversation while Melissa and Ava had the most awkward expressions on.     

He had called Ellie when he left office and he could easily make out that something wasn't right. So he rushed home to find out what had happened.      

Without wasting any time, he rushed towards Ellie but he stopped midway when Charlotte got up and smiled at him.     

"Ah there you are honey, I was just telling Ellie and others how fun our date was." Without waiting for his reply, she grabbed his tie and pulled him towards her. "I told them about her after date fun too and how I had the most wonderful moment—"     

Widening his eyes in shock, he took several steps back and yelled in a very shrill voice, "What the hell are you talking about?"     

"It's alright, we don't have to pretend or meet in private anymore because everyone knows about us and our relationship now," she added before taking a step towards him but before she could go anywhere near him, Sebastian rushed towards Ellie.     

Standing right behind her, he pointed towards Charlotte and snapped, "She is lying."      



Webnovel is hosting a win-win event from 1st to 30th September which will benefit the readers as well as the author.     

The details will be out later.     

Trapped in Her Heart will be taking part in this event and I am sure that my beloved readers will support me as always. To be a part of the event, the authors has to update at least 1500 words daily without fail during the entire span of the event.     

The prizes will be given out according to the number of privilege readers a book will have at the end of the event.     

I would like request those who can, to buy at least the first privilege tier which is worth 1 coin next month. :)     

 I have decreased the second privilege tiers price from 30 coins to 15 coins (It's more affordable now) for the next month.     

[Note: There is no pressure but if you can, please buy at least the first privilege tier] ^_^     

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