Trapped in Her Heart

Type C

Type C

Without waiting for his reply, Calvin continued, "Okay here is the plan, since the girls are helping Ava move to my place today so we have plenty of time to go to the store and pick out the perfect necklace for Ellie."      

Glancing at his watch, Noah sighed, "I have this really important meeting in like twenty minutes and since Mel isn't here, I need to make sure that everything runs smoothly in her absence."      

"I have a meeting too but that will be over before lunch," Calvin informed.     

"You both finish your meeting and let's meet at Noah's place later. I need to rush home because I left my wallet at Ellie's apartment yesterday. She will fetch it for me and bring it to our place," Sebastian explained.     

Grinning from ear to ear, Calvin punched Sebastian's arm. "Our place huh? Did you guys move in together already?"      

"No we haven't but we are staying in my place alot lately, it's nice to have her around you know. I mean, I have never had a woman with whom I shared such a close bond—"     

Cutting him off, Noah chuckled, "That is because you always repelled them."      

"Do you think that you don't have women drooling all over you Seb? I mean come on you are titled as the most eligible bachelor on those clique magazines. You were just never interested in relationships or women until Ellie popped in," Noah added.     

Tucking his hands inside his pocket, Sebastian smiled, "I am just glad that I unintentionally waited for El, she is so perfect and she makes me feel so warm and complete. You know how I was never satisfied with everything that was happening in my life but now it feels so nice and I have never been so satisfied and happy about anything else."      

Getting up, Calvin sighed, "Okay, Sebastian Stewart is really in love with Ellie Miller."      

"Dude, you are already head over heels for her man, you are also a lover boy now," Noah chuckled.     

Shrugging his shoulder, Sebastian smiled, "Well, if it's for Ellie then I don't mind being called a garbage man let alone being a lover boy."      

"Okay, I am going to leave before I start missing Ava—"     

Cutting Calvin off, Noah asked, "Missing Ava? Why would you miss my sister?"      

Clearing his throat, Calvin tried to refrain his sentence a bit. "Did I just say miss? What I actually wanted to say was that I should leave before I miss Ava's moving day." Without waiting for their reply, he rushed out as fast as he could to avoid any form of deadly questioning.     

After Calvin left, Noah said, "The police officer called me today, we have a hearing in the court next week. Our lawyer has already handled everything and we just have to show up."      

"What about El? Did you tell me about the whole situation?"      

"Hmm, his main target was you so your presence is important, Ellie doesn't have to show up." Noah informed.     

Pausing for a while, he asked, "Seb did you tell El about it?"      

"No, the case is already over and we have already handled things here so I don't think I should stress her out with that news," Sebastian answered.     

Noah nodded his head in agreement. "I did not tell Mel either so it's okay I guess."      


Sebastian's place.     

Glancing at her nails, Charlotte sighed, "You see, I may sound rude but I need to say this, my nails are more interesting than the two of you. The two of you are the most boring people I have encountered till date."      

It had been almost twenty minutes since she arrived and neither Ava nor Melissa had initiated any kind of conversation which made the whole environment awkward.     

Awkwardly clearing her throat, Ava decided to start a conversation. "So Charlotte, my mom told me that you are into fashion designing and—"     

Cutting her off, Charlotte chuckled, "That woman is your mom?"      

"I am sorry what?" She frowned.     

Placing her hand on her chest, Charlotte gasped, "Oh did I use a very complicated sentence again or was my tone wrong? Anyway let me make it more clear." Pausing got a few seconds, she added, "Your mom is a bitch."      

"Melissa," stretching her hands towards her, Melissa smiled, "I mean my name is Melissa."      

 "It's lovely meeting you Melissa, my name is Charlotte."      

"So what makes you think that Rebecca Stewart is a bitch?" Melissa curiously inquired.     

Taking off her coat, Charlotte sighed, "You know there are two types of women. Type A who act all cute and innocent but they are very bitchy and type B who are just bitchy."      

"Ah so you mean Rebecca falls under the type B?" Melissa asked.     

Shaking her head, Charlotte said, "No honey, Rebecca falls under the type C category."      

"And what is type C?" Ava asked.     

"Born bitches, they are so bitchy, cunning, cruel that even the vibe around them is bitchy. Rebecca Stewart gives me the type C category vibe," Charlotte explained.     

Placing her hand on her chest, Melissa sighed, "I love her already."     

"So you think Rebecca Stewart is a type C bitch too?"     

"Uh-huh, do you even have to ask? I have always hated that woman from my gut," Melissa snapped.     

"Does her cakey makeup bother you too?"      

"Are you talking about the thousand layers of makeup she covers her deep eye pits and bitchy face with?" Melissa asked.     

"Okay, I love you too Melissa."      

Clearing her throat, Ava said, "You both do realize that you are talking about my mom right in front me."      

Charlotte gasped and asked, "I am so sorry, would you like to join us too?"      

Shrugging her shoulders, Ava sighed, "I would love to but I can't, so I'll just close my ears and you both can talk about her as much as you want." No matter how much she hated her mom, there was no way she could join the conversation. Her daughter side would never allow her to do that.      

Covering her ears, Ava slumped on the couch and visually watched the two of them bitch about her mom.      


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