Trapped in Her Heart



Giving Sebastian a weak smile, Owen explained, "I know you are angry but no one told me that it was supposed to be a secret."      

"Ellie did not talk to me for eight hours, she had lunch with some other guy and she didn't even receive my calls. If not for Boji's cuteness and of course my true love for her, she would've left me for real because of you." Without waiting for his reply, Sebastian snapped again, "How would you feel if I tell June that a month before you started dating her, you actually went on a romantic date with another woman?"     

"Woah that woman had really huge boobies," Noah chuckled.     

Calvin sighed and nodded his head, "And did you notice how she was trying to press it against Owen?"     

"I know right? I wonder why they did not end up having sex together?" Noah asked.     

Owen gasped and gritted his teeth. "Hey, that was a business dinner and her father was supposed to accompany too but he backed out and sent his daughter only. You guys know that I was not at all interested in her because I love June, I have always loved June."     

"Well, June doesnt know that, does she?" Sebastian inquired.     

Puffing his cheeks, Owen complained, "Hey, how can you do that? Do you want me to be all sad and single again? I am an orphan, remember? I don't even have a proper family like you guys."     

Smacking his head, Calvin rolled his eyes. "For Pete's sake Owen stop playing the orphan card, it's old now."     

Grinning from ear to ear, Owen said, "But you people still buy it, don't you?"     

"You do know that dad is going to thrash you if he learns that you are saying you don't have a proper family right?" Noah asked.     

Shrugging his shoulders, Owen said, "Yeah but it's not like anyone will tell him right?"     

Ignoring Owen, the three men walked away. "Hey , don't leave me like that."      


Rise & Shine Jewellery Store     

"Guess who called me today?" Noah asked.     

"Unless it's the president himself, don't expect any reaction from me," Calvin chuckled.     

Pretending to set his hair and sticking his tongue out, Noah imitated someone.      

Scrunching his face, Owen pretended to puke. "You are joking right?"     

When Noah shook his head, Calvin sighed, "Why did he call you again?"     

"He wants to hang out with us like old times and he was especially asking for Seb," Noah explained.     

Calvin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well I am not trying to be offensive but guy isn't that bad you know. I mean, at least he isn't cruel or scheamy. Yeah I know he is a bit irritating at times—"     

Cutting Calvin off, Sebastian frowned, "At times? He is irritating all the time and that guy is a flirt. I haven't seen that many women in real life than the number of women he has hooked up with in college."     

"Hey, college life is a very vulnerable phase and people are bound to be emotionally unstable," Noah snapped to which Calvin energetically agreed.     

"Everyone has a phase in life where they are vulnerable and tend to do outrageous things but things change and people change. Like look at me, I haven't hooked up with anyone since so many months. I am a changed and responsible man now—" When Noah and Sebastian gave him a weird look, Calving pinched Owen's waist.     

"Ouch—" Clearing his throat, Owen vigorously nodded his head. "Calvin is a very changed man now, he has officially stopped goofing around and is looking for a serious relationship."     

Pursing his lips, Sebastian sighed, "Noah was a goofer when we were in college and after that too but he changed after meeting Melissa, he is a man with principles and is all ready to start a family of his own. Owen was never really a flirt and he is now all settled with June. I was as boring as a fungi all my life but after meeting Ellie, I wish to change but you on the other hand—"     

Cutting Sebastian off, Calvin fornwed, "So you think I can never change?"     

Patting his shoulder, Noah sighed, "Hard to say pal, your record hasn't been so promising."     

"Hey come on you guys, don't be so mean to our Calvin. The guy had changed okay? He isn't the usual playboy anymore," Owen defended his friend.     

Noah chuckled and raised both his hands in the air. "Alright, it's good if you have changed."     

"Why are we even discussing this? It's Calvin's life, he can do whatever he wants with it and it's not like you are dating my sister or anything so why should we even think or worry about it?" Sebastian asked.     

"Well well well, look who we have here?" Pausing for a while, the man added, "It's my college mates."     

Slapping his forehead, Noah sighed, "Oh my God."     

Walking towards them, the man flashed a smile at Sebastian. "Look at you, you are as grumpy and boring as I remember."     

Scrunching face, Sebastian snapped, "And you are as irritating as I remember."     

Smacking his arm, the man chuckled, "Oh come on Seb, I know you love me."     

"You wish," Sebastian muttered before gesturing Noah to get rid of the person who irritated him the most.     

"Brandon, what a pleasant surprise." Giving him a hug, Noah inquired, "What are you doing here?"     

"Ahh I was here to do some shopping, one of the stores informed me that the new collection is on display so I rushed over to take a look but who would've thought that I'll bump into my old mates," Brandon excitedly exclaimed.     

Tucking his hands inside his pocket, Owen said, "Yeah we are shopping too."     

Raising his brows, Brandon asked, "Shopping? Do you guys even know how to shop? I mean no offence but you people should let me tag along so that I can help you people choose the best."     

"No we—"     

Cutting Sebastian off, Calvin said, "We don't mind if you have time."     

"You kidding me? You people are my mates, I have all the time in the universe for you all but I have a meeting at five so I need to leave then."     



Webnovel is hosting a win-win event from 1st to 30th September which will benefit the readers as well as the author.     

The details will be out later.     

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