Trapped in Her Heart



"Wait what? Didn't I always call you Seb?" She wasn't really understanding what was so unfair with calling him Seb. Considering the fact that she used to call him boss or Mr Stewart, Seb actually sounded very intimate. But little did Ellie know that it wasn't enough for him.     

"Yes you did but that was before—" Pointing towards himself and then Ellie, he continued, "We happened, now things are not only different but everything has changed."     

Not understanding what he was trying to say, Ellie helplessly shook her head and focused on petting Boji.      

Being completely ignored after stating a very serious issue, he started grumbling, "Are you trying to ignore me? So you are willing to call Boji with cute nicknames but not me?" When she did not say anything, he gasped, "You love Boji more than me."     

Helpless shaking her head, she sighed, "And here I thought that I was dating a mature man, what happened to my sensible Sebastian? What did you do with the mature Seb?"      

'Well, the mature version is still there but I am trying to be practical here. I am your boyfriend so you should also make me sound like one. People can actually mistake Boji as your partner if you keep calling her baby or honey," he explained.     

Pacing her hand on her thigh, she finally decided to give me. "Okay, what do you want me to call you?"      

Shrugging his shoulder, he answered, "I don't know, I have heard Melissa call Noah with different names like sweetheart, babe, lollipop, sexy, hotty and there was one which i thought is very interesting and unique, JuJubee."      

Pursing her lips and trying very hard not to laugh, Ellie took a deep breath to calm herself down. "So is the boss of such a big company okay with his girlfriend calling him JuJubee?"      

"Hmm it kinda sounds weird when you are saying it but I like it."     

Throwing a pillow on his face, she chuckled, "You are crazy Mr Stewart, Noah and Melissa are crazy people who are of different levels and I am a hundred percent sure that there is a very dirty and disgusting reason behind those nicknames so please don't listen to them."     

Dejected and upset for not having a nickname, he sighed and placed his head on Ellie's lap. "Then what are you going to call me?"     

Running her fingers through his hair, she suggested, "Can't I just call you what I feel like and according to my mood? I mean do we have to keep a specific name for anything?"      

Picking up Boji, he placed her on his chest and agreed, "Okay, I think we should go with your plan."     

"What do you want to have for dinner? And please don't say sandwich."     

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he closed his eyes, "Let's order something today, I know you are tired."     

"Hmm, we should go grocery shopping tomorrow, there are many missing ingredients in the kitchen," she suggested.     

Without saying anything, he obediently nodded his head. "Let's leave office early tomorrow."     


Calvin and Ava's place.     

"Calvin, you are overreacting, I'll ask Seb to talk with her and—"     

"Talk? Didn't you tell me that it has already been taken care of? That man is going around telling people that my girlfriend is his fiancee, how do you expect me to be cool about it Ava?" he fumed.      

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ava tried to explain herself, "You know how ridiculous this circle is Calvin, people talk shit all the time and that Britney is a bitch."      

After arriving in the city, they decided to go to the mall to buy a few fresh bright coloured bed sheets because the ones Calving had were too dull and Ava wasnt a fan of them.      

Everything was going smoothly until they bumped into Britney, a woman who knew everything that was happening in their circle. When she suddenly congratulated Ava for her engagement with Nathan, Calvin almost lost his cool. Ava tried asking her where she heard that from, Britney told her that everyone knew about it.      

"A bitch who knows everything—" Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his coat and started walking out of the room.     

Grabbing his hand, she inquired, "Where are you going?"     

"Well, I just heard about my girlfriend's engagement so it will be rude if I don't give her a gift right? I am going to get one." Without waiting for her reply, he jerked her hand off and walked away.      

Massaging her forehead, Ava slumped on the bed and groaned in frustration. She was having a feeling that it was her mothers doing but considering the fact that she wasn't here, Ava shrugged it off.     

"Well, you guys really fight a lot," Charlotte chuckled.     

"It's my fault this time, he had the right to be angry," Ava admitted.      

Sitting beside her, Charlotte curiously inquired, "So what exactly happened and how is it your fault?"     

Sitting up straight, Ava asked, "How would you react if someone told you that your boyfriend is engaged with someone out of the blue?"     

"Wuuuu that sounds really very bad, but who are you engaged to?"      

"No Char, I am not engaged with anyone. Its a rumour which some sick bastard started to fuck my life up."     

Shrugging her shoulders, Charlotte said, "Well, there has to be someone who started it. I mean, I would have directly doubted your mother but considering the fact that she isn't here, I think it's someone else."     

"I thought so too but how do I find out?" Things had just started getting better in her life and she didn't want anything to wreck it, especially a fake rumor.     

"That isn't hard, just follow the line until you find the main culprit," Charlotte suggested.     

Thinking for a while, Ava sighed, "But I don't mingle with the circle that much you know so I have no idea where to start from."     

Helplessly shaking her head, Charlotte got up. "Seriously if I ever need a kidney, you or your brother has to give me one without any hesitation."     


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