Trapped in Her Heart

"I am jealous....."

"I am jealous....."

Tossing the diary away, he awkwardly cleared his throat, "Nothing, I was just taking out your clothes from the cupboard."      

Keeping the cups on the dressing table, she inquired, "What were you holding just now?"      

"I was holding this—" Taking out a random top from the cupboard, he continued, "This top, it's so soft."      

Taking the dairy out from the cupboard, she raised her brows, "Seb, did you read my diary?"      

"What? No I didn't." When she gave him a 'Liar Liar pants on fire' look, he sighed, "Fine, I did but not today, I read it months ago."     


"Remember the time when I helped you clean your apartment for the first time?" When she nodded her head, he continued, "I found it under that table and I couldn't resist reading it."      

When she did not say anything, he added, "I read how you were gloating about that Craig guy."      

"You do know that reading someone's personal diary is really not cool, right?"      

He vigorously nodded his head and scoffed, "But it was worth it, at least now I know that there was a guy you liked but he wasn't good enough for you but I am and this is why you are my girlfriend and not his."      

Helplessly shaking her head, she chuckled, "I was in high school when I wrote this and Craig was just a teenage crush that I had, it was nothing serious."      

When he did not give her a very convincing expression, she added, "And not that you care but later I started hating Craig because I found out that he bullied small puppies and kittens."      

"What? Who does that? Is he out of his mind?" Sebastian frowned.      

Shrugging her shoulders, she sighed, "Well, he loved it so—"      

"What if he didn't do that? I mean, what if he loved puppies? Do you think you and Craig—"      

Cutting him off, she vigorously shook her head, "No and even if we had a thing in the past, would you mind?" When he shook his head, she sighed, "Then why are we even talking about it?"      

"No specific reason, I was just curious because according to the diary, you loved his dimples."      

Crossing her arms in the front, she raised her brows at him. "Seb, are you jealous of Craig?" When he looked away, she chuckled, "Are you seriously jealous of someone you have never met?"      

Knocking his forehead, she added, "You are crazy Sebastian Stewart."      

Grabbing her hand, he inched closer, "And who is responsible for that?"      

 Taking a step back, she answered, "Not my fault."      

Without saying anything, he kept cornering her until her back touched the cold wall.      

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, he inched closer until their nose touched. "How am I supposed to feel when I discover that my girlfriend had a major crush on a guy and she even dedicated a whole diary for him."      

Clutching onto his shirt, she closed her eyes when he brushed their lips together but before she could kiss him back, he pulled away.      

"Why shouldn't I be jealous? I am very jealous," he whispered in a very seductive tone which made her legs turn jelly and weak.     

Kissing her jaw followed by the chin, he added, "I wish I had met you before that Craig guy."      

His lips then traced the line of her cheek bone and with his lips against hers, he said, "I wish—"      

Without waiting for him to complete his sentence, she pulled him closer.     

Tightening his grip around her waist, he started kissing her gently and carefully at first.      

When she tightened her fist around his shirt and pulled him closer, he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his hip and pushed her against the wall before intensifying the kiss.      

Her fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer. She moaned when he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She could feel heat building all over her body and a weird yet amazing sensation started spreading through her veins which made her heart feel giddy.      

Without breaking the kiss, he made his way towards the bed.      

Pulling away, he carefully placed her on the bed and quickly took off her shoes in urgency before jerking off his. He then hovered her body with his and captured her red, plum lips again.      

Her fingers started unbuttoning his shirt in urgency while his hands caressed her inner thighs.      

He groaned in pain when she accidentally bit his lower lip too hard.      

Ellie widened her eyes in shock and quickly pulled away when she tasted blood. "I-I am so sorry, I—"      

Wiping the blood off his lips, Sebastian sighed, "It's alright," before flipping over.      

Lying down beside each other, they tried to calm themselves down without uttering a single word.     

Popping her head up, she worriedly inquired, "Are you alright?"      

"Yeah, I am fine."      

Lowering her head, she apologized, "I am so sorry, I did not realize—" With her cheeks burning in embarrassment, she pursed her lips contemplating whether she should say the remaining words or not.      

Turning towards her, he smiled and caressed her cheek, "It's alright, I don't mind."      

Snuggling closer, she pouted her lips and complained, "That was such a bummer. I mean, a bummer for your beautiful lips."      

Throwing his head back, he chuckled, "You think my lips are beautiful?"      

"Of course they are, everything about you and your face is beautiful. You are a very handsome beautiful man," she answered.      

Kissing the top of her head, he smiled, "Only you can make weird things sound so cute and full of sense."      

Fidgeting with his shirt buttons, she awkwardly stated, "Just now we—"      

"It's alright, we don't have to talk about it if you are not comfortable," he answered before pulling her closer. He knew that it was too early to take things further but he just got carried away in the moment.      

 "It's not that I am not comfortable or I don't want to but—"      

Cutting her off, he said in a very assuring tone, "We will never do anything that you are not ready or a hundred percent comfortable with."      


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