Trapped in Her Heart



Placing her hand on Ellie's shoulder, Melissa sighed in satisfaction, "The beaches, the atmosphere, the sunset, everything is so arousing there that you don't feel like leaving the bedroom."      

"I do know that Hawaii is a beautiful place but why do we have to go to the salon? I don't want a haircut and I got my brows done recently," Ellie stated.      

Raising her brows, Melissa scoffed, "You do realize that you can't chicken out all the time, right?"      

"Now where did that come from? And how is it anywhere related to us going there?" she curiously inquired,      

Knocking her forehead, Melissa helplessly shook her head, "You are a mess without me Ellie Miller." Without waiting for her reply, she added, "We need to go to the salon for a cleansing and by cleansing I mean Brazilian waxing."      

Widening her eyes in shock, Ellie slapped her hand away, "There is no way I am getting one, do you have any idea how painful it is?"      

"Wait, how do you know that it's painful?"      

"I-I have heard of it so I am not getting one," she declared.      

Rolling her eyes, Melissa sighed, "Oh come on El, of course it's painful but it's not as bad as you think it is. But despite everything, it's totally worth it."      


Cutting her off, she snapped, "I am not arguing over this, we are going to the salon around six and it's final."      

"Why are you doing this to me Mel, why?"      

Placing her hand on her shoulder, Melissa remarked, "Look I don't know if anything is going to happen between you and Seb during the trip because that totally depends on the two of you and your hormones but I don't want you to take any chance. You are going to go there all prepared no matter what happens."      

Thinking for a while, Ellie gave in. "Fine, we will do as you say."      

"Good, I'll call you."      


Los Angeles.      

Calvin's apartment.     

Looking at the picture, Calvin sighed, "Babe, you didn't have to do this."      

"Are you kidding me? Of course I had to, this was needed," Ava stated before wrapping her arms around his waist.      

"Is it because I got mad and told you many mean things?" Without waiting for her reply, he started apologizing all over again, "I am very sorry for what I said, I know I shouldn't have said those things. I was just too mad over everything that was happening. You know how much I hate that Nathan guy, right? Seriously, I'll punch him on his face someday."      

"Okay now stop," she chuckled. Hooking her arms around his neck, she smiled, "You don't have to apologize about anything, it was partly my fault too. I promise it won't happen in the future, I'll be extra careful."      

"I love you." Pulling her closer, he was about to press his lips against hers when Ava pushed him away.      

"Don't start all over again, I am not even done packing yet and we are flying there tomorrow. Don't you have an important meeting to attend in around thirty minutes?" When he pouted his lips, she started pushing him out of the room. "You need to leave, complete your thing and come back home fast."      

"Do I have to go? Can't just stay and help you pack?"      

"Hmm do you know how to fold?" When he sighed and shook his head, she chuckled, "Go."      

After Calvin left, she entered the room and started packing their clothes which they would need for the trip. Glancing at her cell phone which was continuously buzzing, she rolled her eyes and turned it off. After she uploaded the picture, her mother had been continuously calling her but she had been ignoring her calls. Ava didn't want to deal with her right now and spoil her vacation mood.      



"Will you give up already? Why are you stressing yourself like this?" Arthur sighed.      

"I have been trying to call her since yesterday evening but this girl is not receiving my call and neither is Sebastian, I don't know what is wrong with these two," Rebecca snapped.      

"Didn't you hear about their Hawaii trip? Kids are in a vacation mood right now, don't bother with them," he stated.      

Scrunching her brows, Rebecca frowned, "Didn't you see the picture? That girl had the audacity to tag us and—"      

Cutting her off, he calmly remarked, "Even you did something which wasn't right, just take it as a lesson and get over it."      


Taking off his reading glasses, Arthur stated, "Are you trying to tell me that your friend's son is better than Calvin?" When she did not say anything, he added, "I will scold Ava later for doing something so bold. Now don't stress yourself over that matter anymore."      

Balling her hand into a fist, Rebecca silently gritted her teeth and tightened her grip around her cell phone. The sudden change in Arthur's behavior was very strange for her and it was also making things difficult for her. With him stopping her from doing things she wanted to, everything was going in a different direction. Maybe she would reluctantly accept Ava and Calvin's relationship but there was no way she would let her son be with an average assistant. Even if Arthur was okay with their kids doing whatever they wanted, she wasn't. Now all she wanted was to go back home and fix things according to her way.      



Harry and Judith's place.      

"Why?" Sebastian inquired.      

"Are you asking a woman why she is going to a salon? Seriously Seb, what is wrong with you?" Ellie sighed.      

Hugging her from behind, he shook his head, "It's not that, I am just wondering why you have to go one this late." Glancing at the watch, he added, "Look it's almost dinner time."      

"Mel needs to shape her brows and there are a few feminine things we gotta do, I will be back soon," she assured him.      

"Can I work while you are gone? I will just check a few mails, I swear."      

"No working, you are on vacation Mr. Stewart, you are supposed to relax and not work," she snapped.      


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