Trapped in Her Heart

Pay attention

Pay attention

At the beach.      

With their hands intertwined together, Sebastian and Ellie were taking a romantic evening beach walk together.     

Turning towards Sebastian, she smiled. "Seb, what do you like in me?"     

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian smiled. Inching closer, he brushed their lips together and whispered, "I like each and everything about you."     

Pushing him away, she pouted her lips. "That was by far the cheesiest thing you have ever told me."      

Pulling her closer, he nodded his head. "That was cheesy but it's also the truth." Kissing her forehead, he added, "You are the cheesiest and the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me."      

"And you are the most handsome and sweetest thing that has ever happened to me." Tiptoeing, she hooked her arms around his neck. "I grew up learning that love is the most beautiful feeling but after meeting and falling in love with you, I realized that it's one hundred percent more beautiful than I thought it would be."      

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he gently caressed her cheeks. "I wanna take you somewhere."      

"Where do you wanna take me?"      

"Somewhere special." Kissing her forehead, he added, "It's nearby, we can just walk there."      


Sebastian's beach house.     

Passing her the keys, he instructed, "Here unlock the door."      

"Okay." Taking the keys from his hand, she curiously inquired, "Whose place is this?"      

"It's my beach house, the one Noah was talking about," he answered.      

"I thought that one was still under construction," she stated before entering the house along with Sebastian.     



Looking at the simple yet elegant interior of the beach house, Ellie sighed in satisfaction. "This is beautiful."      

Hugging her from behind, he kissed her nape. "Do you like it? You can make changes according to your preference."      

"You will let me make changes here?"      

"Of course babe, what's mine is also yours. You can whatever you want to," he stated.      

"It's perfect the way it is," she smiled.      

"I wanna show you something else too." Grabbing her hand, he guided her towards a room in the corner. "When I told you about my painting hobby, you asked me if I have a room where I paint or keep my paintings?" When she nodded her head, he continued, "And I promised that I'll show you the room when the right time comes."      

"Yes, I remember that."      

Without saying anything, he opened the door and guided her inside the room.      

"What—" she stopped midway when a room with canvases which had beautiful paintings sketched on them greeted her. Most of them were complete, elegant paintings which had the finest curves and contrast of colourings while some were incomplete paintings waiting for the magic to happen. "Wow this is amazing Seb, did you paint them all?" she curiously inquired.      

"Hmm I had a separate place back in L.A where I used to paint and keep them. When this place was ready, I had them shipped here. They aren't that great, I just—"      

Cutting him off, she beamed, "Are you kidding me? They are beautiful, you are so talented."      

"Come on, they are easy to make. You can do it too," he stated.      

"Pttff, you are joking right? I can't even draw a mango before erasing it at least twice and you think I can create something like this?" she chuckled.      

Grabbing her hand, he guided her towards an empty canvas. "Come on, I'll teach you. I swear it's not as hard as it looks." Making her stand right in front of the canvas, he added, "I'll go get the colours."      

"Alright, if you insist. I shall show you how horrible my painting skills are," she remarked before tying her hair into a messy bun.      

"Practice makes everyone perfect, You didn't learn how to write or speak fluently in one day, right?"      

"Hold on a sec, are you planning to give me painting lessons starting today?" When he nodded his head, she inquired, "And how am I supposed to pay you for that or is it for free?"      

"Nothing is free Ms Miller, everything comes with a price." Squeezing the paint out of the tube in the color palette, he added, "My painting lessons are very expensive, twenty kisses per hour."      

Placing her hand on her chest, she faked a gasp, "Oh my God, there is no way my lips can afford something so expensive."      

"Pick up that small brush," he instructed.      

Pointing towards the smallest brush she could see, she asked, "This one?" When he nodded his head, she inquired, "Okay, what do I do now?"      

"Now dip it in the white paint." When she did what he had asked her to, Sebastian wrapped his left arm around her waist and held her right hand with his.      

Looking at his arm wrapped around her waist, she chuckled, "This is by far the most romantic painting class I have ever attended."      

"Pay attention." Kissing her earlobe, he whispered, "Eyes on the canvas."      

Ellie gasped lightly when he suddenly tightened his grip around her waist and hand. She could feel his warm breath on her ears which made her feel giddy. He was also brushing his lips against her earlobe every now and then making it very hard for her to concentrate.      

"Now just gently stroke on the edges," he instructed before leaving soft kisses on her neck.      

Closing her eyes, she arched her neck to the other side giving him more access.      

"If you close your eyes, how are you going to learn?" he stated in a deep, attractive voice which sent chills down her spine.      

"I—" She stopped midway and frowned when he let out a low chuckle. Hitting him with her elbow, she complained, "This is no more a normal painting class, you are clearly taking advantage of your only student."      

"There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of my girlfriend," he remarked.      

Dipping her finger in the white paint, Ellie rubbed it on the tip of nose. "Then there is nothing wrong with painting my boyfriend's nose."      


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