Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Natural Type of Eon Energy

Natural Type of Eon Energy


Both Lu Wan and Ye Jiao were stunned by the view in front of them. They would never expect that they could find a tree growing up in this cave. Not to mention, the tree in front of them didn't seem like an ordinary tree as it glowed in green color.     

In contrast to the two stupefied children, Qi Huan looked much calmer. He rubbed his chin. "I see. Now I understand why the bats have bigger bodies."     

"Is it because of this tree?"     


The tree itself was not a normal tree with roots, body, branches, leaves, and so on. It was a vine like tree that stuck on the wall with numerous small green colored fruit sprouted all over its body. The fruit seemed to glow as it caused the entire place to light up in green color.     

Qi Huan nodded. "It seems we have just seen a natural grown Natural Essence Fruit."     

"Natural Essence Fruit?" Ye Jiao asked. She had never heard of this name before.     

"Yes. It's a fruit you can naturally find in dry and rocky areas. It's one of the fruits that you can easily find in Cao Kingdom because it's not hard to grow," Qi Huan explained.     

"What's the use of this fruit? As a light?"     

"No. This fruit is filled with a natural type of Eon Energy. It was the kind of Eon Energy that you can only find in nature and are unable to absorb in a normal way. Because your body can't absorb it, it's usually used to cleanse one's body because it helps get rid of impurities. Normally, it's used by Eon Energy Master rank 2 or below."     

Ye Jiao's eyes widened. She pointed to the fruits. "Are you saying that they can help cleanse one's body?"     

"Yes," Qi Huan scratched his head. "You see, normally people have different kind of Eon Energy suitable for their body. But when you start learning, you can't differentiate them and just absorb them. When you reach rank 3, your sense will become keener, so you can eliminate them slowly.     

With this fruit, you can do it faster. It helps in stabilizing Eon Energy Master when they haven't reached rank 3 yet. At the same time, it'll only circulate in your body and tie the impurities you have in your body because of foods and many others. With this fruit, you can become stronger faster."     

Lu Wan's face soured. "No wonder Cao Kingdom is the biggest kingdom amongst the four kingdoms."     

With the aid of these fruits, they would be able to become much stronger against experts of the same rank. Their training also became much easier because they could use this fruit to help them out.     

"Is there any harm in ingesting the fruits?" Ye Jiao asked curiously.     

Qi Huan shook his head. "There's none, but your body will naturally build resistance the more fruits you eat. There's the higher level of Natural Essence Fruit, named Natural Essence Energy Fruit."     

"... Who in the world thinks of their lame name?" it's just different in one word!     

"Don't ask me. I don't know either. These fruits can't be produced in four kingdoms, but I read about them in books. They're 100 times more effective compared to Nature Essence Fruit."     

Lu Wan plucked one of the fruits. The size was small, just around the size of cherry fruits. It was extremely easy to carry around.     

"Are they expensive?"     

"Not really. You can buy them at the price of 30 silvers in Cao Kingdom, but if you want to buy in other kingdoms, it can reach higher to 1 gold," Qi Huan was very knowledgeable about these matters because he had to study them all. Even if he had to list out their current trade rate, there was no doubt that Qi Huan could answer them all without break.     

"These are practically gold mines," Lu Wan's eyes shone in interest.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "We should start to eat them and digest them here."     

"Wait, you mean now? We're in the middle of a hunt."     

"Do you have any better time to consume them?" Ye Jiao asked back. Once they came out of the hunt, they would have to fight against other people in a race and arena. She could be excluded from the arena fight because she was nothing more than a servant, but the other two wouldn't be able to do the same as her.     

Qi Huan nodded his head. "We'll soon reach rank 2 while you have reached rank 2. With this fruit, our foundation will become much better."     

"But the cores…"     

"You can go out and pick them, but I'll stay here and train with our junior little sister," Qi Huan smiled with a smile that was not a smile. It looked like his bloodlust was leaking out as Lu Wan could sense the impending danger.     

"Fine," Lu Wan sighed. "But before that, I never knew that Eon Energy has types."     

"There are a lot of types of Eon Energy, but for the basic, it's enough to know that there's the normal type, natural type, and dark type," Qi Huan replied. "Normal type are those that we always absorb into our body. There are the division again, but you don't need to know them until you're rank 3 to 4 because it's not truly important now.     

Natural type is Eon Energy that's produced by nature and is unable to be absorbed by humans. They can be easily found all around us in low concentration and at higher concentration in some fruits like this. Lastly, the dark type is Eon Energy that exists solely for destruction. It's the Energy that is born due to chaos and destruction."     

Ye Jiao listened attentively. "What do you mean by chaos?"     

"I don't know the details, but it's said that there's chaos in the world," Qi Huan shrugged. He might learn a lot, but it didn't mean he knew everything.     

"It sounds interesting."     

Lu Wan yawned. "I'm not interested in history lessons. I'll just start with my training."     

As he ate the fruit, Ye Jiao also picked up one of the fruits. She put it inside her mouth and chewed as a cool and refreshing sensation filled her mouth. As she gulped it down, the sensation filled her stomach into her entire body. At the same time, she could feel that her body started to change.     

"The smell is really bad," Qi Huan took out his handkerchief and glared at the two of them. "What kind of junk have you been eating all these years?"     


Ye Jiao was confused by what Qi Huan said. But when she looked at her body, she realized that her skin was covered in a thin layer of black substance. It was sticky and smell really bad.     

"I'll be right back."     

While Ye Jiao ran to the river, Lu Wan reached out his hand to pick another fruit. Qi Huan slapped his hand away. "You should digest the fruit you have eaten first before taking another one. Only after the sensation disappears can you take another one."     

"You speak as if you have eaten them before."     

"I have," Qi Huan replied. "I'm given ten of them each year because it's important for me to be in the best condition at all times. This is one of the best helpful fruits that can aid the younger generation in their journey. Don't tell me that your family never provides you with any."     

"They didn't."     

Qi Huan arched his eyebrows. "There's no way they couldn't buy something like this for you. I think Chen Kingdom is not going to let you go peacefully."     

"Yeah," Lu Wan replied in a low voice. His usual playful tone has changed considerably as there was an air of coldness around him. It was not only a disdainful one that he had against his sister, but it was filled with murderous intent. "But I'm not going to let their scheme be successful."     

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