Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

I Will Never Give Up

I Will Never Give Up



All that left was the scream of the young girl.     

Tears filled Ye Jiao's face as she watched her master die in front of her.     


Not again…     

Once again, she had lost someone when they were in front of her. Sadness and despair filled her entire body as she tried to move her body. It no longer responded to her. She was unable to move anymore.     

Tears streamed like waterfall from her eyes.     


Why is she still so weak?     

"You b*stard!" Lu Wan cursed out loudly and struggled to stand up. Feeling the pain and weakness all over his body, he fell down to the ground once more. His expression was filled with rage and bitterness. How he wished to kill that man right here, right now.     

'Why is my body not moving?'     

Lu Wan was fighting internally as he screamed in his mind. He had to move! Damn it! If only he could move, he would be able to stop that man from killing his master. His fist was clenched as his nails embedded into his flesh.     

He truly wanted to kill that man!     


Qi Huan punched the ground with the little strength he had left. 'Move!'     

His body was unable to follow after his instruction anymore. His circulation was a complete mess that disrupted his control over his own body. It was to the point that he was unable to move according to his wishes even if it was only a short movement.     


In his mind, Qi Huan was screaming loudly. His eyes turned red in anger and frustration because of his weakness. If only he had more time… if only he was stronger… if only he could last fighting much longer…     

All kinds of ifs appeared within his mind as he tried his best to move his body.     

Mr. Jing watched in glee as Zhan Jing's head rolled on the ground. He laughed maniacally. "HAHAHAHAHA, the great Zhan Jing fell by my hand. How much of an accomplishment is this?"     

In Bao Fu Organization, Zhan Jing's name has long become the eyesore of numerous people. Even though this man was relatively young and didn't have much capabilities compared to the other leading figures, he was placed at the very front. This caused many of them to feel envy, including Mr. Jing.     

Seeing the proud man fell like this in front of him, he felt elated and happy.     

"You're nothing in front of me, Zhan Jing!"     

After yelling to the sky, Mr. Jing felt much better. Even though his body already felt weak because of the aftereffect of the pill, he paid it no heed. Sense of accomplishment washed over his body as he laughed loudly.     

'Heh, no one will ever believe that the previously no name Jing managed to kill the great Zhan Jing.'     

In his mind, he laughed gleefully. Everyone always mocked him for having the same name as a great legend in Bao Fu Organization. Even though Zhan Jing was not the most powerful Eon Energy Masters, he was a great assassin.     

Now, this man had fallen.     

Mr. Jing couldn't hide his smile. He turned his head around to look at the children. An evil smile formed in his face.     

"Now, it's your turn, children."     

The three of them flinched when they saw the man's maniacal expression. They knew that Mr. Jing must have also wanted them because of their talent, but they didn't want to follow after him. Their Master had warned them over and over that staying in Bao Fu Organization would seal their path.     

It would only lead them to their bitter end.     

'We have to get away,' Ye Jiao quickly pulled herself together as she tried to move her body. She wanted to weep because of her master and grieved, but there was no time for that here. She had to move as fast as possible because she would die if Mr. Jing managed to get them.     

In Bao Fu Organization, they would only meet their bitter end.     

However, no matter what she did, she was unable to move her body. Slowly, she directed her Eon Energy to her core. In the worst case scenario, she would just blow up her own core….     

That way, he would die along with her.     

Her seniors' location was further than her, so they shouldn't get hit. Probably, they would also get wounded, but hopefully they would be able to survive. She didn't want to give up until the very bitter end.     

With that determination, she raised her head and watched as Mr. Jing came closer. Once he was close enough, she would start to initiate the explosion of her core!     

"Now, you have to say the oath," Mr. Jing walked closer to them with a victorious expression.     

Qi Huan's eyes were cold. He watched the man's movements carefully with his hand preparing a knife under his sleeve. Once Mr. Jing was close enough, he would just launch a sneak attack at him. Even if it was unable to wound the man badly, he just needed a chance to get away.     

For a short moment, he would force his Eon Energy to his arm. It would break his meridian, but it might be able to give them a chance to get out. Even if he survives, he would only be a cripple, but would it matter?     

As long as the other two could be alive, it would be worth it.     

A chance.     

Just one.     

Lu Wan's expression was filled with hatred. He couldn't move anymore, but his hand still prepared a bottle of poison. Even though they wouldn't be able to get away from this place, he could just spread poison to not allow anyone to get close to them. They would also feel pain, but at least, it was much better than following this man to the Bao Fu Organization Main Headquarter.     

He should be able to drop it to the ground.     

His eyes were red as they were filled with determination. Even if he has to die, he would never ever give up!     

The three of them didn't communicate with each other, but they held the same expression on their face. They would cling to any hope left in order to let someone from their group alive even at the cost of their own lives!     

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