Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Who’s the Genius? (2)

Who’s the Genius? (2)

"Waaah, see that! It's clear that they're the real genius!"     

"Silver token! I'm willing to trade 10 years of my lifespan just to get that!"     

"Dream on! With your talent, it's just a dream to get it."     

Even though the one at the forefront behaved because they were in front of the examiner, those at the back loudly gossiped with one another. Ye Jiao even felt confused when she listened to them.     

Why would they feel excited just because of the token?     

By this time, they had arrived near Qi Huan. Neither one of them greeted one another because they knew that it wouldn't be good for them to know one another.     

"They're so loud," Ye Jiao tried to ask Qi Huan in a roundabout way. "I wonder why they treasure the colored token so much."     

She had noticed that most of them only got white colored tokens. Another half got bronze color and only a few could get the silver colored token. It was as if there was a special meaning for this token.     

Qi Huan chuckled a bit. "These colors represent their possibility to be accepted as a disciple once they passed the exam.     

Gold - Possibility of directly admitted to the big academies as Core Disciple     

Silver - Possibility of directly admitted to the big academies as Inner Disciple     

Bronze - Possibility of directly admitted to the big academies as Outer Disciple     

White – will depend on the result.     

Because of these differences, those with silver colored tokens are fairly rare. Only a handful of them could receive it."     

Inner Disciple!     

Now Ye Jiao understood why they were all excited. There were also divisions of academies as they didn't only take the examination to enter one academy. If they wanted to enter a large academy, they needed to perform well. After all, those academies have higher standards than the others.     

Having these tokens, the chance to be admitted directly as Inner Disciple or even Core Disciple was high!     

It was no wonder that everyone was so excited.     

"Well, I can't let him be in the limelight forever, can I?" Qi Huan chuckled and stepped towards the 15 and below counter.     

Both Ye Jiao and Lu wan smiled bitterly. It seemed that all the praise towards Chen Zi Quan and Cao Ren so far has irked this young man. Even though they didn't have direct enmity, it was apparent that they competed against one another.     

The man who stayed in the counter was surprised when he saw Qi Huan walking over. He quickly straightened his posture because he knew that those who could come to this counter would be the most talented youngsters.     

"Please give me your name, exact age in years and months, and rank."     

Qi Huan had heard how the others were asked. They were mostly treated with a flat tone. Cao Ren and Chen Zi Quan were still treated warmer, but the way he was treated was truly different from the others. There was an obvious hint of favor.     

"Qi Huan, 14 years and 1 month old, Eon Energy Master Rank 3 late stage.��     

The man froze when he heard the word 'late.' It was known that those who could reach the late stage would only need a little bit more to reach rank 4. There was no doubt that the young man before him has a high possibility to break through in the next two years or even just another year.     

"P-please show me your hand."     

Qi Huan extended it and the man grabbed his wrist with trembling hands. He was astonished when he realized that Qi Huan was saying the truth. This man over here was truly very young and surely would become one of the best among the youths.     

"Please wait a minute," the man retracted his hand and moved to the back before taking a communication jade. He wanted to know what token he had to give to Qi Huan. After all, his young age and high rank proved that he was not someone ordinary.     

"Eh, why didn't they give Prince Qi Huan a token?"     

"The examiner looks flustered."     

"Is there anything wrong?"     

"Could it be that Prince Qi Huan's talent is so great that they can't just determine the rank for him?"     


Both Ye Jiao and Lu Wan were speechless when they noticed the obvious different treatment that these people around them had. It was apparent that they were extremely excited when they saw how Qi Huan was treated like treasure. Obviously, those from the Chi Kingdom were proud.     

They were puffing their chest as if they were the one being tested instead of Qi Huan.     

"Prince Qi Huan is loved by his people," Ye Jiao chuckled. She could sense their genuine happiness that came from the bottom of their hearts.     

Lu Wan nodded his head. "It's a bit enviable."     

As their attention was fully focused on Qi Huan, Ye Jiao noticed a familiar figure walking to a different counter. It was the 16 years old one.     

"Eh, there's someone who's still 16 years old?"     

"Right, I didn't notice it."     

'Xin Jie,' Ye Jiao muttered in her mind as her eyes widened in happiness. She felt glad that her sworn sister had managed to reach rank 3.     

"Name, exact age in years and months, and rank."     

"Mu Xin, 16 years 6 months, Eon Energy Master Rank 3 Early stage."     

Compared with the two princes, she still fell short. However, the fact that she still could reach rank 3 when she was still 16 years old proved that she must be very talented. A lot of people were looking in disbelief as they remembered that this young girl only has B talent, not so remarkable.     

'How come she's so fast?'     

'Right, even those who have the same talent are not as fast as her.'     

'She must be lucky.'     

While those people who had the same talent were looking at Mu Xin with envy, Ye Jiao thought otherwise. Their master had told them in the past that there was another reason why someone could form their core faster than their supposed age.     

"She has innate talent," Lu Wan murmured.     

"And it's a strong one," Ye Jiao added. To cut down the talent barrier by that much, she must have an innate talent. But as for what that would be, she didn't know.     

"You have a great sister."     

"Of course. Sis is the best."     

Lu Wan chuckled when he heard the obvious tone of pride that Ye Jiao has. He turned his head to the first counter as he noticed that the man had returned with a smile all over his face. In his hand, there was a black gold color plate.     

"Black gold!"     

"Waaaah, Prince Qi Huan, I love you!"     


"You're the best, Prince Qi Huan!"     

The screams and cheering grew louder as Qi Huan took the plate. He turned around and flashed a smile, making the crowd noisier.     

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