Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She got emotional.

She got emotional.

And, as soon as Louis's eyes fell on the love of his life, he felt his heart skip a beat.      

His eyes teared up and their sweet memories flashed in front of his eyes.      

Their romantic nights, make outs during movie times, sneaking kisses in office hours.. everything just danced in front of his eyes. Those times have been so blissful that he couldn't help but miss those days.      

He missed her so badly that it became very difficult for him to control his emotions. Louis couldn't help but remember the morning on his birthday. She was sleeping so peacefully and blissfully that he didn't have the heart to wake her up.      

And, that was the last time he has seen her till now.      

Just that night before that day, Louis was so happy and that was his best birthday ever. But what happened that next morning made it the worst birthday in his life.      

He left her to suffer, he abandoned her and became the reason for her turmoils.      

If not for the mask hiding his face, one could have seen his emotions clearly. They would have understood how important Brina was to him.     

Meanwhile, Brina was on the same page as well.      

If this wouldn't have happened, they would have already done the deed on his birthday night and would have been indulging themselves in love making right now.      

They would have been enjoying their lovey dovey moments in their penthouse.     

And, this is the least expected situation they have ever thought of.      

Introducing herself to her own boyfriend with whom she has shared her bed for many months?      

What an irony!!      

Meanwhile, composing their emotions, Brina stepped near to Louis and slightly bowed in the style Charlotte taught her.      

"I am Brina from House of Landon." she said, trying very hard not to showcase her overwhelming emotions.      

Only she knows how she is feeling now!      

Meanwhile, Louis slightly gulped, disregarding his erratic heartbeats. He kissed the back of her palm.      

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Lady Brina. Have a good time." he politely told her, before he freed her hand from his grip.     

He didn't forget to give a slight squeeze to her hand.      

How much he wishes to kiss her cherry like lips and ravish them. More than kissing her hand, he would have preferred to kiss his favorite spot on her neck. He would have preferred to squeeze her waist rather than her hand.      


"Are you fine, Brina?" Hailey worriedly asked when she saw a tear rolling down on Brina's cheek.      

They are now in the private powder room and Brina has removed her mask.      

"I got emotional." Brina said, dabbing the skin around her eyes.      

Hailey simply didn't know what to tell. So, she just hugged Brina and patted her back.      

"Everything will get normal soon." she comforted her.      

Brina sniffled once and nodded her head. Her eyes returned back to normal.      

"Let's go." Brina said and they went back to the ballroom.      

As it was custom to start the dance with their brothers, Brina and Calvin started to dance.      


"Baby." Louis whispered to Brina.      

At last Brina got to dance with Louis and as everyone was busy dancing, they just got some time to talk.      

Louis has one of his hands holding hers, while the other hand is on her waist. Their faces are not too close but they are near enough so that others wouldn't listen to what they are talking.      

"I missed you so much." he whispered.      

"Me too." Brina said, tightening her grip on his palms.      

"And, you are so beautiful, baby. I love you so much." Louis said, his voice so cute in Brina's ears.      

"You love me because I am beautiful?" Brina asked.      

"Yep. I love you because you are beautiful by your heart." Louis seriously confessed.      

As they are in the public eye, he couldn't act sentimental.      

"Are you trying to flatter me, Prince Edward. Or, is it your silver tongue?" Brina asked.      

"Br-" Louis is about to tell something, but they got interrupted when Princess Penelope walked to them.      

"I guess it's our turn now, Prince Edward." she said, her voice warm and friendly.      

Louis nodded his head and looked at Brina with an apologetic look. He wanted to dance more with his girlfriend but..     

"Have a good time, Lady Brina." Louis said and freed her from his hands.      

As soon as Louis got 'dragged' by another suitor, Calvin who was waiting not too far from them, walked to her and they continued dancing.      

Soon the masquerade party got completed and everyone returned back to their respective room.      

Tomorrow will be the official introduction and the first public appearance. However, as it is a masquerade theme, Brina is not worried about her identity.      

"Lady Brina, do you need my help to get changed?" a maid in Brina's allocated  floor asked as soon as she returned back.      

"No. Thank you." Brina replied. The maid bowed to her and left the suite.      

"I didn't notice but there is a huge difference between Louis's penthouse and this suite. He might have designed his penthouse so that it would resemble his home." Brina talked to herself as she looked around.      

The penthouse which they have shared is modern and minimalistic but the real penthouse in which Charlotte stayed, resembled this interior design.      

Brina went to her bedroom and walked into the closet. Standing in front of the mirror, she closed her eyes and started pulling her zip down.      

But she almost jumped in fright, when she felt something wet touching the middle of her back.      

Immediately, she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw is the reflection of Louis in the mirror.      

He just kissed the middle of her back and shifted his lips to her neck, kissing and sucking his favorite spot, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into his body.      

"Lo.. Louis.. you.. you what are you doing here?" Brina asked in shock as she wriggled in his arms.      

"Of course to meet with you, baby." he said, pulling her zip up.      

"I know that! What if someone saw you? Are you out of your mind, Louis?" Brina worriedly snapped.      

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