Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Brina's mind-blowing plan.

Brina's mind-blowing plan.

A tear rolled down his left cheek, just in the right time for his father, King Edgar to notice.      

Though he frowned, he quickly stepped forward, standing right in the middle of his son and his mother Greya, just in case, not to the old woman would notice it.     

'Who is that woman to Louis?' he thought inside but decided to keep that question for later. But for now, he has to make sure Lady Brina is safe.     


"How is she?" King Edgar asked the doctor who just finished examining Brina.     

"Your highness, Lady Brina is safe. It was just a mild concussion and she sprained her ankle. Nothing much to worry. With proper rest she will recover in a few days" the same doctor from morning said, politely.     

She could only sigh in relief. This 'accident' was far better than what Olivia has previously planned.     

"Hmm. Make sure she will be fine" King Edgar said. "And, tell me after she comes back into consciousness" he said.     

"Why are you worrying about the mere commoner, son? I will make sure she is fine. Why should you bother yourself with such an insignificant matter?" Queen mother Greta hastily interjected.     

It will be better not to let the king be involved in this manner. What if he will find out what happened?     

"Mother, Lady Brina might be commoner but we shouldn't forget that she is our guest. As a king, I have to be responding, shouldn't I?" he asked.     

Meanwhile, Louis felt a gush of warmth spreading in his heart. He couldn't help but think how happy Brina would be if she can see a father figure in his father after their marriage.     

Her longing for loving parents will be fulfilled.     

"Louis, it's your responsibility to make sure Lady Brina will be safe. As these competitions are to find a bride for you, you at least have to be responsible enough to make sure she will be under protection till she gets discharged from here." King Edgar said.     

And, taking this chance to his advantage, he can also check on why he teared up seeing this woman unconscious.      

"Yes, father," Louis said with a firm nod.     

However, Olivia, Katherine and Queen Mother Greta are extremely raged because of this. What if Brina tries to get his sympathy?     

What if she tries to seduce him?     


"Bro, you better don't get emotional right now. I mean, father has red handedly caught you when you cried and I am sure he will be having his own suspicions" Eliina told his brother.     

Just now, everyone went away and abiding to his father's, his majesty's command, Louis and Eliina stayed back to make sure Brina would safely get discharged.     

"Knowing our dad, he would have deliberately asked me to stay behind, so that he can find out if I have any special connections with Brina. All right, I will be alert" Louis said.       

"And, in the meantime, can you run an errand for me, sis? This accident didn't seem natural to me" Louis said.     

Yesterday, when he was talking to Harry, Louis asked him how good Brina is when it comes to horse riding. The latter has sent him a video dated a few years back.     

Though Louis could not see Brina's face, because of the helmet, he could right away spot his girlfriend.     

It is not  an exaggeration to claim that Brina is a natural forte in this sport. He literally saw how she has even done some feats with her black Arabian horse.     

He couldn't help but chuckle when he remembered how their tastes have even matched.     

His is a white horse of the same kind while hers was black. His eyes filled with ecstasy when he imagined how good it would feel if they were riding on their horses, alongside.     

Meanwhile, Elle nodded her head.     

"I will do my best," she said.     


"Sister Char, did sister in law give you a blood sample of the horse?" Eliina asked as she pulled Charlotte into her room.     

"Yeah!! How do you know?" Charlotte asked, almost shocked to her core.     

"Me and my sister-in -law are working together," Eliina grinned.     

"What? So, you guys know this would happen?" She asked, her eyes wide open.     

"And, if you were aware that this would happen, why haven't you prevented this?"     

Charlotte couldn't help but ask. Why suffer this much when they already know this mishap would happen?     

"No. Sister in law was not sure but she had this suspicion." Eliina said.     

"When you guys went to practice two days back, she sensed that something was wrong with that golden Hungarian horse which she rode today"     

"It's eyes were strange and that horse seemed a little out of control. I honestly don't know how my sister in law figured out that horse got drugged but that day night she called me and -" Eliina is about to continue, when Charlotte cut her off in the middle.     

"So, Brina had this vague idea that this Hungarian horse was drugged? Is it really drugged?" She asked.     

"Uh huh"     

"That night sister in law asked me to take a blood sample of the horse and send it for examination"     

"We continued that process yesterday and today as well. We are yet to send them for examination however, we have the samples and I have to send them for testing now" Eliina said.     

"Elle, why has Brina only asked for your help? I mean, I and Louis don't even have a clue of all these" Charlotte told, slightly jealous.     

"Don't get jealous, sister Char. Sis in law asked me because she knows that I am the one who takes care of those horses" Eliina said.     

"Wait! How come Brina knows that? Only few of the people here know that you are the one who is in control of these" Charlotte asked, shocked again.     

It is not known to everybody but Eliina was given some responsibilities even though some of them are quite trivial.     

King Edgar wanted his daughter not to be a spoiled princess and that was the reason she was given some insignificant responsibilities too.     

"I don't know how but sis in law is aware of it.     

I also conduct blood tests every month for my horses, so my sister in law asked me to do it now...I mean, she asked me to hide her involvement in this by camouflaging it with my collusion" Eliina said.     

"What's her plan? She made fun out if herself now, even after knowing all this would happen. Why??!!" Charlotte asked.      

"You guys are only thinking of winning the game. But, sister in law is thinking of something much more important. Allies" Eliina grinned.      

Her sister in law's plan totally awestruck her. However, her sister in law was not sure back then if Olivia will use that horse on her or someother.      

But everything happened in such a way it will help Brina and her mind-blowing plan.      

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