Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Kiara joining 'Squad Brina' - part 2

Kiara joining 'Squad Brina' - part 2

After long moments of waiting, Kiara at last cooled down and she seems like she started giving a thought of what to do next.      

And, it is only when Brina asked Elle to call. Meanwhile, Kiara who was sitting in silence, almost jumped, startled by the ringing sound from her mobile.     

 Noticing that it is a private number, she could tell that it is the person who sent her this video. She is grateful to that person but also scared. Scared of what this person needs from her. After all this mess that happened in her life, Kiara learned a bitter truth.      

Everything that comes easily is never real. It will either disappear as fast as it came or it messes up with one's life. And, whatever others do for you freely, does not come free as it seems.     

They come with heavy consequences. So, whoever this person is, they need something from her too. She could only hope that this person is not someone as bitchy as Olivia and as malicious as Owen.     

 Praying inside her heart, Kiara nervously picked the call. And, for a second no one talked. It was silent, with a lot of anxiety on both sides. Brina deliberately maintained silence.     

 She wants Kiara to talk, so that she can understand how much she can pull this stunt.      

Moreover, Brina didn't want to drag this further. If she leaves Kiara in anticipation and anxiety, her plan might backfire. She didn't want to risk it, especially when Olivia's grandfather and Owen's fiancée family is also included.     

 So, the sooner she can have the truthful conversation, the safer it will be.      

"Why are you helping me? What gain will it bring to you, if you help me?" Kiara asked, breaking the silence.      

Surprisingly she didn't sound as pitiful as she was a few hours back. Charlotte, Hailey and Eliina are greatly surprised too.     

They didn't expect this change in Kiara.      

Sometimes, the more painful the backstabbing is, the stronger they become.      

Brina knows it, so she isn't that surprised.     

These painful betrayals just kick you out of your comfort zone, leaving you to decide what you want to become.     

 A loser or a fighter?      

It is exactly what Brina wanted to find out. What does Kiara want to be?     

 If a loser, then she would just stop with the benefit of doubt. It will be Kiara's own choice what to do next.     

 If she chose to be a fighter and retaliate back, against Owen and his family, Brina is adamant to help Kiara in getting justice and retrieving back what she lost… respect, integrity and position.     

 "What will you do if I can assure you that I can help you in getting back everything you lost? Are you ready to take that risk?" Brina asked, avoiding the questions Kiara asked.     

 Kiara sighed and for a brief moment she closed her eyes. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, with a new resolution and renewed vengeance encrusted in her eyes.      

 Kiara knows that she has nothing much left to risk. However, she didn't want to admit her defeat without trying. She didn't want to regret letting this chance go.     

"I would love to show them that they messed with the wrong person and the Kiara they know is no more, however, what is it for you? I lost enough and I can't gamble anymore. I have to make sure I am trusting the right person this time" Kiara said.     

And, Brina smiled.     

Sometimes people turn into unexpected, unpredictable new people.     

"I am sure you aren't doing this because you pity me. No one will risk to help a stranger just out of goodwill except for fools like me" Kiara bitterly laughed.     

"Yes, you have been a fool till now. But, you did realize it and stepped out of it. For which you have to be thankful. And, yes, I am not doing this out of good will. No one in this world is that selfless and neither am I." Brina said.     

"You can think of this as mutual help. You have something which can help me and I have enough power and sources to sue Olivia and Owen. So, let's make a deal" Brina said.     

"What is it that you want from me? If it is something that I can afford I will give it a thought how exactly you can help me" Kiara told Brina.     

"For that, we have to meet. Before we meet, I would like to place some conditions before that. Our alliance should be a secret. You should not reveal my identity till I am fine with it. And, if you backstab me, I guess you already saw how resourceful I am." Brina said.     

Yes, she knows that she is being blunt here. However, nothing is more important for her than hiding her identity.     

"I am not blackmailing you, Kiara. I am being cautious. In return, I will respect your conditions as well and abide by them,if you do the same for me" Brina said.     

Kiara hummed in approval. "My conditions are simple. If you get caught pulling up any stunt, you must not reveal my name. And, I don't want anyone to know about us working together. I know I am helpless but these are things I don't want to repeat by making the same mistake" Kiara said.     

She has been trying to stay strong. Though her heart is engulfed in sorrow and she badly wants to let it out, but, after realizing everything, she even realized something important.     

Never let others see your weak side. No matter how vulnerable you are, just put up a strong facade in front of others. If she have done this before, Kiara is sure Olivia wouldn't have used her like this.     

"Yes. Let's meet. Now" Kiara said.     

"Good. I will be there in a few minutes" Brina said, before ending the call.     


"Brina, how have you been so sure Kiara will change? I honestly didn't think she would turn out this way." Charlotte asked. Brina laughed as she put on her trench coat.     

"It's because I saw a little of myself in Kiara. She was foolish to think her love is pure. However, that 'love' was synthesized because of the pressure from her family. I faced a situation similar as well."     

"Because of the thing that I was engaged to Nickolas, I thought it's love and I trusted him foolishly, opening the doors of hell for my whole family. However, once we realise we are fooled, it won't take much time to muster up all the last strength left in us to retaliate back. That few moments of the hatred we feel, will give us enough courage to follow vengeance" Brina said, her voice filled with unfathomable emotions.     

"So, it's very crucial to protect that courage in Kiara before it can extinguish from her heart, leaving her in despair" Brina explained. For her, that fire comes whenever she sees Will, her nephew who is in a coma.     

"Moreover, Kiara was unyielding previously. When I saw her for the first time at the banquet, she seemed stubborn. But, she caved in because of very heavy pressure from her House"     

"Yep. Previously, Kiara confessed her love to Owen but Olivia humiliated her. So, Kiara must have been reluctant to support Olivia." Charlotte interjected.     

"Exactly! And under the pressure from her family, she must have shunned herself from thinking critically and would have blindly followed what might give her relief from those emotional pressures from her family. Believe me, it sometimes makes people foolish because they confine themselves in their comfort zone. And, it will reveal the weakest strings of our life so that others can cash it to their advantage" Brina told Charlotte.     

"Seems you know very well how it feels" Charlotte asked.     

"Nope, I didn't experience it. I saw how it feels." Brina said.     

After that, they arrived at the patio and Kiara, who saw Brina and Charlotte, was left speechless and shocked.     

"Lady Brina!' Kiara spoke out loud in shock. "Yes, it is me, my friend" Brina smiled.     

"I...I didn't expect that," Kiara stuttered.     

"Unexpected is always best" Brina chuckled. "How about we talk our terms"     

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