Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Somewhere far away.

Somewhere far away.

Next morning…     

Brina was strictly under bedrest. She was not even allowed to cook or walk around.     

So, Louis had to help her with everything. He patiently fed her the breakfast as spend some time talking with her.     

After Katherine and Charlotte came inside to accompany his wife, it is only when  Louis went for the emergency meeting he organized.      

He indeed became extremely protective of her.      


"Your highness, what happened? Was there any-" Katherine's father is about to ask but King Edgar interjected.      

"No. Rebellion is still quiet. This emergency meeting is about something else. Something more important" he said.       

Yesterday, Louis, Ethan and King Edgar discussed for a long time and decided to disclose this news to the leaders of the noble family.       

They have passed many tests and proved their loyalty. If Louis lied to them now, it would not set a good example.  It would make him look like he is still suspicious of the Noble families in spite of passing all his tests.     

So, at last Louis decided to tell them about Brina's pregnancy and ask them for their Cooperation in running the Kingdom without his presence.      

"I am here with good news and bad news," Louis said, taking control.      

"The good news is that my wife is pregnant and the bad news is that her health isn't in good condition. She is under bed rest and her doctor suggested we take some holiday till she recuperates fully" he announced.       

As soon as everyone heard that the new heir is on the way, they were totally elated. Excitement could be seen in their face as they beamed.      

It's been quite a long time since they had the little bundle of 6 running in the palace grounds, exhilarating everyone with their cuteness and charm.      

This is very good news and also shocking news. They thought that Prince Edward isn't interested for now.       

However, when they heard that Brina is not in the pink or her health, they couldn't help but worry. It is indeed bad news.      

They are genuinely worried about her now.      

Though it hasn't been long since they got to know her, Brina has left a very good impression on them in the short span of time.      

And, they genuinely admired her.      

On the good side, they couldn't wait to welcome the heir.      

With her and the Prince's extraordinary genes, their offspring will surely be a great talent. He or she will be best for the Kingdom.       

"Prince Edward, we are sorry to hear that Lady Brina is not feeling good. We are willing to help you and Lady Brina in our best possible way." Katherine's father genuinely said.       

"Please tell us what we have to do Prince Edward. We will surely help you" Olives father supported.      

Later, everyone followed their leads.       

Louis smiled. "Thank you for all your support. After I discussed with my father and brother I decided to take my wife to a vacation for two months"      

"I will be attending all the meetings and I will be available to listen to any of the discussions online. For the rest of the things which need the direct involvement, my brother, Ethan would be here to help you all. Please understand my situation and this is the only thing I can do now" Louis said.      

Everyone spoke among themselves and after five minutes, they came up with a unanimous decision.      

"Of course we are honoured to accept Prince Ethan back. After finding out how he suffered and why he had to take that decision, we realized that he did it for the Kingdom's best. So, we all agree to work with him" Katherine's father announced on everyone's behalf.       

"Thanks a lot for your consideration,  everyone. I am honoured to have you all in my court." Louis thanked them.       

"It's our pleasure, Prince Edward. Please convey our regards to Lady Brina" Katherine's father said and everyone followed his suite.       

After that, they had another meeting where they discussed some other matters.       


"So, is everything done?" Brina asked as soon as Louis returned.      

"Yep. And, we will be leaving tonight" Louis said.       

"Tonight? Where are we going?" Brina asked.       

"Yes, tonight. But it's a surprise" Louis said.      

"This is like a second honeymoon" Brina chuckled.      

"If you put it this way… I shouldn't be letting you out of the bed, love. And, you shouldn't be able to walk at all" Louis whispered in her ear, making Brina shiver.       

"However, it is the other way around. So, it isn't our second honeymoon." he said.       

"But don't worry, love. After you recuperate I will make it come true" he added, teasing her.       

Brina just rolled her eyes. "Whatever" she said but her eyes were playful.       


In the evening, Louis and Brina had their dinner early. Whole family was present and they bid their farewell after lecturing the couple what to do and what not to.       

After that, Brina and Louis boarded their private jet in the palace and they took off.      

"Hon, why are we going at night times? Wouldn't the day times be more safe?" Brina asked snuggling into his embrace.      

They are in the private chamber, on the bed.      

"Day times will be very straining to touch you at these times. So, if it is at night, you can sleep comfortably on the bed and before you know it, we will reach the destination" Louis said, as he opened his laptop and started working.       

He is afraid he will lose his control if he will focus on his wife. After what happened in this whole month, he gets aroused at the night times even if he doesn't want to. Especially when he sees her lying on the bed like this.      

"So considering" Brina chuckled and hugged him. Placing her head on his chest and her legs on his legs, she looked into the laptop.      

"What are you working on? I could help you with it" Brina said.      

Louis sighed and flicked her forehead. "We are going somewhere far away just because you shouldn't stress yourself. And here you are, poking into this matter" she said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.      

Brina pouted. "Leave it, I just wanted to help you because you looked so tired. How could I rest peacefully when my husband is overworking himself like this?" she said, turning around so that her back is facing him.       

Louis sighed. Closing his laptop, he hugged her from behind. "All right, don't be so disappointed. I am resting too" he said.       

Brina smiled and hugged him. "I know you have so much to do. And, I can't sit for the whole day without doing anything. I will be bored. So, I can help you with some less stressful works" she said.       

Caressing her hair, Louis said, "You wouldn't feel bored after seeing where we are going" he lovingly said.  .      

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