Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Layers of protection...

Layers of protection...


Camilla informed Brina and others that her father took the bait and they could make the further plans.      

After doing her part of the job, she went back to her mother's memorial to cry her heart all out.      

She is helping others to kill her father!!! Her own father!!! It is of course a lot to handle….     

She knows that what she is doing is the right thing to do, but it still hurts. He was the father she loved to her heart till an year ago..     

Until she found out that her own father poisoned her mother just because she is standing between him and his plans.      

She is innocent who loved her husband despite all he did to her.      

Not to mention he even brought a boy(Griffin) he had with another woman (Morgana) and asked her to raise him as her own child.      

Yet, she never complained nor tortured the boy. She exactly did what she was asked to do. Become a mother to a child she didn't give birth to.      

She was such a generous, great woman and her own husband killed her ruthlessly. Is he even a human??      

Camilla loves her mother more than her father. So, all the love she had for her father evaporated as soon as she found out all these things.      

Her mother was not like her power greedy father who is two faced and monstrous. She is innocent, dope and very docile, just like how her husband wanted her to be…      

Camilla hated her father for marrying her mother when he already had a wife.      

He took advantage of her innocent mother and ruined her life.       

And, even after doing all these horrible things to this poor woman, how did he even get a heart to kill her!!!      

Couldn't he have been any more monstrous than this??      

"Don't worry mom, your justice will be served. I promise this" she whispered to her mother's grave.      



Brina and others were having breakfast when Camilla passed the message.      

It made everyone sigh in relief.      

Eliina is safe now.      

As she is no more the first priority, she will be safe in Kingdom Wentris for a while.      

Moreover, their plane diverted the objective Gabriel had on Eliina's Kidnap.      

Before, he wanted to bargain her for weapons, power, fighter jets and marine ships. But now, he wants to have an alliance with Kingdom Wentris to strengthen his position after he kills his brother.      

So, Eliina will be safe for now. He wouldn't dare to do anything to her now..     

Moreover, Gabriel wouldn't even think about Eliina's matter until he took care of Sabrina's matter. And by that time, he will be dead!      

"We shall proceed with our last step" Brina said, shoving the food into her mouth, forcefully.      

"I want to improvise a little," Louis immediately said.      

"No. We already changed enough" Brina pouted.      

He has cut many of her wonderful yet dangerous plans and replaced them with less thrilling ones.      

She couldn't retort against it because she understood his concern and fear.     

 He had sacrificed many things for her and he even changed himself so that she would not face her trauma again.      

It's her time to understand his trauma and act accordingly. He is afraid of losing her just like how he lost his mother. So, the only way she could assure him is by being safe and not doing anything recklessly.      

"I don't want to change anything drastically, love. I want to add another layer of protection in case of surprise attacks from your uncle. Nothing much" Louis reasoned.      

"I am on Edward's side with this. The more the protection is, the safer you and baby will be" Brina's father firmly said.      

"This is your last trimester, Brina. You need to be careful" Rhianna said.      

"You are getting your revenge, right? What else do you want..huh? For the safety of your child and your nephew, can't you sacrifice some fun" Harry chided her.      

"We understand that you dreamt about this for years, but not every dream will come true." Louis added.      

Brina didn't understand whether to laugh or cry. They didn't even let her finish before they started their never ending lectures.      

"First of all, listen to what I wanted to say," Brina helplessly said.      

Later, they planned everything and they couldn't deny that Brina's plan was good and also, more convenient.       

Most importantly, she will be perfectly safe. In fact, she wouldn't be even meeting her uncle but make him pay for everything he did.      


A few days passed by…     

Kingdom Wentris is still in uproar and the news is still focussed on Sabrina and her family. Their return has created a kind of sensation and almost everyone in the Kingdom couldn't help but wait for that day to come.      

But little they would have thought that today is going to be Gabriel's last day.      


"Uncle, our people from rebellion squads are in the position. Targets are locked" Nickolas informed.      

They are not in Kingdom Wentris now, but the place where Sabrina and her family are supposed to be.      

Although they were not at that house, there is nothing they couldn't create.     

With advanced technologies and proper planning, they made Gabriel believe that they stay here in this, old mansion far away from the main town.      

Moreover, Gabriel became dependent on his people.     

After having his sidekicks do all his jobs, he grew lazy and started relying on them.... mostly Nickolas and his elder son, Griffin     

As Nick is trustworthy and the thought of getting betrayed by his own kids never crossed his mind, he never doubyrf Nick, Griffin and Camilla.      


"Good. Let's go and take care of them, first. Ask our people to be in position and I need them to execute our plan as soon as I order" Gabriel said.      

After making sure that he would not be implicated in the murder of his brother and his family, Gabriel came to the place where Sabrina and her family has to be there.      

His plan is simple.     

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