Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

The new pair

The new pair

After sending Eliina back, Louis and Brina continued to rest.      

It's Brina who is resting while Louis accompanies her.      

"Diego seems to be more close to you than his own siblings" Louis inferred as he peeled apples for her.      

"Hmm...yes. We are closer than cousin's. Diego is not only close to me but also to my parents. He is connected to them more than his own father" Brina said.      

"Although Gabriel loved his children, he was busy scheming and didn't spend time with them, thus, failing to develop a bond. They are connected to their mother and my parents" she added.      

"It explains why they loathe their father. He tried to kill their mother and your parents, who are close to them. No wonder they aren't that sad for his death" Louis said.      

"Right. But, he is still their father. Although they seemed collected, they would be mourning inside '' Brina pursed her lips.      

"Brother Griffin will soon forget this pain. He has a wife and a soon to be born kid. They will fill the void"      

"As for Diego, he got my parents back who love him as if he is their own child. And he loves my parents more than his own father and besides it, he got Eliina. It won't be a tough path for him either" Brina said.      

"I am more worried about Camilla. She was close to her father and she has got no one now." she pursed her lips.      

"You wish for Nickolas and Camilla to be for each other" Louis interpreted.       

Brina nodded her head.      

"I didn't forgive him yet. My brother and sister in law died because of him and for which I would never be able to forgive him. However, the past is in the past. I just want the two of them to be happy" Brina said, hugging her husband and leaning on his chest.      

"If that stupid ex of yours have any heart left, he will understand her unconditional love for him. If not, Camilla is good without that bastard" Louis said, not even trying to hide his detest for Nickolas.      

"Yes. I am not interested to intervene in their matter either. I just want my cousin to be happy" Brina said, slightly dejected.      

"You are too kind and sensitive, wifey. And, can't you stop worrying ever in your life? Come on, the storm passed and the sea was back to being calm. Enjoy the peace before this little rascal comes out." Louis chided her, ticking her in bed, for night.      

"After the funeral tomorrow, let's my lake house. I am very eager to show you my place" Brina said.      

Louis kissed her forehead, "As you want, my queen" he answered, before they cuddled into sleep.      


Next day…     

Although there is no body of Gabriel, the empty coffin box was buried.      

The funeral is private and media is restricted to enter the private graveyard.      

It has been the procedure for many years that funerals have to be private. So, it didn't raise any suspicions.      

King George, Sabrina, Edward, Camilla, Griffin, Nickolas, Diego, Will and other Royal family members participated.      

After the simple funeral, Griffin and Nickolas talked to the media and reporters. They passed the video of the funeral to the media houses to telecast it to the people.      

However,  it is just a short video in which Priest recited the words and the coffin box was buried.      

It didn't show anything more than it.      

It is clearly a video so that people could say their farewell to their former King. It has always been like this, so, all again, it isn't that suspicious.      

Later, everyone returned back.      

Griffin directly flew to his wife's country. As she is about to give birth, he hurried there.      

Diego accompanied his uncle, Sabrina's father, to bring their aunt, Sabrina's mother, to the country. As she is still in coma, they had to get her with utter most care.      



Camilla was at her mother's memorial, silently grieving.      

Before, she used to have something to look ahead. Taking revenge for her mother's murder.      

Now, as it has been taken care of, she felt clueless and empty. She no longer could comprehend what to do.      

Her future felt blank…     

All of a sudden, she felt lonely…     

"Mum, I miss you" she sobbed, holding on to the flowers.      

"I don't have anything to live for," she choked.      

"Who said you don't have anything to live for??" the sudden voice startled her.      

She trembled when she sensed whose voice it was.      

He is the last person she wants to see now.      


"Why are you here? Our agreement came to an end, yesterday when my father died. no longer have to follow me you know" she sobbed.      

Nickolas pursed his lips.      

He fidgeted with his fingers as he took a step towards her.      

" di..didn't rem...remove ou..our engagement ri..ring" she stuttered.      

"I don't want to," Nickolas answered, now standing just an inch from her.      

"Cam, I just realised how much you mean to me. I… I ju..just failed to realise it till now" he added, his voice equally emotional.      

His words are a sudden blow to her. She is left dumbfounded and shocked, staring at him cluelessly.      

Those words took her by surprise.      

"You look quite shocked." Nickolas said.      

"I...I don't understand," Camilla answered, looking down, suddenly interested on the plain floor.      

"My mind has been clouded from thinking straight, Cam. I never acknowledged your unconditional love nor how much I got accustomed to having you by my side. I was making my plan to leave the kingdom and the sudden thought of you not being in my side stuck me. And, when I thought about that possibility, my heart started to ache and I suddenly started feeling empty and scared."      

"It made me very confused and compelled me to question myself about it. It is only when I realised that, I loved you. I just couldn't realise it till now" Nickolas said.      

Meanwhile, Camilla couldn't believe her ears.      

The sudden gush of unfathomable emotions flooded her heart and it felt heavy, heavy in a good way.      

Tears rolled down her face and her lips quivered.      

She is overwhelmed. Overwhelmed because she is at last listening to the words she wanted to hear from Nickolas.      

Nickolas looked at Camilla with a loving expression written all over his face.      

"So, I thought, why not extend our agreement to lifelong?" he said, opening up the fist of his right hand, showing the ring with which he proposed to her for marriage.      

Camilla clamped her mouth, couldn't control her emotions anymore.      

"Will you marry me?" he asked, kneeling on one knee as he extended his hand for her.      

"I would never say no," Camilla laughed in the midst of her sobs.      

"You better remember that, Camilla. Your mother is my witness, okay" he smiled as he slid the ring to her finger.      

Later they hugged, letting out all their emotions.      

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