Offer to the CEO

The Police Report/Recollections of Meeting her - Part 5

The Police Report/Recollections of Meeting her - Part 5

0Tuesday, continued …     

Anna, continued speaking to Officer Mu. "I then received a second slap on the face, this time from Yang Lin, who was enraged. The hotel managed while calming her down, made it clear that he understood their information that I had been stalking them. He made it clear that I had no more than 5 minutes to collect my belongings before I would be escorted from the hotel.     

"The manager made it very clear, if I failed to comply, I would be detained until the police arrived to arrest me. I denied the allegations of stalking but refused to engage in an argument. I let the manager accompany me, as it would prevent allegations that I did something while I was alone in the hotel. In fact, I handed the manager my room key before we arrived there, and he stated he viewed me a safety risk to Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, and that I would not be allowed to return to the hotel."     

"Before I had left, I had completed half my packing, so I opened the case, and started in the bathroom and then into the wardrobe, chest of draws and main area removing my personal belongings. From the room safe I removed my work provided laptop and tablet, and my personal camera, and placed them in my cabin bag along with their cords and the charger cord for my phone."     

"I checked the room to ensure that I had not forgotten anything and put the last remaining items in my bags. As I closed the suitcase, I turned the combination lock on it, and also did the same on the cabin bag. As I was leaving the room, I had one final look around, and in the room safe noticed a necklace I had forgotten to remove and placed this in my handbag."     

Anna paused again and slightly shuddered. Hou Yi observed this, and she shook her head to indicate that she did not want his support at this time. He acknowledged her with a nod of his head and sat back down.     

Anna then took another sip of her drink, and a couple of deep breaths before continuing. "When I returned to the lobby, Yang Lin informed the manager I had stolen items and I needed to be detained. The Manager grabbed me by the arms to stop me from allowing Yang Lin to search my bags. As I had turned the combination locks, she could not get in and demanded I let her in, nor could she have my handbag that she also wanted."     

"I refused and pulled away and headed to the checkout desk. I made it cleat that the electronics were all mine, and they were listed on my insurance policy, including the work provided items. When I arrived at the checkout desk, I put the bags between me and the desk so no one could get at it. I told the desk clerk the manager had my room key. I checked out paying all remaining room charges."     

"Throughout this Yang Lin continued her verbal abuse of me, calling me things including thief, liar, stalker, w**re and b**ch, while still trying to obtain control of my bags. While leaving the hotel lobby I was just able to keep out of Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's reach. When I was outside, the staff signalled to Assistant Wang, to bring the car up, so I could get my bags in and leave with my husband."     

"As the car pulled up, Assistant Wang arrived he realised there was an issue, so he remained in the car while I loaded the bags with staff help into the boot he opened. Once they were in, the hotel staff closed the boot quickly. It was now that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin had reached me and had a grip on me. They were demanding that I hand over my electronic equipment to them, stating it was Lu Jinhu's."     

"I was able to pull myself away from them and open the car door and quickly get inside. Before I could close the door, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin had a hold on the door and were preventing me from closing it. The demanded to know who was in the vehicle with me and continued to verbally abuse me. It was only with the help of hotel door staff that I was able to get the car door closed. As soon as it was Assistant Wang drove us off, and I simply threw myself into my husband's arms crying."     

With than, Anna started crying, and this time Hou Yi was not going to go to his wife's side. As soon as he got there, he took Anna in his arms, whispering "It will be alright. It will be alright", until she calmed down. He realised how much dealing with this was taking out of her.     

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