Offer to the CEO

Finalising the visit

Finalising the visit


Anna, after getting ready for the day entered into the suite's Lounge/dining area, and saw Hou Yi, before noticing seven red roses sitting beside the plate on the table, and various bunches of flowers throughout the room. All she could do was ask, "What is going on?"     

"Regardless of the circumstances of our marriage, it is the one-week anniversary of us obtaining our Marriage Certificate Anne. It needs to be marked in some way. I suspect that you have done the shopping that you want at the moment, and while I hope you will let me buy you some jewellery today, flowers seemed to be appropriate."     

Hou Yi, knew with the roses he was sending a message to Anna, but he hoped that she would misconstrue it. "Given everything that has happened in the last week, all I wanted to do was give you some flowers to cheer you up. Once we leave, I have already arranged that the flowers will be taken to a domestic violence refuge to brighten some lives today, accompanied by a donation in your name. I figured that you would appreciate that."     

"Yi, you did not need to." Anna was surprised that not only was he trying to cheer her up, he was taking to heart making a difference to provide cheer and assistance to victims of domestic violence.     

"Anna, breakfast will be up soon. If we are able to get a few things, like your name on your identity documents, and a good start on the property searches we would head back today. Steve and Mary have put me in contact with a Real Estate agent for the property search, and have said if we cannot find what we are after today, they will continue to look for us. What do you want to do?"     

"Yi, if Jodie accepts our job offer, let us go home tonight, as Jodie can finishing dealing with my personal belongings. Given the trust you have in Steve and Mary for our property I will trust them as well. I really do not wear much jewellery, but you can buy me a Pandora bracelet. Inexpensive, compared to what you were thinking but given Lu Jinhu knows I wear one to mark special and important occasions, a new one with beads on it sends a subtle message to mess with him."     

"Not a problem." Replied Hou Yi, fully intending to buy her other jewellery as well. He called for their breakfast to be sent up, and it arrived within 5 minutes.     

After a leisurely breakfast, Anna decided to call Jodie and see what she had decided. Once she reached Jodie "Hi Jodie, how did things go last night?"     

"I made a bit o a mess in telling John about the job offer last night. When I was explaining to him for him to be able to work in Country X, we needed to be married for him to obtain a working visa, he became angry and told me I was trying to manipulate him into marriage. Eventually in the middle of our argument I told him I was serious about taking the job and he had to make the decision, either marry me and relocate or refuse and lose me."     

"He then stormed out but returned fifteen minutes later, with a dozen red roses in his hand, and got down on one knee and proposed, promising me a ring in the future. He said he realised once he left that he had a choice to make, and it was easy as he did not want to lose me given that I am the most important thing in his life. I could not wait to say yes. I then talked to him calmly about the job offer, and he cannot believe it and how quickly you want me to start."     

"Jodie I know how anti-marriage John is and actually though he would have walked away, despite how much he loves you. I am glad he realised what is the most important thing in his life. Let me know once you have put in your notice at work, as I will talk to Mr Williams about what you are doing. Between when your notice expires and when your visa is likely to be issued, you should have enough time for a quiet wedding and short honeymoon, while finalising your affairs."     

Anna paused, looked at Hou Yi, and then continued "Yi is indicating to me, we will pass your contact details onto his assistant Wang Long, who will contact you about arranging the visas, and the practicalities of your relocation. I have a big favour to ask. We are heading back tonight. If I do not finalise dealing with my belongings today, can you sort that out for me?"     

"No problem Anna. Now get going, and deal with what you have to today, but call me before you leave, OK?"     

"Will do."     

With that Anna ended the call, and walked over to Hou Yi "So what first?"     

"I spoke to the agent, who will be here any moment. We have an appointment with the passport office to change the name on your passport at 11:30am. Then lunch and deal with your personal items before sorting out the change of name on your driver's license and shopping. Our departure slot at Tullamarine is 10:30pm. A hotel staff member will come in and pack our belongings while we are dealing with the agent."     

As Hou Yi finished, there was a knock on the door, with two people there. One, was identifiable as a hotel staff member who went into the bedroom to pack their belongings under the supervision of a bodyguard, and the other introduced himself as the real estate agent. Between Anna, Hou Yi and two bodyguards, their requirements for the Melbourne property and the Warrnambool area property were discussed. The agent, advised that he would have options emailed as soon as possible and would liaise with Steve and Mary to review the properties.     

The rest of their tasks flowed, and as Anna predicted she did not finalise dealing with her personal belongings, and got as much done as she could, knowing that the last remaining things Jodie would see to for her.     

Around 4pm, Hou Yi took Anna into a Pandora Store, buying a bracelet and they chose three charms to mark their journey as a couple as Anna wanted it represent. Hou Yi, was able to purchase a few other pieces he wanted for Anna, before they eventually headed to Tullamarine for their departure. While they were waiting Anna telephoned Jodie and explained what she had not gotten done. Once they reached cruising height post take-off Anna and Hou Yi retired to the bedroom falling asleep quickly, only being awoken when the plane was about to start its decent into Singapore for a refuelling stop.     

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