Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

I Will Offer You Twice the Amount

I Will Offer You Twice the Amount

Che Mingliang was an intelligent girl who had just finished her university exams majoring in public relations. At twenty-four, she had scored good marks. Even though she hadn't topped her exams, she had been placed at tenth position in the university. She wanted to appear for her civil services exams and was preparing for the completion exam. However, since she had to support her ailing mother and a younger brother also, she took up this job. She was extremely good with social media skills. Zhou Hai xiang was interested in her social media skills because that is what Wu Lina would have needed eventually.     

When Wu Lina saw the number of comments on Weibo, she noticed something strange. The user 'Delete' spoke as if he or she knew everything from the inside. Wu Lina asked Che Mingliang to keep an eye on that user and also instructed her to answer or counteract whatever he or she wrote.     

A few days later Wu Lina received a call from Rosa that she was ready to sign Ivan for the movie. Wu Lina was very happy and she immediately called an urgent team to decide about the movie.     

Her film crew consisted of a story editor, writer, dialogue coach, location manager, set designer, art director and costume designer. Even though each and every member of the team was from her own company, she was not happy with her writer. She wanted to get some of the best names from the industry. So she started searching for them. After conducting a lot of research she realized that most of them had many assistants around them who helped them in story development. She laughed at their hypocrisy and then asked her team writer to write the story.     

Once the story was written, everyone came into action. As far as the production of the movie was concerned, Wu Lina didn't even bother to ask anyone for the money. She straightaway went to her father-in-law.     

In the mayor's office, the secretary received Wu Lina with utmost respect, as the mayor had already cautioned everyone about his daughter-in-law.     

Sipping a cup of hot chocolate, Wu Lina said, "Father, I want to start a small-scale movie. I am extremely sure that the project is unique and different. With so many martial arts movies and historical fiction movies produced these days, what I have in mind will surely click with the audience."     

The mayor wasn't interested whether the movie would click or not. He was happy that Wu Lina had taken such a giant step forward. He said, "Wu Lina, how much money do you want to fund it?"     

This is what Wu Lina really liked about her father-in-law – he would usually come straight to the point.     

"Father I can't say at this moment how much money in total would be needed but initially maybe fifty million Yuan…"     

The mayor started laughing. "That's it? Don't worry. You start with the production and that money will go from my private fund. Feel free to spend as much as you want. Don't bother Yang Xinyu, since he has a lot to look into after he has become the Chairman."     

"Yes father," said Wu Lina with a sad expression.     

"Why are you sad child?" he asked.     

Wu Lina just shook her head and continued to sip her hot chocolate. The mayor knew that she was missing Yang Xinyu who had gone overseas on a ten day business trip. Whenever Yang Min-Chang saw Wu Lina, he couldn't help but wonder that her stars were wrongly aligned as far as close relationships were concerned. He had already calculated that he would make his son Yang Xinyu the chairman of the company. He had foreseen that Wu Lina would become very lonely and hence he had asked her to start the entertainment company. This would keep her busy and she would be occupied all the time.     

He could have asked her to start with any other venture related to her field of expertise but Yang Fangxu had done something really nasty. With Wu Lina pitted against her, he would keep an eye on her and also teach her and her family a good lesson. He was counting on Wu Lina heavily. At the same time he didn't want to pressurize her because she was expecting.     

Wu Lina left his office and headed straight home. She called Rosa and said, "We will be starting the production soon Rosa. I will send you the dates when Ivan will be needed. Also, we will be signing up another baby who will be able to crawl. So we will keep Ivan as the hero but for all crawling scenes we will use the prop."     

Rosa was ecstatic. She called Yan Xiaojun and gave him the news.     


Meanwhile, Yang Fangxu came to know about Wu Lina starting her own movie production. She was so jealous that she investigated about it. Upon knowing that Ivan would star in the movie, she approached Rosa. She met Rosa in her resort and spa. Her secretary had already arranged for the meeting.     

Rosa was sitting in her office when Yang Fangxu came to her.     

"Hi Rosa," greeted Yang Fangxu.     

"Hello, how are you? I hope you like our facility here," replied Rosa.     

"Yes, yes, it is good," said Yang Fangxu. "But I have come to you with a different purpose," she continued.     

Rosa became attentive, as Yang Fangxu spoke, "You see I am planning to start a movie for children and I heard that your son, Ivan, would be starring in a movie, so I thought that why not make him star with big names. My production house is much larger and I have reputed movie stars signed up with me. If you allow me to sign up your son for my movie, you will be in for a lot of benefit."     

"What kind of benefit?" asked Rosa.     

"Well, to begin with, he will work with A grade movie stars as opposed to the B grade that you will sign him up with. By working with reputed movie stars he will be noticed. Secondly, I will offer you twice the amount Wu Lina has offered you."     

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