Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Obituary

The Obituary

Yang Chún qiàn smirked at her fate. Dying by the hands of her son – she could never imagine that. She had always wanted a life full of power, position and pride.     

Even though it was morning, it was cloudy outside. The gray clouds hung so low, she could hear them rumble while creating the electricity behind that thickness.     

Yang Xinyu pointed his gun towards her. She closed her eyes waiting. All of a sudden there was a loud sound,     


Yang Chún qiàn's eardrums were vibrated as she thought she would deafen when the bullet just grazed her ear and shattered the glass of the window behind her.     

Slowly she opened her eyes. She felt something warm on her shoulder. It was her blood that was dripping from her ear. She laughed at him, "Hehe. Yang Xinyu, I knew you couldn't murder your mother."     

"You are right, I can't," replied Yang Xinyu and slid his gun across the table to her. "Here, pick it up and put it on your temple. I want you to complete this job."     

With that he turned and started walking outside the door. He heard her click the gun.     

She smiled that as her fears allayed. There was no one in this world that would accept her now. Everything had come to a standstill. She kept the gun on her temple and looked up to see her only son walking away from her, waiting for her to die. Yes, it was painful but she had to pull that trigger. There was no escape.     

He stopped midway, as he really wanted to see her alive, one last time, but there was a loud sound and he froze. He took a sharp turn around only to see that his mother had killed herself. She was slumped on the chair as her head had lolled back. The left side of her head was ripped into thousands of pieces and blood and flesh pieces were scattered all around.     

She deserved to take her own life, thought Yang Xinyu and walked out of the entrance. His men were waiting outside. As soon as they saw him, the driver brought the car near him. Lu Shiming asked the driver to hand over the car keys to him and he personally drove Yang Xinyu back to the airport with others following him. Five of them remained behind to take care of the bodies that were scattered around the ancestral home of Yang Chún qiàn.     

Yang Xinyu didn't speak a word for a long time until he reached Sapphire bungalow. Lu Shiming had informed the mayor about what happened.     

Yang Xinyu stayed quiet for two days and couldn't attend his office. He remained huddled in his blanket as he mourned her death. His cheeks were tear stained, he had cried so much that after sometime he became tired. He just lied on his bed as though he was tied to by tons of lead.     

Lu Shiming had informed Wu Lina as well. At first she couldn't believe it, but later when the realization dawned upon her, she cuddled Yang Xinyu. She wiped his tears as she comforted him during that time. Often he would hide his face in her chest and hold her tightly as though she would disappear on him the moment he left her.     

He couldn't swallow food for a day. It just wouldn't go down his throat and whatever little Wu Lina had forced him to have, was puked the next instant.     

On the other hand, the mayor had taken a two day leave from his office. He cited personal reasons, as he flew to attend his wife's funeral in her hometown. An obituary was posted in the newspapers about the death of his wife due to cardiac arrest while she visited her ancestor's place. When the mayor came back there was a long line of people who had come to offer their condolences.     

After her death, the mayor felt relieved. He spent his evening with his youngest mistress and son upon returning back after receiving those guests at his official residence.     

Next day he went to see Yang Xinyu who had somewhat recovered. He was sitting in the living room and sipping tea. Wu Lina was sitting right beside them. She got up as soon as she saw her father-in-law and bowed with respect.     

The mayor asked, "How are you Wu Lina? I hope my grandchildren are fine."     

"Yes father…" she replied.     

The mayor went to sit near Yang Xinyu and stroked his hair. Wu Lina didn't want to spoil the father and son moment, so she left them.     

The mayor opened up and said, "Yang Xinyu, don't feel guilty. She deserved that and she knew that she had nowhere to go. It was her false pride and ego that led to these circumstances. I am proud of you that you allowed her to take her own life and I am sure she was also happy that her son didn't take her life. She ended it at her will. So stop mourning it and resume your work."     

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