Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

CEO Yang, Can I Meet Her?

CEO Yang, Can I Meet Her?

The anchor of the show was interviewing a psychiatrist.     

Anchor: "Why is it that young adults are looking for sugar daddies?"     

Psychiatrist: One of the main reasons is student loan. While there are many options of payment of higher education, there are costs that individuals have to bear.     

Anchor: But you can pay your education loans after graduation.     

Psychiatrist: See, there is no guarantee that you will get a job after graduation. Then how do you pay your debts? These days there is subtle approach to pay for their education using their bodies. Did you know that there are many dating sites that are specifically made for sugar daddies? These people pay money to the young girls to spend time with them and be their arm candy.     

The anchor and psychiatrist went on to claim that not all sugar daddies are same…     

Hua Jiefeng became upset with the program and switched off the TV. "These people have no respect for others! They can shred anyone's character so easily."     

Back in the office Hua Jiefeng asked intelligently "CEO Yang, in what context are you asking me about it?" According to him it was a normal contract that was agreed and signed between the hospital and his mother. He knew about it.     

"Did you see the employees' names there?" Asked Yang Xinyu.     

"Yes, I remember most of the names," replied Hua Jiefeng.     

"Do you remember the name of Ms. Wu Lina in the contract?" enquired Yang Xinyu.     

"Yes, I remember her name clearly," he replied. He remembered her name because she was the main nurse who attended him.     

"And did you read the morning newspapers?" pried Yang Xinyu.     

There was a long silence in the office. Hua Jiefeng was shocked beyond words. It didn't take him more than a few seconds to realize that Yang Xinyu was photographed with Ms Wu Lina. This fellow had to fall in love with that nurse! What on the earth was he thinking? Was there no other woman present around him in City H or this country or Planet Earth? What was his rationale?     

Going against the wishes of Mrs. Yang. Poor Ms. Wu Lina! This man is seriously a demon. The contract is so vicious that Ms. Wu Lina will have to spend five years of her life in prison. Even if he fights the case he can reduce the sentence to a minimum of two years. But that is as bad!     

Or perhaps Mrs. Yang would accept Wu Lina as her daughter-in-law and release her from the binding contract.     

Hua Jiefeng's eyes became wider with rage and shock. He wanted to smack the person right in front of him, but he managed to keep his anger in control. His insides were boiling.     

'This is what love does to you… you become insane… you make others around you insane…' were his thoughts when Yang Xinyu's voice braked the train of his thoughts.     

"Ms. Wu Lina is now an employee of the Yang Corporation. She is a senior coder here. She's been working with Yang Corporation from past six months," said Yang Xinyu in a calm voice.     


"What?" Hua Jiefeng was in for yet another shock!     

"She is an employee here…?" He asked as if in a trance. His morning was becoming even more interesting.     

Instead of the contract, he was more interested in this damsel now. "B… but she was a nurse! When did she become a coder?" he said racking his logical brain. It was a surprising fact that the nurse who attended Yang Xinyu was now a coder. How come she has joined the company? He became curious! His face was washed blank with confusion as if his brain couldn't decipher the information given to him. his eyes became wider.     

"She had joined a weekend computer institute to finish her course," said Yang Xinyu slightly raising his chin and being proud of her. A small smile played on his lips and he guessed he would get that a lot from now on.     

"CEO Yang, can I meet her?" He asked hoping to meet the great woman who had not only finished her training as a coder despite being in a profession but also captivated the heart of this demon.     

Yang Xinyu could see the shock registering on Hua Jiefeng's face. He was simply unable to hide it. Yang Xinyu looked at him with a frigid expression. The air in the room became chilly.     

Hua Jiefeng gulped and continued, "Its okay if I don't meet her…" He froze before a grin crept onto his face. It soon stretched showing every single tooth that he had in the cavity.     

He got back to his senses and said, "However, I will have to see all other legalities again and get back to you as soon as possible."     

Hua Jiefeng wanted this to be done quickly because he knew that soon the HR department would be calling him for suing the TV channels and other media. He had to prepare a lot of things in advance. Now that he knew the fact, he was confident that it would be taken care of easily. Although he wouldn't be able to stop the news channels to talk about their relationship, at least he would have to make it public.     

He knew that a lot of blogs would have appeared overnight to discuss the story. Sketchy outlets would share the reports with misleading headlines in order to get more clicks. These blogs would feed the twisted interest of the public.     

But he knew how to handle all that efficiently.     

"Hua Jiefeng, take this problem tactfully from here. Let me know the final answer by noon. I hope the contract becomes null and void as soon as possible," said Yang Xinyu dismissing the company lawyer.     

"Yes Sir," said Hua Jiefeng and walked out of the office. He headed to the HR department first.     

Yang Xinyu picked his phone to call Wu Lina but stopped himself. 'She must be sleeping,' he remembered.     

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