Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Outskirts of the City

Outskirts of the City

Forty-five minutes later they headed to the countryside in his black Maybach. Yang Xinyu was wearing jeans, a white shirt paired with brown suede shoes. He had rolled his sleeves. Wearing black Ray Ban aviators he looked like a model driving out of a fashion magazine. Wu Lina was in her pink shirt and denim skirt.     

The black Mayback cruised down towards the expressway travelling east. Wu Lina couldn't help admiring the front passenger seat where she was sitting. It had so much leather around that she could barely hear the 370 horsepower, 6-liter engine. At 80 miles an hour the engine was only so smooth. Wu Lina could feel the plush and luxurious interiors of the car and the power was just too amazing. The Maybach would leap forward with just one soft push on the accelerator.     

As they left the city, Wu Lina saw that they were heading to the outskirts of the city. There were fewer cars on the road and fewer settlements. She gazed ahead from the comforts of the car and then looked at Yang Xinyu who was gently stroking the wheel. She smiled at her man.     

They came on the main highway. "Where are we going?" she asked.     

"Someplace hidden. I am kidnapping you and I will cage you there," he said with a gleam in his eyes.     

Wu Lina rolled her eyes and slapped him hard on his chest. He laughed and looked at her affectionately.     

Wu Lina had brought her books along with so that she could study in the car. Her bag was kept on the backseat. So she unstrapped and raised herself from her seat to reach it brushing Yang Xinyu in the process.     

Yang Xinyu's gaze fell on Wu Lina's buttocks, which were now shaking a little. The skirt had pulled up exposing the thighs. He lost control of the car and the car zigzagged a little.     

Scared, Wu Lina chided him, "What are you doing?"     

He slapped her behind. "Ouch!" she yelped.     

He stopped the car on the side, lowered his Ray Bans a little exposing his brown eyes and said, "Your thighs are exposed. Do you know what I want to do? I can't concentrate on the road, so you have to drive." Saying that he opened the car and came to stand near the passenger seat.     

Wu Lina's jaws dropped. "How shameless you are! I am not getting down."     

Yang Xinyu stood there with a mulish expression on his face. "Fine, suits you. We can get as much delayed, as you want. I am in no hurry," he said nonchalantly and kept standing on the door. He was gauging her action. He wanted to gaze at his girl while she would drive. He had all mischievous plans knocking his mind.     

A few minutes passed but Wu Lina didn't budge. She opened the book she had brought. However with Yang Xinyu watching her like a hawk it was hard for her to read. Yang Xinyu watched her for some time and then accepting defeat walked to the back of the car shaking his head just when he heard her stepping out of the seat. She walked up to him and stretched her palm, 'Keys."     

He dropped it in her hands with a broad grin. His day couldn't get any better.     

On the other hand Wu Lina was getting agitated after ten minutes of no activity. She knew that she had to go to the driver seat.     

She strapped and hit the pedal. 'You want me to drive. There you go!'     

Yang Xinyu was petrified. "The cops will catch us if you over speed and our holiday will be ruined," he said calmly trying to hide his nervousness.     

Wu Lina had to reduce the speed much to Yang Xinyu's relief.     

They continued to drive in peace for sometime before Yang Xinyu turned to look at her alluring thighs again that were now controlling the car's accelerator and break.     

He took his hand and inserted them between her thighs, which were rubbing together at intervals.     

"Stop it Yang Xinyu!" she yelled at him.     

"I am feeling cold darling. Just trying to warm my hands," he said earnestly.     

"Reduce the air conditioner. I am not your heater!" she snapped already irritated by him. Removing his hand forcefully from her thighs she concentrated on the road ahead determined to drive fast and teach him a lesson.     

Her anger was exciting him by the minute. Few seconds later his hand again grabbed her thighs and slowly slid his fingers in between, fondling them, caressing them.     

Just then a car overtook theirs and Wu Lina fumed at the belligerent jerk that just sped on the merging lane and sped past over her. "That imbecile!" She vented her anger on them.     

The boy who was in the passenger seat in the car ahead turned around gave her a thumbs down. Wu Lina accepted the challenge and hit the accelerator once again. Because the car had a great pickup, it zoomed ahead. Yang Xinyu who was looking at Wu Lina literally sunk in his seat and was now glued to the back of seat due to sheer speed.     

"Wu Lina, reduce the speed!" he shouted.     

But she was determined to overtake the boys ahead. She increased the speed and was now trailing the car. They were at a two cars distance from them.     

One of the boys, who were sitting in the rear seat looked around and saw her trailing them. He said something to other boys in his car and three of them except the one who was driving turned back to look at her. The driver deliberately lowered the speed and narrowed the gap between them. All others could now clearly see the beautiful Wu Lina. They started clapping there hands and encouraged her to overtake them. No one was bothered to see Yang Xinyu.     

All of a sudden Wu Lina swirled the car to the right and overtook them making Yang Xinyu tumble slightly on the left. Had it not been the seat belt he would have flown out of the window! He realized that they averted a major accident.     

His girl knew how to drive! Although he was excited, he also got scared. He made a mental note of keeping a driver for her in the future.     

Now they were far ahead of the convertible. But she was driving at a very high speed.     

Yang Xinyu felt the need to distract her and said, "Wu Lina, do you like this car?"     

"Of course! It's a beautiful car!" her mind got diverted to the car's mechanics. "I love the way it picks up the speed. It's got such beautiful interiors."     

"Why don't you keep it with you? I don't like the fact that you travel in public transport," he asked gently, knowing that she would immediately reject the idea.     


And the topic ended just like that.     

"Can you please take that hand out?" she asked now exasperated.     


Wu Lina swerved the car to the side and applied brake with full throttle! Yang Xinyu caught the handle above and thanked the car's manufacturers for developing a seat belt or else he would have been sent flying out of the front screen.     

"Behave Yang Xinyu!" she was furious!     

She unstrapped herself, opened the car door and stood on the side of the car. She was steaming in anger. 'This man is always so horny!'     

Yang Xinyu opened the door of the passenger seat and sauntered towards her. He could see that her face had become red as she was seething inside. He loved it.     

"Okay! I am sorry. Let's drive. Get in the car." He loved angry Lina!     

She didn't drive and Yang Xinyu had to resume driving. She puffed her cheeks in anger and sat in the passenger seat. Yang Xinyu gazed at her fondly.     

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