Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Contract Number 2

Contract Number 2

Contract Number 2     

The director picked the contract from the table to take a closer look. It contained a lot of legal language, which he couldn't understand. He wanted time to read it. "I would like to show it to our attorney, if that is okay with you Chairman Yang," he said.     

"Yes, of course," replied the Chairman narrowing his eyes.     

The director felt that he was walking on a thin sheet of ice. But he wanted to understand the legal implications of the contract before signing it.     

"We expect that the contract is signed as soon as possible, within two business days at the most," added the Chairman. He was too protective about Yang Xinyu's image.     

"Yes Chairman," the director said and took leave. Since it was a Sunday, he couldn't do anything. He would have to take an action soon.     

On Monday morning he called his hospital's attorney and showed him the contract. 'What do you think about it?" he asked.     

"I need to read it in detail. I will get back to you by evening," said the attorney and left with the contract.     

In the evening he came to the director and explained that contract was extremely binding. The most important part of the contract was that the information about Yang Xinyu's illness couldn't be leaked. If the information was leaked and it was found that any of the hospital employee or employees was responsible, they would be liable to a fine of two million Yuan. A breach of fine would land them in jail.     

The director was panicky. What kind of contract was this? The information about their patients was strictly private. Anything that could leak would have no substantial basis if the hospital denied.     

However, the Chairman Yang Min-Chang himself was keen on signing the contract.     

The director of the hospital was contemplating the repercussions, when the attorney said, "If all the hospital employees sign this contract, it would only be better for two reasons:     

a) The employees with refrain from discussing about the patients of this hospital in the future     

b) Your image as the director of the hospital will solidify, especially now that your tenure is coming to an end. The board will look at this development positively and they might increase your tenure as the director. "     

The director mulled on the attorney's advice and finally agreed to it. He decided that all employees would be made to sign the contract on Tuesday.     


Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu slept late in the night, as both of them were busy with their work. Yang Xinyu had a stock load of files that needed his urgent attention and Wu Lina had to cover her course that was taught on Sunday. Wu Lina finished past midnight and went to bed to sleep after setting the alarm on her phone for the next day. Yang Xinyu noticed it from the corner of his eye.     

He continued to work until 1:30am and then he was too exhausted. Not even able to keep his eyes open he joined her under the quilt but not before deleting the alarm from her phone. He smiled at his connivance.     

He pulled her over him and she nuzzled into his chest – her favorite place in the world… their naked skins touching each other…     

Yang Xinyu woke up at eight in the morning with Wu Lina still sleeping soundly on him. She had drooled all over his chest. Her hair was covering her face. He removed them to the side to reveal her face. She looked beautiful. He pulled her up to kiss her and then cradled her to his side. Wu Lina looked at him with sleepy eyes, discontent rising on her face as she was being removed from her pet spot. He slid down under the quilt to reach her breasts and started sucking them.     

"Yang Xinyu…" she said sleepily.     

"Hmmm…" he said and continued to suck her.     

"What would be the name of our third baby?"     

He smiled at her statement, knowing fully well that she was still in a dreamlike state.     

"Let's get married Yang Xinyu," she continued to babble.     

His erection grew hard and he flipped the sleepy Wu Lina on her back before entering her.     

Wu Lina opened her eyes through haze to find Yang Xinyu over her. She smiled lazily and welcomed him. "You are the most beautiful thing I've seen," she cupped his face. His pace increased.     

He loved making love to sleepy Wu Lina.     

He got up and saw that it was past eight in the morning. He smiled. His mischievous plan had worked successfully. Wu Lina won't go to the hospital today. He had plans to take her out to the countryside.     

He went to the bathroom with his phone and called Zhou Zhili to inform that he would not be coming to the office that day. He asked her to rearrange all the meetings.     

He finished taking bath and came inside the bedroom to see that Wu Lina was still sleeping! 'Hmm… so who was talking about hibernating bears…'     

He went to her and spoke softly in her ears, "It is past nine baby. Don't you have to go to the hospital?"     

Wu Lina sprang up on the bed as if lightening had struck her. Her eyes were wide and she looked very nervous!     

Yang Xinyu was looking at her all this time in the most peaceful manner. He looked at her naively and asked, "What happened darling?"     

"My alarm… my phone alarm…? It didn't ring? Oh my God! I am doomed! The head nurse will kill me," she was agitated.     

She hopped out of the bed and dashed to the bathroom. She was ready within twenty minutes. "Please drop me back to the hospital," she pleaded him.     

Yang Xinyu was sitting on the edge of the bed reading the morning newspaper. He was eating grapes and peeling an orange.     

He looked at her and said, "It is 9:30am Wu Lina. By the time we reach your hospital it will be 10:30am in this rush hour. You won't be able to join in that dress of yours, so you have to go to the apartment to change. By the time you will join your duty it is going to be at least 11am. Your shift ends at 2pm. Do you think it is worthwhile to go at this time?" he had calculated the math, which fitted perfectly.     

Wu Lina shook her head at her incompetency. She went and sat near Yang Xinyu and absent-mindedly picked the orange he had peeled. She nodded her head and said, "You are right… I will have to call the head nurse and take a leave today… but what reason will I give her…" she was eating the oranges he was offering her while she was mulling.     

Yang Xinyu looked at her fondly and said, "Simple, tell her you are tired and exhausted. You need a day's leave. I am sure she won't mind. Are you not aloud casual leaves?"     

"Okay… I hope she agrees" she said and reached for her phone to call the head nurse.     

The head nurse laughed and Okayed her leave.     

"So simple!" she looked at Yang Xinyu and replied with a smile. "Oh! Now I can go back to sleep!"     

Saying that she kicked off her sneakers and went under her quilt like a baby.     

"No dear. Now that you have taken leave, we will go out," he informed her.     

"But you have to go to the office," she said.     

"Err… no… I have also taken leave today…" he smiled.     


Wu Lina was puzzled! Did he plan it out? Everything was fitting too well. Before she could think anymore, Yang Xinyu had pounced on her like a hungry lion. He wanted her to stay confused!     

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