Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Going to England

Going to England

As the days passed, Yang Xinyu started spending his evenings with her after the office. He would often take her out on a date or they would just stay back in her apartment.     

However, at times he was over burdened with work making it difficult for him to be with her. Her apartment was 45 minutes from his office, and in peak hours of traffic it took him double the time to reach her. So he used to go back to the Yang mansion. On such days he missed her more.     

His need for her presence compelled him to make a lounge next to his office. His mother was surprised and rebuked him for this decision, but he was adamant. The lounge was ready in flat three weeks.     

During the days when Yang Xinyu couldn't come to meet her, Wu Lina would sulk but never disturbed him. She would focus on her computer course.     

During one of those days he called her to say that he was going to England on a business trip and would return by Saturday evening, which was one week away. She was already feeling low, she became anxious and started crying silently as she listened to him.     

It was 7pm in the evening and she was in her apartment reading her notes from the computer class.     

"Okay…" that's all she managed to say. Rest of the words got choked in her throat.     

"When I return, be ready. I'll take you someplace you will love!" he said excitedly. He wanted to show her his new lounge.     

Wu Lina was already feeling miserable, as Yang Xinyu hadn't met her for the past three days, and now he was going on a business trip for a week. So this is what having a boyfriend meant? Her attraction for him grew every passing day. If she weren't so attracted to him she would have been a regular nurse and a student. Her life would have been simpler… she wouldn't have experienced rollercoaster of emotions…     

She didn't realize when the attraction towards him changed into love… her personality was changing… she was becoming dependent on a person for her happiness… It had been more than four years since she became deeply attached to someone other than her parents…     

Realizing that she hadn't spoken for over a minute now, Yang Xinyu sensed her hesitance in conversing with him. Anxiety washed his excitement. His body became heavy… has she found someone else... is she going to leave me… is that person sitting beside her… why is she so silent… is she no more interested in me…     

Yang Xinyu cut the phone and with a murderous look in his eyes he collected his jacket and car keys and ran towards the elevator. He jumped in his car and sped on the motorway to reach her apartment as soon as possible. He must have over sped because he reached there in 20 minutes! Without waiting to lock his car he ran to the elevator. The elevator was on the eighth floor. Yang Xinyu couldn't wait for it to arrive, so he took the stairs taking two steps at a time. He reached her apartment panting and heaving heavily. Instead of pressing the bell, he pounded it loudly. He was impatient to see her. His chest was tightening.     

When Yang Xinyu cut her phone, teary Wu Lina couldn't concentrate on her notes. She started sobbing, her tears won't stop. She was cursing herself for having fallen in love to the extent that separation became unbearable. She didn't know how much time had passed. Loud pounding on her door broke her train of thoughts.     

She opened the door with tears streaming down, and saw Yang Xinyu. His hand stopped mid-air. He shoved her aside and came inside the apartment. With the hands on his hips, he inspected the room and then went to the kitchen. He came out satisfactorily grinning from ear to ear. There was no one! Wait! So why wasn't she speaking? His gaze fell on Wu Lina and then he realized that she had been crying incessantly.     

He was shocked. Forgetting his motive for rushing here, he asked, "What happened Wu Lina? Why are you crying?" He pulled her in his embrace and wiped her tears.     

Wu Lina was so happy to see him that now she was crying out of happiness. She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him passionately releasing him when she had to breathe air.     

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