Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Had to Save His Face

Had to Save His Face

Yang Xinyu's arms wrapped around her back and in one gentle pull their skins touched. He moved his hand to her hair, feeling their softness, watching them tumble as he released them. Then his hand moved down her face to her lips. He started kissing them, first light and then urgently. They started to move together in a tango of love, their bodies snug together in complete harmony. Wu Lina fell in this natural rhythm. With a soft moan he lifted her on him. They locked eyes for a moment getting turned on by the second. Yang Xinyu stroked her back taking his hand further down at the junction of her hips. He circled the curves there and pressed them hard. His fingers soon found the target and reached inside her. Her head rocked back, a moan escaping her lips.     

She kissed him with raw intensity showing her maladroitness. He smiled and held her head in his hand and showed her how to kiss crazily. He wanted to f**k her senseless. He rolled down with her and pressed her with his weight. His erection had become large and grinded it between her thighs. She bucked. He moved to her neck, sucking it softly. He kissed her breasts and licked the nipples before taking a large portion of her breasts in his mouth. He sucked them hard. Wu Lina pushed them further in his mouth. Her skin became sensitive.     

All of a sudden she could sense every little drop of blood in her body going to her groins and she came, groaning loudly. Yang Xinyu's erection was forcing him to take her at this instant. He took his fingers down to check her wetness. He licked his fingers and went down. Her little bud was demanding attention. He started sucking her clit, flicking it at times with his long tongue. He diverted his attention to her wet entrance and parted her legs. He kissed it lightly and started licking it, sucking it, trying to force his tongue inside. Wu Lina arched her back and came again. His fingers were in her mouth, which were bit by her savagely.     

He seriously needed to release now. Spreading her legs further, he positioned himself over her, and thrust inside her. He slammed her harder and harder until he poured his soul into her. He slumped on her, all sweaty and panting.     

Wu Lina was trying to absorb all the pleasure this man had offered her in a short time. His head was now resting in the crook of her neck, and hair was messed up. She lifted his head in her hands and looked in his dreamy brown eyes.     

"Where were you all my life…? She asked. He didn't answer and hid his face in the crook of her neck again. He was relaxed. After what seemed like hours, he rolled on the mattress bringing her on the top. Wu Lina nuzzled in his chest and dozed off.     

In the morning she woke up with soreness. She got down from him waking him immediately.     

He looked at her perplexed at the pain reflecting on her face. He rubbed his eyes and enquired, "Are you sore?"     

"Yes…" she replied weakly.     

He got up from the bed, went to the kitchen and prepared a heating pad for her. He asked her to spread her legs. Wu Lina was too shy to let his do anything there. So he forcibly spread her legs and placed the pad down there She immediately felt a little relaxed. After a while he picked her up and took her for a hot bath where he helped her to massage the lower region slowly. When they finished taking bath, he wrapped a towel around her and carried her to the bed. He got a cream from her vanity and applied it on the outer surface to reduce the sensitivity.     

He didn't want her to get up from the bed, so he went to the kitchen and prepared scrambled eggs for both of them for breakfast.     

Wu Lina had never had such tasteless breakfast! 'And who was telling to join cookery classes!' Realizing that there was no other choice she gulped it down. Yang Xinyu, on the other hand was eating it calmly.     

It was past nine and he had to go to the office. He instructed her to stay in bed for an hour and then go to the hospital.     

Once inside his car, he made the worst face. The eggs he had scrambled a while ago were horrible! However, he had to save his face in front of Wu Lina!     

On his way to the office, he stopped midway to have coffee!     

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