Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Answer Me, You Insolent Girl!

Answer Me, You Insolent Girl!

When Yang Xinyu had left in the morning Wu Lina kept sleeping until 10am. Since she had no other work to do and her project at the office was still under quality testing, she decided to spend her day languorously. She took more than half an hour to finish her bath. She wore an orange shift dress with a red border. Since she had washed her hair, she dried them and braided them. Some of her hair strands as usual refused to behave and hung loosely around her face.     

By the time she was ready it was already noon. Mrs. Jiao had prepared both breakfast and lunch for her.     

"Young miss, I have to go and do some grocery shopping," she informed.     

"Okay Mrs. Jiao," she replied.     

"Please don't go out of the house," she requested.     

Wu Lina smiled at her concern and said, "Okay."     

Mrs. Jiao left after serving her the food.     

Wu Lina had an early lunch. She thought of reminding Mrs. Jiao to not make so many dishes…     

She wanted to call Yang Xinyu but she knew that he would be in meetings and so she waited for him to call instead. She took the opportunity to explore the penthouse. There were still places that she hadn't been to.     

She strolled towards a room that was located at the end of the corridor just after the guestroom. She held the knob to open it and was surprised to see its contents. There were shelves from floor to the ceiling stacked with numerous books. A couch was kept near glass wall, which was overlooking the city. It wasn't a big room but it was impressive. She took out a random book and went to the couch to read it curling up her legs under her.     

While she was completely immersed in it, she heard the doorbell. 'Why would Mrs. Jiao ring the bell?' she thought annoyingly.     

Wu Lina closed the book and kept it on the couch eager to read it after opening the door. She was in for a surprise when she opened the door. Yang Xinyu's mother was standing there along with two burly bodyguards.     

"Āyí," she exclaimed.     

Mrs. Yang gave her the coldest stare and scrunched her face. "You vicious vamp!" Saying that she pushed her aside and stomped inside. Her bodyguards came in with her.     

Wu Lina saw that the security men stationed outside the penthouse were alerted but they didn't utter a word for they knew she was the CEO's mother.     

Wu Lina closed the door embarrassed of the way she was being treated by Mrs. Yang and followed her to the living room.     

Yang Chúnqiàn sat on the sofa and motioned Wu Lina to sit down opposite her. Wu Lina meekly sat down. The two bodyguards stood behind her. She became uneasy.     

Yang Chúnqiàn didn't waste time and spewed acid, "Do you think you have the qualities to be my daughter-in-law? Do you think you can be the wife of the Yang Corporation CEO? You have seduced my son with your attractive looks you witch! Your parents have abandoned you and you come from such a petty background, you gold digger. How dare you even think of becoming his wife?"     

Wu Lina was stupefied. Her tongue paralyzed and she didn't know what to say. She looked at Mrs. Yang with a shocking countenance. Before she could form words, Mrs. Yang spoke loudly, "Answer me, you insolent girl!"     

"You are no match to my son. Do you know the kind of people who are waiting at our doorstep to marry my son? They are the elite of this society. What will you bring to the table when you marry him? A nurse? A computer programmer? That's what my son will marry? He deserves an heiress!" she continued spewing venomous words.     

Wu Lina composed a little and after listening to so many insults she spoke, "Mrs. Yang, I may be poor, but you cannot disintegrate my character."     

"Shut up, you pathetic form of a human!" shouted Yang Chúnqiàn.     

Wu Lina shrank in fear.     

"Okay if you think so highly of yourself, why don't you take your stupid face away from here and live your own life? Will you leave my son if I offer you money? How much money do you want?" she lashed out digging her bag.     

She took out a check and placed it in the center of the table. "Here take that money and leave us!"     

Wu Lina's face fell. How could she be treated so insanely? She picked up the check and read the amount in it – ten million Yuan. She looked at her arrogant face. She tore the check in half, and then kept it back on the table. "You son costs that much only?" she asked, a smile forming on her lips.     

"You!" she shouted.     

A phone call broke their conversation. Yang Xinyu had called Wu Lina. When Yang Chúnqiàn heard her talking to him, she got up from her place, snatched the phone from Wu Lina's hand, disconnecting it.     

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