Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Yes and No

Yes and No

Yan Xiaojun's appointment was at eleven in the morning, however, he had arrived an hour earlier. He was very eager to meet Wu Lina. He went to Dr. Zhou's room where his assistant asked him to wait on one of the chairs outside his room. Yan Xiaojun sat down on the chair and waited for his name to be called. While he was patiently sitting there, the door of one of the numbered rooms open and he unexpectedly saw Wu Lina coming out. His heartbeat, in his own ears, felt so loud and especially when their eyes locked, it had become increasingly louder than normal. She had shot a small smile towards him and he suddenly thought of the night they had met.     

'Does she remember me?' he mind raced at the thought.     

It was just a fleeting smile but it was enough to put Yan Xiaojun in a tumultuous state of mind. His eyes followed Wu Lina who had closed the door and went for the elevator. He turned anxious as he feared she would not come back, but after a while that seemed like an eternity for Yan Xiaojun, Wu Lina came back. By the time Yan Xiaojun was also called inside, both of them entered the room alongside each other.     

Yan Xiaojun noticed her petite frame and the fact that she didn't even reach his shoulders. Wu Lina saw him again and smiled leaving him mesmerized yet once more.     

"Please come this way," she said.     

He nodded and followed her. She directed him to sit on a couch. Dr. Zhou was sitting in front of him on a chaise chair.     

Dr. Zhou asked him about his problem, "Good morning Mr. Lai," he greeted with a smile. "What brings you here today?" he added.     

As the session began, Wu Lina left them.     

Yan Xiaojun carefully weaved his cover up story about having depression for not being able to have a steady relationship. He wanted the session to get over fast so that he could speak with Wu Lina and talk to her.     

Dr. Zhou prescribed him a few medicines, a blood test, and asked him to take some therapeutic sessions that included meditation, physical exercises, recreational activities and a hobby. After the consultation between doctor and patient, Dr. Zhou concluded that he wasn't that bad a case and that he needed only one or two more follow-ups only.     

"If you like you can join few therapeutic sessions that are conducted in the hospital or you can take them privately," he said.     

"I would like to join the sessions here," replied Yan Xiaojun immediately with excitement. Just the thought of seeing more of Wu Lina was exhilirating for him.     

"Sure," Dr. Zhou was a little surprised by his forthcoming attitude. "In that case you should visit our facility here and take a look at the activities."     

Dr. Zhou called Wu Lina once the session was over and instructed her to take him on a tour to show how therapeutic sessions were conducted at the hospital.     

Yan Xiaojun couldn't believe his luck! He followed her out as he hid his eagerness inside while she guided him about the place. Wu Lina took him to the outpatient clinics where the sessions were conducted. She was explaining him every detail but he was only looking at her. Who cared for the details she spoke about? He found himself ogling at her stupidly. Not even a word entered his brain – he heard her words go in through one ear and out from the other!     

His mind went into overdrive and his ability of speech was deemed useless at this point. He was too attracted to Wu Lina to even notice about his own condition. He was sure that she was Vladimir Yankov's daughter.     

However, once Vladimir got the news about her being his daughter, he would definitely ensure that Wu Lina would be taken under his wing. Yan Xiaojun wasn't ready to leave her until he became sure the feelings he felt were love. The tour was nearing an end and he wanted to continued to stay by her side.     

"I am hungry. Can you show me the cafeteria here?" he asked, trying to prolong their time together.     

"Sure, the cafeteria is right next to the emergency building. I'll take you there," she took up the request.     

While they were walking towards their destination, he asked her, "Wu Lina how long have you been working here?"     

"It's been almost eleven months now," she replied before hesitating. "I am sorry but what is your name? I didn't catch it earlier when Dr. Zhou was talking to you," she enquired.     

"Oh, I am sorry. I should have introduced myself. I am Ya… La… Lai Mingxing," he stuttered, embarrassed that he forgot that he was in disguise.     

He had to keep his real identity under wraps because he was afraid that Vladimir Yankov would follow him and he didn't want to leave digital bread crumbs, so he paid in cash at the hospital. Perhaps he had become too conscious of the fact that Vladimir would follow his actions.     

Wu Lina led him to the cafeteria and was about to leave when Yan Xiaojun did his best in trying to delay time so he could be with Wu Lina.     

"Won't you have lunch? It is almost 1pm now," enquired Yan Xiaojun.     

"Actually my shift gets over at 2pm, so I will have my lunch then," she replied and immediately left.     

She did not give him a second glance. Yan Xiaojun watched her back as she left, feeling at a loss. He decided right then to wait for her. Wu Lina came back with a group of nurses half past two. Without noticing him, she went to the counter to get her lunch. His eyes followed her. When they all settled on a table, he slowly got up from his chair and approached her.     

"Hi!" he waved at her.     

Wu Lina was shocked to see him, "Oh! Hello!"     

"I waited for you so I could have lunch with you," he stated excitedly.     

Wu Lina gaped at this man in front of her. She didn't know if this man was shameless or oblivious to what he was doing as he was a patient and she was a nurse. All other nurses gave him a wary look but he focused his gaze only on Wu Lina.     

"Pl… Please join us," she faltered, not wanting to be rude to Dr. Zhou's patient…     

Yan Xiaojun was waiting for the opportunity to join Wu Lina for lunch. He went to get his lunch and joined the group of nurses brashly. The group fell quiet. To lighten the awkwardness, she had introduced him to the other nurses but everyone felt uncomfortable and she couldn't do anything about it. He was Dr. Zhou's patient and she had to be very polite to him. Lunch was over and most of it were spent in silence while a few nurses spoke in low voices to each other.     

When they started to leave, he brazenly spoke, hoping he would get a reaction out of her, "Wu Lina, I am planning to take my therapy in the hospital."     

"Okay, Mr. Lai," she replied half-heartedly but that was made up for with her angelic smile.     

Yan Xiaojun had already requested Dr. Zhou to send Wu Lina to help him out for a few days until his therapy ended.     

Over the days that followed, Yan Xiaojun and Wu Lina came to know each other. They became good friends and finally, Yan Xiaojun was ready to ask her if she had a boyfriend.     

"Boyfriend?" she had laughed when he brought up the subject. She then became serious and started looking in distance in reminiscence.     

"Yes and no," she frankly answered.     

"Yes and no?"     

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