Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Confess Her Love for Him

Confess Her Love for Him

When her shift had ended, she called Yan Xiaojun's office phone number.     

"Yan Xiaojun, there are two weeks before my job here will be finished. I will be throwing a party for all my friends. I had been so busy lately that I had not been able to connect with them often. You must come," she said excitingly.     

Yan Xiaojun was irritated that Ying Yue had called and refused, "I decline. When your job's finished and our contract had expired, you can come and collect your last paycheck. Please stop bothering me. I am not interested in you."     

He hung up the phone.     

'This woman is so obstinate! What part doesn't she understand? Do I have to take a flag and tie it on a helicopter to fly around her house saying I am not interested?'     

He shook his head and walked out of the office to spend his evening with his friends. That day, he had gone to the same downtown restaurant. He sat there with his friends for a long time ranting about his problem with Ying Yue. Since it was a weekday, none of them wanted to stay late as they had work to finish. It was almost nine when he saw her again. It was like Déjà vu. She came in front of his restaurant's glass window and adjusted her dress. She pulled her shirt down a bit to show her cleavage and adjusted her bun. He was surprised and laughed at her stupidity.     

She had ran away!     

Without further ado, he focused on getting rid of Ying Yue and before he knew it, he left the restaurant two hours later. He was on his way home before he saw the girl from earlier. She was pretty drunk and alone. She wobbled her way on the sidewalk, not realizing that it was useless to balance herself. He felt like he needed to help her and so he approached her. As he neared the girl, he heard her singing,     

I have seen the beauty that lies behind your face     

Let us remain in love without giving a name to it     

Let our souls entwine and feel the sensuousness…     

"Hey!" he called out to her. "Are you okay? Do you need help? Can you walk?" he asked her a barrage of questions.     

She looked at him in confusion.     

"Who are you?" she tried to compose herself. Being unable compose herself in time, she was about to fall towards the ground.     

Yan Xiaojun caught her in time and held her tight in his arms before she hit the ground. She looked up at him with her black misty eyes. Her eyes expressed intoxication and he was immediately enraptured. He felt the need to protect as she lay in his arms. Her face was so close to him. Exposing the vulnerable side of her, he wanted to kiss her, cage her. At that moment, he wanted to shield her from the public eye. Beautiful couldn't describe her. She was an angel and he wanted to claim her.     

His roaming and lusting thoughts had befuddled his rationality.     

"What is your name?" his voice almost a whisper, entranced by her visage.     

She was sleepy, but she half opened her eyes and slurred, "Wuuuuuu…."     

"After Wu…?"     


Yan Xiaojun got a shock of his life.     

Wu Lina? WU LINA? LINA?     

He couldn't believe his luck! Was she Vladimir Yankov's daughter? He had to protect this girl. What was she doing alone at this time of the night?     

"Stay here Wu Lina, okay? Don't go anywhere. I am going to get my car and will drop you at home," he said.     

He didn't want to leave her, but his car was parked two blocks away. He pulled her on the steps of the restaurant and ran to get his car instructing one of his employees to take care of her and see that she doesn't leave.     

He had driven back to the restaurant in ten minutes only to see that she was nowhere to be found. He asked his employee where had she gone. The employee just said that her friends came looking for her took her away.     

Yan Xiaojun punched his car out of frustration. He needed to know her. He drove back home thinking about his chance meeting. 'It was destiny… she was fated to be found by me…'     

The next day, when he arrived at his office, the first thing he did was to ask his secretary to do a background check on a girl named Wu Lina.     

"I want to know about this girl as soon as possible," he demanded.     

His secretary was well aware of his boss's habits of finding about the girls he would become interested in. "Okay boss," he replied nonchalantly.     

"If possible, I need it by today, so finding everything about her and let me know," said Yan Xiaojun in the most urgent manner.     

His secretary looked at him and realized that his boss had never shown such serious interest in any of his previous girlfriends. He was a little startled.     

"Sure sir," he said cautiously and left.     

His secretary had taken a day to compile all the data about Wu Lina and handed over her file the next day. In the 24 hours Yan Xiaojun spent was just thinking about Wu Lina.     

Yan Xiaojun read her file in less than thirty minutes and came to know that she was Wenqian's daughter! He hastened his footsteps while picking up his coat and rushing out of the office to go to Hospital Goldmine. He was going to meet her at her workplace.     

When he reached the hospital, he tried finding about her from the nurses, but he found no clues. He became frustrated at how much difficulty he had to go through to find Wu Lina. As he was about to leave, his gaze fell onto a monitor that displayed a chart regarding the nurses as to which doctor they were assisting. He noticed that Wu Lina was assigned to Dr. Zhou.     

He took this chance and quickly booked an appointment under the name of Lai Mingxing with the Dr. Zhou on the pretext of having depression. Dr. Zhou had patients to attend so he could only reserve his appointment two days later. Being able for Yan Xiaojun to meet Wu Lina again, he took the appointment and left, excited to wait patiently to see her once again.     

Two days later, Yan Xiaojun showed up at the hospital for his appointment.     

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