Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Rollercoaster of Emotions

Rollercoaster of Emotions

He turned and looked up at Wu Lina who was still reading her book. She hadn't disturbed him.     

Wu Lina needed him to be around her, so when he followed her she didn't protest. When Yang Chúnqiàn had thrown her out of the house, she felt lonely all over again. Only Yang Xinyu was there for her. She valued him more than ever. She felt connected to him on a level that she could barely comprehend. She was assured by his presence.     

She looked down at him and lightly stroked her fingers through his hair. "Xinyu?"     

"Mm?" he looked up at her with tenderness.     

"My family has abandoned me. You are my only family now. Let's never talk about leaving each other. It gnaws on my soul."     

Yang Xinyu was overwhelmed, "I will never. I'm so, so sorry that this happened and I will spend every day and every hour making sure that you never feel this way ever again."     

She smiled and stood up, extending her hand to him, "Let's go for dinner. I'm tired," she murmured softly. The color returned to her face.     

He took her hand and got up leaving his files in disarray for Mrs. Jiao to arrange them back.     

"What book were you reading?" he asked her over dinner.     

"Pride and Prejudice," she replied with stuffed cheeks. "It's a good book, you should read it".     

He laughed at her stuffed cheeks. She looked adorable.     

"What happened?" she looked at him in confusion.     

"Nothing," he shook his head and grinned. "Finish eating. We'll talk later."     


After dinner, they went and sat on the chaise lounge near the pool. The night was cloudless and the moon hung over the sky like a gibbous. Looking up at the constellations above, Wu Lina said, "Did I ever tell you how I coped with my feelings when we stopped meeting each other?"     

Yang Xinyu shook his head.     

"I was so depressed that I wanted to give up on living, but everyday I convinced myself that you were looking at the same sky that I was gazing at and breathing the same air I was breathing… that feeling would always helped me endure until the next day and the next…"     

Yang Xinyu hugged her tightly. "I also understand, darling…" he kissed her on her neck. He didn't mention that he stalked her crazily every day after the office.     

They sat there silently in each other's embrace. The moon had created a misty allusion over the water of the pool. The traffic of city beneath them had trickled down and the lights of the houses around had dimmed while the street lights shuttered on. It was a perfect night and neither of them wanted to break the fantasy they were living.     

They went inside when it became chilly.     

Yang Xinyu changed and settled beside her. Whew! What a day it had been. He had left home with lovely emotions but came back home in bed with sweeter feelings. This day was a rollercoaster of emotions for both of them.     

Wu Lina remembered the days when she had just signed the contract and coping up normally had become a gargantuan task.     

Lai Mingxing was a diversion that she was getting used to. But he had disappeared on her ever since her relationship with Yang Xinyu was announced publicly.     


On returning back from Sofia, Yan Xiaojun started avoiding Ying Yue. She was just a way of getting revenge from Yang Xinyu.     

Yan Xiaojun relationships changed like his clothes. Every woman was a plaything for him. He was never seriously involved with any woman. So when they returned back to City B, Yan Xiaojun dropped Ying Yue to look for greener pastures.     

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