Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

One Reason – Wealth

One Reason – Wealth

"And don't make me talk anymore!" she continued to be angry.     

He smiled and said, "Okay. I won't."     

He left her and went to ask Mrs. Jiao to prepare porridge for her.     

Then he called his mother.     

"Yang Xinyu, you still have the nerve to call me!" she shouted on the phone.     

"Mother, please don't come to meet Wu Lina again. I will personally meet you if something's needed."     

"Something's needed?" she smirked. "Xinyu, when something's needed? Is that the way children meet their parents? Have you lost your mind?"     

"I don't want to hear you talk about her. Please, mother."     

"Yang Xinyu, I will not accept a girl with a background like that in our family. Is she pregnant? In that case, give her some money and get rid of her. You don't have to worry about her. If she refuses to leave, it's okay. She doesn't have to be your wife to stay beside you. Your father has three mistresses. Wu Lina can--"     

"Mother!" Yang Xinyu shouted in the phone. "Don't ever speak about Wu Lina like that. I will marry her and that's that! If you cannot accept her, you might as well forget about me! I don't want to enter into a relationship without any love. I thought you would be the person who would understand but as expected, you chose to live in your own tiny world that you wove for yourself," he felt disappointed and hung up the phone without letting his mother answer.     

Yang Chúnqiàn was shocked to hear her son speak so angrily. Her eyes welled up. She sank into the sofa she was sitting on, resting her head on her arms that were plopped onto the arms of the sofa. She scanned the opulent room around her and wondered whom this place would belong to in the future. Would her husband's mistresses' children snatch it from them? She was constantly scared about the future and what would come.     

She knew that the most notorious of the kids was Yang Fangxu and her family. The son from his third mistress, Yang Láichén, was a nice child but so was Yang Chen Lin. She knew that no one in the family could be trusted. The thought of inheriting the property the mistresses lived on, made them and their family wild. She didn't want the public to know that her family had problems. She didn't want anyone to know about her confrontation with Yang Xinyu or they would take advantage of her family's situation. She was convinced that since Wu Lina came from a low background, she was here for one reason – wealth.     

She had to get rid of Wu Lina so that Yang Xinyu would come back to her.     

She called up her lawyer.     

Meanwhile, in the penthouse, there was complete silence. Wu Lina ate her porridge quietly, and Yang Xinyu followed the sounds of to the dining place. He hadn't changed since that morning, not having left her side for even a minute. He had slept and when he had awoken without her by his side, he panicked before hearing the sounds of cutlery.     

After eating the porridge, she went to the library and picked the book she was reading. Yang Xinyu followed her there and like a puppy, he sat down on the floor with his head resting on her legs, which were folded beneath her.     

Seeing that she was absorbed in her novel, Yang Xinyu fetched his office work and sat in his original position. He didn't realize for how long he sat there but when he checked his watch, it was already 11pm.     

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