Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

His Trepidations (2)

His Trepidations (2)

But Yan Xiaojun's worries increased.     

"Why do you have to shake hands with the CEO? That's absurd. I mean was it even necessary?" he asked in an irritated tone.     

Wu Lina looked at him with disbelief. He was acting weird.     

"I don't think you should shake hands with strangers," he said with a pang of jealousy that was evident in his acidic tone.     

Wu Lina was alerted. But she shrugged her shoulders trying to avoid his feelings. "Well, that's the norm."     

Not wanting to talk any further on this matter, she quickly finished her food and bade him good night. "I am really tired. Good night," she said with a hint of disapproval.     

Over the next few days Yan Xiaojun became more inquisitive about her interactions with Yang Xinyu. He sounded like a jealous lover who was beginning to get possessive about her. He would often start questioning her when she had to stay back late at night to complete her work.     

She started distancing herself from him more because she became extremely busy with work. She realized that the company was overloading her with work more than the usual norm. While all other trainees had enough time at their hands, she was overburdened. She also realized that Yang Xinyu had moved into the lounge permanently and would hardly leave the office building when she was around.     

After the office hours were over Yang Xinyu would stroll down to the seventh floor and watch her from afar, from a place she wouldn't notice.     

On the other hand Yan Xiaojun was becoming apprehensive about her. He wanted answers while she evaded them. She was hardly able to meet him.     

Finally, one day Yan Xiaojun decided to wait for her in front of her apartment. He was determined to meet her no matter how late she came back from her work. She returned home at 10pm, very tired looking sleep deprived. When she saw him, her irritation increased. "How come you are here at this hour?"     

"Wu Lina, can we talk?" He asked her earnestly.     


She did not invite him into her apartment making it clear that she wanted him to go as soon as possible.     

He understood her but continued nonetheless, "Wu Lina, I am unable to comprehend my thoughts for you. I am struggling with my feelings. Every time you are at the company I feel you are talking to other men and interacting with them. I feel jealous not because I don't want you to work, but because I don't want you to touch them. I want to be a part of your life not as a friend but as someone who has tender feelings for you. I am not sure whether I have fallen in love with you, but I can't stay away from you. I am constantly worrying about you and want to meet you. It kills me to think that you would part with me if you fall in love with someone else. Please give me a chance. Allow me to explore my feeling for you..." he blurted his true and dark desires for her in one breath while taking his hand to the inside of his jacket where he had kept the ring.     

Wu Lina was horrified! Without saying a word she turned around, opened her apartment and before closing said, "I am taken!"     

She closed the door with a loud bang leaving him with a gaping mouth.     

Once inside the apartment she rushed to her bed and sunk in it. 'I likde being his friend. What has Lai Mingxing done? I am taken for the rest of my life even if I can't be with Xinyu.' Her thoughts took a toll on her already tired body and she drifted off.     

Yan Xiaojun left her with a heavy heart. Each step he took was an effort. He managed to go to his car and sped away to the nightclub at 'House of Fengs'.     

That night he drowned himself in the alcohol not wishing to ever come out to meet reality. But the more he drank, the more he remembered her. He clutched his heart. 'This is a lie! She is saying that because she was tired. She will love me back.'     

He didn't realize but he said it aloud, "She will love me back."     

The bartender and a few guests that were present there looked at his pitiable state. Later the bartender made arrangements for sending him back home.     

Wu Lina's days became hectic as apart from visiting other departments, she was assigned a crucial project. She started meeting him less and less. She was appalled by his confession.     

Yan Xiaojun started devising ways to meet her whenever and wherever possible. On the other hand Ying Yue was pestering him to be with her, which he detested from the core of his heart. He disliked her but she would come to meet him at the office on one pretext or the other. That day he was sickened when she eyed the ring he had bought so fondly for Wu Lina. That ring belonged to only one person, the one who had made his heart a bagful of butterflies and love. But was it one-sided?     

Next day he woke up with a strong headache and decided to take leave from work. He slept until the afternoon.     

In the evening he went to Wu Lina's house again, this time he wanted to apologize. He was scared that she would stop seeing him. He was not ready to believe that she was seeing someone.     

Before going to her house Yan Xiaojun calmed the torment he was going through. He knocked at her door.     

When she saw him at the door, she appeared uninterested.     

"I am sorry about yesterday Wu Lina," he said softly as he tried to mend.     

Wu Lina looked at him, his unshaven face and sad looks. "Okay… be careful next time," she said while pitying him. She invited him to have coffee at the café bar once again. It was 9pm in the evening and there were very few people on the road. They walked quietly together.     

At the café bar, he asked her, "A friend has called me for lunch this Sunday. Can you come with me?"     

"No, I am sorry," she kept her answer short.     

"She is just not getting off my back. Please do me a favor as a friend. If she will see me with you, she will back off." He pleaded her. He had to show Wu Lina to Ying Yue so that Ying Yue shed any doubts about him.     

"But that is incorrect. Why would you give her a false impression?"     

"Please Wu Lina. Just this once. I need your help."     

"I am sure there are many who can grant this favor to you."     

"She knows them all." He was exasperated.     

Reluctantly Wu Lina agreed to go with him. He beamed.     

Later he asked her "Wu Lina, can we be friends?"     

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