Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Orientation

The Orientation

The orientation began at sharp 10am. She entered the conference room talking casually along with the other trainees. When she saw the officers who were attending the orientation she couldn't believe her tragedy to see him! Yang Xinyu was sitting right in the center, staring a hole in her head while she spoke to the other trainees!     

Wu Lina shrank. She wanted to turn around and sneak out of the room but she couldn't. She resorted to sitting in the chair that was farthest from him. She didn't dare to look up. Her eyes fell on her red shoes as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Not once did Wu Lina lift her head throughout the session.     

The manager who was making an introductory speech mentioned something about giving their introduction to the management. She saw that every trainee was introducing himself or herself so confidently and loudly so that the management notices them. Some of them went on to mention their hobbies also. This was the time when they could also make an impression on the CEO. At the end of each introduction, they went to shake their hands with the CEO.     

When Wu Lina's turn came she rose from her chair slowly and without looking up said, "Good morning, I am Wu Lina. I have joined the Yang Corporation as a computer programmer. I had won the competition organized by the Yang Corporation when I was eighteen and had signed the contract then. So my journey with this company began long time back. I am 22 years old now. The management has supported me so much. It had been overwhelming. I can't thank you enough for giving me this opportunity and I will repay you in any way I can."     

Wu Lina sat back on the chair. One of her colleagues nudged her to walk over and shake hands with the CEO. Not wanting to appear rude she got up from her chair and went towards Yang Xinyu.     

Yang Xinyu was waiting for her to inch closer. With each step that she took towards him, he grew anxious. He wanted to spring out of his chair and catch her. He had been waiting for this day for so long. It had been five months of watching her from afar. Whenever he was in town and had time after office he would go to hospital Goldmine and walk in the gardens to catch a glimpse of Wu Lina. He would often go to the nurses' quarters and hide himself somewhere around so that no one could see him. On the weekends he would trail her to the computer classes. Those five months were a torture for him and today the wait was over. Wu Lina had joined the Yang Corporation sealing the contract. He was somewhat relaxed now that she was near him, under his watch. He thanked God a million times to serve Wu Lina to him by her being an employee.     

He squeezed her hand tightly and held her as if he wasn't going to leave her ever. Even though he had so much to tell her, all he managed to say was, 'How will you repay me?'.     

All the time while Wu Lina was working in the company those words kept ringing in her ears…     

Yang Xinyu had already instructed Bo Xilai that Wu Lina should be assigned to the department on his floor.     

For two months, Wu Lina had to undergo the training. Those two months, Yang Xinyu would come to the seventh floor on some pretexts so he could watch Wu Lina from the corner of his eyes. During those two months, the employees of the seventh floor were always on their toes!     

One of the days when Yang Xinyu had come on the seventh floor, he casually walked up to her cubicle. He saw that she was immersed in her work. Other female employees were flustered and vied for his attention. Being one of the wealthiest and powerful men in the country he was used to such kind of attention. He could get anything he wanted. Anything at all.     

For Yang Xinyu, being with Wu Lina was like a dream come true. She was a woman he loved but was now a forbidden fruit. He had waited for a long time to fulfill his desires of touching her, being with her and cherishing her all over again.     

"Good afternoon CEO Yang," said one of the employees fluttering her eyelashes evidently fallen for his charming looks.     

He nodded curtly at her and waited for Wu Lina to look up at him.     

Wu Lina looked up startled to hear his name. By mistake she entered wrong values in the code she had written meticulously since morning resulting into system crashing.     

Yang Xinyu watched the entire sequence and wanted to laugh loudly. But he controlled himself and instead insulted her. "Your incompetency is very evident. Why don't you take a tea break and continue working?"     

Wu Lina stood up slowly apologizing with her head down. She left her cubicle heading for the snack room. She didn't want to do anything with a man rough-around-the-edges.     

His gaze followed her to the snack room and then he went over there. She was pouring coffee for herself. "Can I also have some coffee?" he asked happy to have her alone.     

Wu Lina quietly poured the coffee for him. She was nervous. She wanted to get out of the room as quickly as possible. Handing him the coffee mug she walked around him to exit the room but he caught her by her arm.     

"How are you?"     

She nodded again.     

"How long will you stay like this – away from me?" he said and pulled her towards him.     

She resisted, struggling to break free from his grip. But she was a fragile creature who failed just when the door of the room opened and Zhou Zhili walked in. Before she could see them in that position, Yang Xinyu released her giving a dirty glare to Zhou Zhili.     

"CEO Yang, there's an urgent call for you from our American branch," she said giving him the cordless.     

Wu Lina trotted out of the room.     

From the start of the third month, she was sent to the ninth floor to officially work. Her cubicle was seated on the second row a little towards the right, but very close to Yang Xinyu's office.     

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