Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Bo Xilai Has Moved In!

Bo Xilai Has Moved In!

According to Zhou Zhili, CEO Yang Xinyu's personality had changed completely! Wu Lina surely made an impact on him.     

Zhou Zhili brought all the necessary documents to him and explained everything before taking her leave to meet Wu Lina.     

Yang Xinyu called Wu Lina and informed her that Zhou Zhili would be coming to meet her.     

"Thank you, Xinyu." She smiled. "I hope I am not interfering in your work…"     

"Pfft! Of course not! Zhou Zhili didn't have anything productive to do," he replied lightly. "I will come to have lunch with you," he added.     

"Okay, I'll wait for you." She was still smiling. She went back to her computer after disconnecting the call to save her work before Zhou Zhili arrives.     

Yang Xinyu didn't disturb Bo Xilai as he was with the Chairman. In actuality, he never had the intention to do so!     

Zhou Zhili was not only excited to meet Wu Lina, but she also wanted to see the lounge. She couldn't wait to meet her best friend. She was anxious and restless and wondered if Wu Lina felt the same. Both of them shared their personal spaces with each other. She remembered the good old days when she considered her to be a part of her family. Was Wu Lina the same as before…?     

With these thoughts, like a marathoner, she went and waited for a while to calm down before she knocked on the door of the lounge.     

Wu Lina jumped out of her seat to open the door. Both the friends squealed upon seeing each other. They were all tears and hugged each other tightly. None of them could control their emotions. Wu Lina held Zhou Zhili's hand and brought her in the room. They sat on the sofa, eager to catch up.     

"How are you doing, Wu Lina?"     

"I'm doing good!" Wu Lina answered, not willing to tell her about the case that Yang Xinyu's mother had slapped on her.     

"How are you, Zhou Zhili? It's been so long since we met! What are you doing these days and how is everything at home?"     

"So many questions? Haha." Zhou Zhili looked at her friend with interest.     

"I am also fine. My stupid brother might be visiting me so I might need your apartment's keys. I can't have him at my place," Zhou Zhili said, a little shyly.     

Wu Lina frowned. "Why is that?"     

"Umm…actually, Bo Xilai has moved in!"     

Wu Lina was surprised. No, shocked! She had the weirdest expression on her face! She stuttered and asked, "B…but…but…I mean…" she corrected herself before she blurted nonsense like 'You were setting him for me and I never thought you would be so interested.' "When did this happen?" she managed to ask.     

Zhou Zhili was again shy. "It happened when CEO Yang got you back from the Hotel Black Rose. That day I was supposed to come back with the CEO but he left in a hurry and so Bo Xilai dropped me back home. He stayed back because it was too late in the night."     

Wu Lina remembered her drunken stupor on that night at the hotel and blushed slightly but she hid her feelings immediately.     

"Then?" Wu Lina asked excitedly with a lot of interested and leaned towards Zhou Zhili, who now had a cushion in her embrace.     

"Then he came back the next day after office. We talked and talked. I felt so comfortable with him. There was so much common to talk about, you know, since we both are working in the same positions. A week later he kissed me on my lips saying that he couldn't resist me." Zhou Zhili grinned broadly and hid her face behind the cushion.     

"Awww… so cute! Then what happened?"     

"Bo Xilai took me out on a date and we realized that we couldn't stay without each other! Wu Lina, it has happened so quickly that even I can't believe it! I love him and he proclaimed that he loved me. So, that is definitely something. He moved in with me a few days back."     

"Congratulations Jie! This is the best news I have heard in a long time." Wu Lina removed the cushion from Zhou Zhili's lap and hugged her tight.     

She broke the hug after a while and asked, "Are you planning to marry?"     

"Yes, but in a few months. We want to give each other some time to test ourselves. But honestly, I already feel that he is the one for me. He makes such excellent food for me and I like to take care of him."     

"What do you do for him, Jie? Please tell me," said Wu Lina wondering what exactly is 'care' in a relationship and whether she was lacking in it.     

"Well, I go grocery shopping, take care of his clothes, his daily needs, whether big or small. But I love doing things for him and even a small thing makes me happy. Like that one day I ironed a shirt for him in the morning when he was in a hurry and his shirt was wrinkled because he had slept at my place. I made him dinner when he was tired, etc., etc. Wu Lina, there are many small things that I love to do for him," Zhou Zhili replied with a big smile.     

Zhou Zhili was feeling warm with the way Wu Lina was talking to her. Her friend hadn't forgotten her she was not acting proud or shallow even though she was now a part of the upper class of City H.     

Wu Lina, on the other hand, was contemplating on how to cater to Yang Xinyu's small needs. All of a sudden she had an idea and her eyes had a glint in them. She would prepare food for him with Mrs. Jiao's help!     

They continued to talk about the office project. "At what stage are we on the project? Has the quality team tested it?" asked Wu Lina.     

"Yes, the quality team has given a green signal to the project and we are good to go! The clients demanded an early delivery and I must say, Wu Lina, you've worked hard. That was impressive and every person on the team praised your contribution. CEO Yang was happiest," replied Zhou Zhili sweetly.     

Wu Lina lowered her eyes shyly. "I am happy that it is over. Otherwise I would have felt very guilty. Yang Xinyu is currently not allowing me to work. And I want to do some projects. Zhou Zhili, has the team received any new project? Can I work on it? Please let me know," Wu Lina begged her because she knew that Yang Xinyu would never tell her.     

"Of course they are working on it! It's a project about developing a software for defense purposes."     

"Oh great! I want to be a part of it," Wu Lina clasped her hands and said enthusiastically.     

"Yeah! It would be so good to have you back on the team, in the office!" said Zhou Zhili.     

But Wu Lina still had to convince Yang Xinyu, which would be a gargantuan effort, as he was not even allowing her to get out of the house, let alone go to the office. She sighed.     

"How is the CEO? Is he treating you well? I wanted to ask you for a long time," Zhou Zhili changed the topic.     

"Yes, he loves me so much that I am scared of losing him…" Wu Lina said with a tear in her left eye. "But I love him more," she laughed.     

"Has he proposed to you yet?"     

"No, but we will be getting engaged soon in front of his family."     

"Omo!" Zhou Zhili exclaimed. "When? Are you going to invite me? Even if you won't, I will come! Yay! I am so happy for you, Wu Lina."     

They laughed and talked about many other things related to the office and their future plans. They were so immersed in their conversation that none of them noticed that it was already lunchtime.     

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