Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Moonlight Residence

Moonlight Residence

She prodded him, "Okay, can you please come to my dinner party only one last time. You can bring her along with you… only this once… for the old times sake…"     

"I wish I could bring her…" he muttered under his breath.     

"I am not sure… I will have to check my schedule…"     

"Thanks!" exclaimed Ying Yue and left the office.     

Yang Xinyu called Zhou Zhili and instructed her never to entertain Ying Yue again.     

It was a Thursday, and he had no intention of going to her place.     

It was already lunchtime and he walked out of the office to see Wu Lina. She wasn't in her seat so he scanned the area and found her talking to some of her colleagues near the elevator. They were all waiting to go to the cafeteria. He strolled near them softly like a cat to hear the conversation.     

"Let's all go for a picnic this Sunday," said a girl enthusiastically.     

"Oh yes! That is a great idea," said Zhou Zhili, clasping her hands.     

"How about the amusement park?" one of them suggested.     

"Let's go to the Central Park," said another one.     

Wu Lina stood there patiently and said, "I can't join you. I have to attend a dinner party."     

"Oh! Where are you going Wu Lina?" They were surprised at her declaration.     

"Moonlight Residence," she replied gently.     

Yang Xinyu felt the impact of her statement as if he had fallen on the ground from ten feet above. It had knocked every wisp of air from his lungs. He forgot to breathe, totally stunned as the name of the building bounced around his head – 'Moonlight Residences'.     

'That's where Ying Yue lives. What has Wu Lina got to do with it?'     

His anxiety increased and he couldn't wait for the Sunday.     

He stalked her in the office on some or the other pretext on Friday. He thought that perhaps she would go to someone else's house, but then again Wu Lina knew very less people in the town. He wanted to know whether she was really going to Ying Yue's house or elsewhere. Even though he never confirmed Ying Yue, he had made up his mind to go to her dinner party only to check whether Wu Lina showed up.     

On Sunday, Yang Xinyu got dressed early and parked his car at a distance from Ying Yue's residence at about 7pm. He waited for Wu Lina to show. He must have waited for another hour when a shiny black car screeched in front of her house. To his surprise, he saw Yan Xiaojun stepping out of it. Yan Xiaojun walked across to the passenger seat and opened the door. Wu Lina emerged from there, leaving Yang Xinyu shocked gasping for air.     

They entered the bungalow together. Yang Xinyu was seething. He stepped out of his car, banged the door and walked fast towards them in order to hold her hand and drag her away from there. But by the time he reached the gate, they had already gone inside. Following them he reached the main living room where the party was being held.     

He looked around but couldn't find them. Ying Yue approached him, "Yang Xinyu, I am so glad you came here."     

She was all smiles and tried to hug him but he steered clear. So she held his hand and took him to the bar where she offered him a glass of wine. She guided him to the center of the room where a large semi-circular sofa was seating over ten people.     

"Sit here, Xinyu," she said affectionately while giving a pointy look to someone.     

Yang Xinyu followed her gaze and to his utter surprise saw Yan Xiaojun sitting in the middle of the sofa along with Wu Lina. His blood drained from face, mouth opened like a goldfish, his eyes unblinking, and his face stuck in an incredulous expression. Their eyes met and locked the gaze. Wu Lina quivered, and her brain became numb.     

Yan Xiaojun looked at him and smirked and then offered Wu Lina some snacks, which she refused.     

Yang Xinyu kept standing there, glued to the ground. Neither of them could move. A waiter came with another round of wine. He picked the glass and poured it down his throat in one go. He must have had four glasses when he finally excused himself and left the party. Wu Lina looked at him with a sad expression.     

He reached his car. Unable to think straight, he stood there, paralyzed and unable to comprehend what just occurred. He opened the car and before he knew it, he was standing in the bar of the nightclub at the House of Fengs.     

He drained half a bottle of whiskey. Images of Wu Lina sitting with Yan Xiaojun were bouncing in his mind. 'So this was the reason why she stayed away from me? No! It can't be possible!'     

His reasoning was getting clouded with each sip his system absorbed. Wu Lina had betrayed him with none other than Yan Xiaojun…     

It was almost past two in the night. He contemplated going home but the thought filled him loathe. Instead, he decided to go to the lounge in the office. He got up to leave but he stumbled and fell on the floor.     

The bartender immediately rushed to his side and picked him up. "Sir, do you need help? Should we arrange a driver for you?"     

"No, I am fine…" he slurred.     

He managed to come down to his car and drove up to the office building. He took the elevator to his lounge and saw Wu Lina sitting over there at that time of the night. A dim light overhead had lit her milky white skin.     

'What a devil behind those looks!' he thought. He wanted to go far away from her but his feet carried him to her. Every single cell in his body was attracted to her. 'Why are you provoking me Wu Lina? I hate myself for falling in love with a woman as vicious as you.'     

He went towards her, "Why are you sitting here alone? Are you trying to seduce me?" He had lugged her to his room.     

'Wu Lina, you are mine,' that's all he had in mind when he lost control.     

'You wanted to repay me…' He had forced himself on her not able to accept anyone else except him in her life.     


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