Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Murmur of Gossip

Murmur of Gossip

For Wu Lina, it was a foreign world. She gaped at the massive beauty of the place while walking down with Yang Xinyu.     

Yang Xinyu led her through the stream of crowd to the minister first to convey his greetings. The Chairman was already standing there along with his mother. His mother was surprised to see Wu Lina but she remained quiet in front of the minister.     

Wu Lina bowed in front of the minister and also greeted the Chairman and Mrs. Yang. Although Chairman returned the greetings, Mrs. Yang ignored her.     

After the pleasantries were exchanged, Yang Xinyu steered Wu Lina out of their company. They came to stand near the table that was assigned to them. Ten people could be seated around the table, and the Chairman and the CEO of the Yang Corporation were supposed to sit together. Wu Lina sat there graciously with Yang Xinyu. Many other prominent businessmen came and greeted Yang Xinyu. Wu Lina would politely nod her head when he introduced them to her.     

Far in the crowd, somebody was watching them from the corner of his eyes. Wu Lina's gaze fell on him and she immediately recognized him. ''Lai Mingxin!'' she waved at him. He smiled and waved back.     

Yang Xinyu became curious as to whom she was waving at. He looked back and asked her, "Who was that?"     

"Lai Mingxin. He's an old acquaintance. I didn't know I would see him here. Let's go and meet him later." She was excited to see him after a long time. The last she had met him was at Ying Yue's party.     

Yang Xinyu nodded. The minister started his speech when everybody was seated.     

The Chairman and his wife came to sit a little later just before the speech had started. Mrs. Yang who sat near Wu Lina sniggered at Wu Lina in a low voice, "Have you ever seen this kind of a gathering? Do you think you can even be a part of this society? I know you are after the luxury and money. Leave my son and I will make sure you become a consort of one of these wealthy people here. Not only that, I will also personally give you a large amount of money, and a good apartment to stay."     

Wu Lina felt like crying but she restrained herself and looked away.     

The minister finished his speech and the dinner was served. People around the table burst into light chatter. Yang Xinyu was busy talking to a business tycoon on his left who was into shipping industry.     

Wu Lina kept her gaze down, when all of a sudden, she heard a clank. Before she could realize what happened, her dress was soiled with soup. It was burning. She looked up to find that Mrs. Yang's bowl had fallen on her dress, the hot liquid burning her inner thigh. It was searing hot. Wu Lina whimpered in pain and got up from her chair. Every gentleman got from the chair too. Their wives broke into a murmur of gossip.     

"Oh my God! Look at Yang Chún qiàn. She has spilled soup on her son's fiancé!"     

"She is so cruel."     

"Poor girl. Her skin must have burnt."     

"She spilled the soup on purpose."     

"I think there is an issue between the Yang family members. The son doesn't live with them anymore."     

"This girl has seduced the young master. I have heard she was a nurse. How can she even think of sitting between the high society people?"     

"Yang Chún qiàn did the right thing. That girl should know her place!"     

"No. I think this was a brazen act. She should have done this in such a gathering."     

Yang Xinyu shot a glance at his mother and instantaneously took Wu Lina out of the room excusing himself. His mother gave him an impassive glance and shrugged, "Sorry."     

Walking as properly as she could, she went to the bathroom. Yang Xinyu stood outside and waited for her. He leaned against the wall with his head resting against it. He tapped his head on the wall wondering how he put Wu Lina in this situation. He decided to move his wedding to an earlier date.     

Wu Lina came out. Her dress was drenched with water and she was still in pain as her skin was still burning. They left the venue and went straight to a nearby hospital.     

The doctor who attended her said, "You got her at the right time."     

"Will she get scarred?" asked Yang Xinyu.     

"Yes, there will be a temporary scar as the burn is not deep. She will heal in a few weeks. It will be painful today and there will be a burning sensation, but it will subside by tomorrow. Don't worry," he said in an assuring way.     

Wu Lina managed to stay calm, as Yang Xinyu had fussed more than necessary for her.     

No one talked on their way back home. There was an awkward silence. When they reached home, Wu Lina changed her dress and went to bed without saying anything. She questioned herself – how much is enough before she would retaliate? Would she keep getting subjected to his mother's torture? A slight headache began before she drifted off to sleep.     

Yang Xinyu also changed and slept without disturbing her, a guilt enveloping him…     

He felt as if he had stepped over a child who was sleeping on a sidewalk. He wanted to save this kid, who had no one to support her. He loved her crazily. But he couldn't save her from his overbearing mother. What should he do? It bothered him and his face contorted in agony. It appeared as if he had done something pretty awful. There was no justification. He wanted so many amendments but he knew that there was worse coming. If he left her, she would be trampled. He had to cut down on his mother's viciousness. He looked at her. She was sleeping but it obviously wasn't a comfortable one. Her pink cheeks were now pale, her hair messily spread across the pillow.     

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