Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Father is Great!

Father is Great!

His love nourished her body and soul. The process of recovery was more cruel than what she had ever read in fiction. For Yang Xinyu, it was a pain he endured every hour, an every hour battle where he could not afford to lose hope.     

Wu Lina saw the novel 'Pride and Prejudice' on the bedside table. "Were you reading that?"     

He nodded.     

"Did you like it?"     

"I love it. I love you."     

She looked up at him and saw the pain in his eyes. Bringing her hand to his face, she said, "Don't be so worried. I am fine."     

He hugged her tighter. "My world stopped, Wu Lina, when I saw you lying unconscious here. I can't forgive myself for putting you in this situation. I could never imagine mother would pull this act. She was never this vicious. I am sorry, baby," he said softly.     

She stroked his hair and then brought her finger to his lips to say, 'Shush…" and went back to his warm chest, her home.     

They stayed like that for a long time without speaking anything until Wu Lina felt tired. He left her and propped up the pillows for her to make her as comfortable as possible.     

"Go and shave," she laughed faintly. "I want my handsome looking boyfriend back."     

Smiling at her, he stood up and placed a call to the driver to bring some fresh clothes for him.     

Although Wu Lina was weak, Yang Xinyu felt strengthened. It was as if the gods granted him a second life.     

The driver came half an hour later with a pair of fresh clothes.     

When Yang Xinyu came out of the shower, he looked his usual stunning self. He saw that Wu Lina had fallen asleep so without disturbing her, he tiptoed out of the room only to find the Chairman walking down towards their room.     


"I must speak with both of you," said the Chairman in an urgent tone, turning the doorknob and walking inside the room.     

He saw that Wu Lina was sleeping. Yang Xinyu, who was a bit hesitant, followed him inside, walked up to Wu Lina and shook her lightly on shoulders. She woke up instantly to see that the Chairman was standing next to Yang Xinyu. She sat up immediately with the help from Xinyu.     

"How are you feeling, dear child?" asked the Chairman kindly.     

Her trademark faint smile appeared on her face, "I am fine, uncle." She was grateful that he visited her in the hospital.     

The Chairman nodded slightly, and without wasting time he said, "I want you both to be engaged by next week."     

Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu's expressions were priceless. There was a moment of surprise, followed by shock and then there was silence. Words left them. Staring at the Chairman who was getting nervous in anticipation, they fell silent. "Did you lose your voices? Respond!" he said it loudly.     

Wu Lina's lips refused to move. She had been dreaming about this moment from a long time, yet when it was there, she couldn't speak a word.     

The Chairman pointed a finger at Yang Xinyu who was all smiles, "Fine, don't speak. Just be engaged by next week and we'll hold the wedding a week after that. So tell me, did you still want The Eight Stefaltos for your wedding? Because I got them!" he inquired.     

The Eight Stefaltos was a band Yang Xinyu had listened to in high school and expressed a desire to have at his wedding in the future. To think his father would remember such an insignificant detail, Yang Xinyu was truly stumped.     

Yang Xinyu looked at Wu Lina's surprised face and laughed before walking over to his father and embracing him. "Yes, father!"     

Wu Lina searched her mind to say something reasonable, "Uncle is the best!"     

The Chairman pulled his son away and looked at Wu Lina. "What's this uncle nonsense? Call me father," ordered the Chairman while giving her a sad frown.     

"Father is great!" she managed to say before breaking into a lovely grin.     

"Wait, how did upgrading from 'uncle' to 'father' downgrade the 'best' to 'great'?" One side of his frown tilted upwards in confusion.     

Wu Lina chuckled at his question. "I have a father, too, after all!" The Chairman smiled at Wu Lina's response.     

"Good girl!"     

The Chairman dug into his pocket and extracted a red packet for her. Handing it over to her, he said warmly, "I heartily welcome you into my family, Wu Lina."     

Wu Lina nodded excitedly while Yang Xinyu looked at his father benevolently.     

The Chairman was super excited. He had so many things on agenda now that Yang Xinyu couldn't leave Wu Lina's side. "Okay, Yang Xinyu, you don't have to worry about the preparations. The engagement will be held at the old family house. I want both of you to dress up and come there to get engaged.     

I have called also Yang Chen Lin and Sebastian. Although they're already engaged, as Sebastian couldn't wait, I still called them to announce the relationship," said the Chairman in one breath. Seeing that both of their faces were beaming with joy, he smiled. He turned to leave but stopped in tracks. "Oh! One more thing – don't worry about your mother. I am shipping her off to an unknown island," he chuckled, leaving the audience with a gaping mouth, and strolled out of the room leisurely.     

When Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina were left alone, he asked her while sitting near her, "Do I make you happy?"     

"More than happy," she replied, knowing that it was a corny question.     

He became eager to ask more. "What did you think of me when you first saw me?"     

Wu Lina smirked. This guy was on a cheesy corny trail today! "I thought you are a dumb guy," she said biting her lower lip. "I wish I would have loved someone else."     

Yang Xinyu narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you wish to die?"     

"What? Is that how you speak to your future wife? I will call the Chairman and let him know!"     

"You better listen to all my commands from now on Wu Lina, and be a good wife," he said, trying to show that he owned her.     

"Nah… I'll just go and have fun with all my friends now that you are already mine," she said, teasing him further, now breaking into laughter.     

Yang Xinyu was peeved. He caught her in his arms tightly and said, "And you are mine and all your fun belongs to me!"     

"If this is your idea of romance, then I agree," she replied with a smile looking at him affectionately enjoying his possessiveness.     

"Do you remember the first time I kissed you?" asked Yang Xinyu.     

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