Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

No! You Can’t.

No! You Can’t.

Wu Lina reached home at about 3pm. She was exhausted mentally and physically. She went to her bedroom and without changing her dress she went to lie on the bed.     

Her identity was in question? She had gone to meet Ying Yue thinking about her father Wu Yi-Zheng but what was completely shocked by what she told her. Was she really half Bulgarian? Neither of her parents had any Bulgarian heritage. She wanted to go to meet her mom now more than ever. The man in photo was haunting her mind ever since. She wanted a DNA test. She wanted answers to her questions.     

While thinking her mind wandered to how would it have been had her mother stayed back in Bulgaria. She was worried that if Yang Xinyu would come to know, will he accept her? Will his family accept her? She couldn't part with Yang Xinyu. It was the most gut-wrenching thought. She started sobbing once again. She could never tell Yang Xinyu about her heritage.     

Her mom never told her anything about her different looks. Her eyes and her breasts were larger than the other women around her. She always thought that she was lucky to have big eyes.     

At one point of time she wanted to meet her biological father. Do I look even a little like him? Who do I look like? She focused on her memory of the photo Ying Yue showed wondering if she had any resemblance with him. She got up from the bed and started circling her bedroom, then going to the balcony and coming back, shaking her head at every resemblance she could think of with the man in the photo, Vladimir Yankov.     

She decided to meet her mother as soon as possible.     

It was already evening 7pm and the bedroom was still masked in darkness with Wu Lina sitting in on the bed propped up on the pillows and a hand on her forehead. When Yang Xinyu came home he was surprised to see that there was no light in the bedroom. He switched it on to see that Wu Lina was on bed.     

He went to the bed and sat beside her. Removing her hand from her forehead he saw that her lovely face had a frown. The cheeks were washed with tears. Wu Lina opened her eyes and looked at him coming out of her reverie. She hugged him immediately.     

"Xinyu, I love you. You won't leave me, no matter what?"     

He hugged her back, his heart sensing trouble "Wu Lina, I won't darling, ever." He patted her back.     

"Have you eaten anything?"     

Wu Lina shook her head.     

"Let's have dinner and sleep early today. I want my fiancé to look fresh and beautiful on her engagement. Ha ha"     

Wu Lina smiled and got up from the bed to take a shower.     

Over dinner she told him, "Yang Xinyu, I want to go to see my mother as soon as possible."     

"Sure, do you want to invite her for the engagement?"     


"That would be great Wu Lina. We can invite your father too."     

Wu Lina cringed. "Okay."     

"Okay, let's go tomorrow. We can go in the morning the first thing," he said with a warm smile. He was happy that Wu Lina wanted to invite her family. He hoped that they accepted her. "I want to go and meet them with you and introduce myself."     

Wu Lina snapped, "No! You can't."     

Yang Xinyu chopsticks froze midair, "Why?" He was bewildered by her sudden anger.     

"I told you, I want to face this alone." Wu Lina was now breathing heavily trying to keep her cool while feeling very nervous inside.     

"Okay Wu Lina," said Yang Xinyu with a shrug. "What time do you want to go?"     

"I wanted to go alone…"     

"No Wu Lina, I will go with you, and that's it!" His voice was too strict for her to deny.     

"Okay, in that case can you park the car at a distance and stay inside it?" said Wu Lina while keeping her eyes on her food.     

Yang Xinyu narrowed his eyes. He didn't argue and said, 'I will…"     

"What time do you want to go?" He asked after a while.     

"We can start in the morning at 8am. Is that okay with you?"     

Noticing that Wu Lina was only too nervous rather than excited he felt awkward. "Yes, okay."     

Wu Lina continued eating in silence whilst Yang Xinyu gave her occasional glances. He could sense that something was off with her. 'What is wrong Wu Lina? Are you hiding something from me?' His suspicions increased.     

After dinner none of them wanted to sleep. Wu Lina retracted in her world leaving Yang Xinyu with no choice other than going to the study to check his office emails. When he came back Wu Lina had slept.     

Wu Lina woke up very early at 5am that morning. She had so many questions in her mind that she had to ask. She became fidgety. She tiptoed out of the bedroom without disturbing Yang Xinyu.     

She went to the kitchen to prepare tea for herself without wanting to wake up Mrs. Jiao. She took the tea to the poolside and leaned on the railing while sipping it and watching the city beneath. Her mind wandered back to the man in photo. What would he be doing right now? She developed a queasy feeling in her stomach.     

At 8am sharp the driver started the engine of the Porsche to go to Wu Lina's parent's place, which was located in the suburbs. It had been over four years since Wu Lina had visited her parents. Naturally she became nervous and wondered whether they would even welcome her. However, she anticipated that by the time they would reach, her father would have left for his job and brother for his school. Thinking about her younger brother Wu Lina smiled. 'He must have grown taller.'     

That was the only smile Yang Xinyu saw on her face since yesterday. They drove in silence. Wu Lina was contemplating on how to greet her mother and how to breach the subject of her biological father.     

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