Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

My Eyes Will be on You

My Eyes Will be on You

Vladimir looked at his daughter who was now smiling. "What do you want, Lina?" he asked omitting 'Wu' from her name?"     

Wu Lina smiled and said, "Let them go. I have no issues whatsoever now."     

He smiled back at her benevolently and patted her head, "Okay."     

Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief, as she knew fully well what Vladimir was capable of doing.     

"I would like to officially make you my daughter, Lina. You should be known as Lina Yankova, and not Wu Lina," continued Vladimir, feeling a sudden surge of love and affection for his daughter.     

Wu Lina panicked a little. She hesitated because she was not sure if Yang Xinyu would accept her if he came to know who her father was. But the idea was extremely appealing to her.     

Vladimir noticed her hesitation and thought that perhaps he dived into all this too fast. He was afraid that he would push away Lina… no, Lina Yankova. A grin broke on his face. He wanted to announce to the world that his heir apparent was present in this world and no one could mess with him. All his property would now belong to her. In that short time he had made future plans for her. He would marry her off to Aleksander Antov, his right hand man who had accompanied him to China. That ways he would be able to keep Lina next to him and also manage his vast empire.     

Aleksander Antov had come along with Vladimir despite knowing fully well that danger was lurking around him. Vladimir had to bribe a lot of government officials with millions of Yuan in order to visit the country to confirm his doubts as to whether his child existed. Aleksander was so possessive and protective about Vladimir that he couldn't let him come alone. He was responsible for all the security that surrounded in the area.     

Outside in the car, Yang Xinyu was getting anxious. He wanted to go inside the house to see how Wu Lina was doing. He was constantly looking at the black cars parked outside and the blond man who was continuously smoking. He must have smoked a packet now. He was very handsome and appeared as if keeping a watch on someone.     

Lu Shiming in the other car was getting apprehensive. The miss was getting late unreasonably. It had been half an hour since she went in. He dialed a number.     

In the house while Vladimir was making plans to give Wu Lina her authentic title, he received a call from Aleksander who was standing out of the house. "Boss, you need to get out now. We have received a call from one of our men that the police will be here any moment."     

Vladimir cursed him on the phone in Bulgarian. He had bribed the government officials so much, yet the police was out on his trail. He just didn't want to go. He was cherishing his daughter. He had met Wenqian after ages of searching for them. This was the moment he had waited for all those years. But his reasoning returned and he made a decision.     

"Lina Yankova, I have to go. Come with me," said Vladimir taking his chances.     

Wu Lina eyes widened. She shook her head. How could she leave her country on an impulse? "No, I can't," she replied firmly but politely.     

"Okay, child. But promise me that next time when I come to visit you, you will have to come with me. Or I will take you to your home in Bulgaria by force." Vladimir couldn't help threatening.     

Wu Lina nodded.     

"I have to go now, child." He couldn't say that the police was on his trail.     

With one last kiss on her forehead, he looked at Wenqian and said, "I am forever indebted to you for giving birth to my child. Wenqian, I will grant you whatever you had ever wished for in this life. And see that my child never gets hurt."     

"Lina Yankova, even when I am not around you, my eyes will be on you. Today, by chance we have met at your mother's house while I was searching for you, otherwise I would have come to you after a few days. Don't ever worry. No one will be able to hurt you ever now, and that's my promise."     

Saying that, Vladimir Yankov rose from his seat. "Wenqian, can you please show me your backyard?"     

Wenqian was surprised by his question but said, "Sure", and got up to show him the backyard. She asked Wu Lina to wait for her.     

Vladimir walked out of there leaving Wu Lina dazed. 'Why is he going to the backyard?'     

Wenqian leaded him to the backyard. She saw that Vladimir exited from the small gate that was present over there. Not understanding his decision to exit from the back side of house, Webqian just shook her head and bade him goodbye.     

"I'll come back soon," he said with a smile.     

In a few minutes, one could hear car engines starting and whirring away speedily.     

When Wenqian came back Wu Lina asked, "Where has pa... papa... gone?" she felt slightly strange calling him that but he was her father and she was titled when she called him papa. She wanted to get used to the word 'papa'. Her only predicament was how would she disclose this information to Yang Xinyu...     

Outside, Lu Shiming's faint smile upon observing the cars going, was caught by his men. They were surprised. Their boss had never had such a soft expression on his face!     

Wu Lina had had a rollercoaster of a day! She turned to her mother and shrieked out of excitement. "Mother, thank you for raising me so well. I want to thank father also for taking care of me knowing that I am not his daughter. Now I have no regrets," she added with misty eyes.     

Wenqian hugged her daughter tightly.     

After a few minutes when they had settled Wu Lina wanted to divulge her news. She held her mother's hands. "Mother, I have news for you," said Wu Lina with a flushed face.     

"What is it, Wu Lina?" asked Wenqian who had stood to go the kitchen and prepare lunch for her daughter. After all her daughter had come after such a long time and how could she let her go without eating.     

"I am getting engaged on Sunday."     

"Really? Wu Lina, I am so happy!" Wenqian almost shouted cheerfully.     

"Who is the lucky boy?" she asked.     

"His name is Yang Xinyu. He is the CEO of the Yang Corporation."     

"Omo! Wu Lina, how did that happen?"     

"Mother, it just happened. We have been living together for almost a month now and his father wants us married as soon as possible." Wu Lina told her shortly, not wanting to reveal all the controversies that surrounded her during that time.     

"Mother, I want you, father and brother to come and grace the occasion."     

Wenqian beamed and said, "Of course, Wu Lina." She patted her daughter's head lovingly. Even though Wu Lina had not been with them for four years, it just seemed like yesterday. Now that she was getting married, Wenqian felt that her daughter would leave her forever. She felt empty.     

"You sit here, Wu Lina. I will be right back."     

Wenqian went in to the bedroom and fetched a red packet for her. "I had been saving some money all these years for you ever since you left us. I wanted to give this cash to you whenever we met in order to help you, Wu Lina. You had left the house because of cash crunch and I could not help you. So I decided to save as much possible and give you all that."     

Wu Lina looked at the red packet and said, "Thank you." Her eyes became watery again.     

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